Today, precisely one year ahead of the European elections, the EFA bureau is meeting in #Udine #Friuli to finalize the strategy and the electoral manifesto. Yesterday we learned about the reality of the Slovenian minority in #FriuliVeneziaGiulia #EuropeOfAllPeoples
#Udine #Friuli #friuliveneziagiulia #EuropeOfAllPeoples
Avui, quan just queda un any per les eleccions europees, l’executiva de l’ALE ens reunim a #Udine #Friuli per concretar l’estratègia i el manifest electoral. Ahir vàrem conèixer la realitat de la minoria eslovena al #FriuliVeneziaGiulia #EuropeOfAllPeoples
#Udine #Friuli #friuliveneziagiulia #EuropeOfAllPeoples
Con i colleghi eurodeputati @PediciniEu e @F_Alfonsi oggi a Napoli ho spiegato perché dall'ALE al Parlamento europeo lavoriamo per un'Unione Europea dove la diversità realmente esistente e il diritto di decidere di tutti i popoli siano rispettati e promossi #EuropeOfAllPeoples
Amb els companys eurodiputats @PediciniEu i @F_Alfonsi avui he explicat a Nàpols perquè des de l’ALE al Parlament Europeu treballem per una Unió Europea on s’hi respecti i promogui la diversitat realment existent i el dret a decidir de tots els pobles #EuropeOfAllPeoples
RT @rgaroby: Today in Pontevedra, Galicia, in presence of the Mayor of #Bastia @PierreSavelli - @Cita_Bastia, EFA-family organizes a conference on local policy and how to build a better Europe #EuropeOfAllPeoples
@anamirandapaz @obloque @jordisolef @lorenalacalleA
@GreensEFA & @EFAparty
RT @rgaroby: Today in Pontevedra, Galicia, in presence of the Mayor of #Bastia @PierreSavelli - @Cita_Bastia, EFA-family organizes a conference on local policy and how to build a better Europe #EuropeOfAllPeoples
@anamirandapaz @obloque @jordisolef @lorenalacalleA
@GreensEFA & @EFAparty
RT @EFAparty: We srtive for a Europe where everyone is free to be themselves. The EU has to include, protect and defend always the rights of all its citizens. Our differences also enrich a #EuropeOfAllPeoples! #Pride 🇪🇺 🏳️🌈
As part of our self-determination and multilevel governance campaing, we have prepared this video on the Åland Islands’ path towards autonomy. From the Greens/EFA group are working towards a #EuropeOfAllPeoples 🤝
Find out more about our Campaing here:
RT @GreensEFA: Building a #EuropeOfAllPeoples!💜
We want a diverse Europe. A Union that respects minorities, individuals, stateless nations and their right to #SelfDetermination.🇪🇺
Today, we are launching our Greens/EFA campaign to put multilevel governance on the EU agenda.💥
#EuropeOfAllPeoples #SelfDetermination
Molt orgullosa de compartir espai polític amb @GreensEFA i @EFAparty. Persones d'arreu que es deixen la pell per defensar una Europa verda, feminista, inclusiva i democràtica. I, això, també significa defensar sense pèls a la llengua l'autodeterminació a Europa. Proud of you💚💜
RT @GreensEFA: Building a #EuropeOfAllPeoples!💜
We want a diverse Europe. A Union that respects minorities, individuals, stateless nations and their righ…
I take great pride in sharing our political space with the @GreensEFA & @EFAparty. People from all over the continent who stand up for a green, feminist, inclusive and democratic Europe.
And that also means defending self-determination in Europe without mincing words 💚💜
RT @GreensEFA: Building a #EuropeOfAllPeoples!💜
We want a diverse Europe. A Union that respects minorities, individuals, stateless nations and their right to …
RT @jordisolef: Avui engeguem la campanya #EuropeofallPeoples! Construïm una Europa més diversa i que respecti les minories, els pobles i el dret d'autodeterminació de les nacions sense estat‼️
Building a #EuropeOfAllPeoples!💜
We want a diverse Europe. A Union that respects minorities, individuals, stateless nations and their right to #SelfDetermination.🇪🇺
Today, we are launching our Greens/EFA campaign to put multilevel governance on the EU agenda.💥
#EuropeOfAllPeoples #SelfDetermination
Avui engeguem la campanya #EuropeofallPeoples! Construïm una Europa més diversa i que respecti les minories, els pobles i el dret d'autodeterminació de les nacions sense estat‼️
RT @GreensEFA: Building a #EuropeOfAllPeoples!💜
We want a diverse Europe. A Union that respects minorities, individuals, stateless nations and their right to #SelfDetermination.🇪🇺
Today, we are launching our Greens/EFA campaign to put multilevel governance on the EU agenda.💥
#EuropeOfAllPeoples #SelfDetermination
Costruire una #EuropeOfAllPeoples!Vogliamo un'Europa diversa. Un'Unione che rispetti le minoranze, gli individui e il diritto all'#Autodeterminazione.🇪🇺
Oggi lanciamo la nostra campagna Verdi/ALE per inserire la governance multilivello nell'agenda dell'UE
@GreensEFA @EFAparty
#EuropeOfAllPeoples #Autodeterminazione