EU needs 90% emissions cut by 2040, say climate advisers
#climate #emissions #EUGreenDeal #Europe #solarpowered #renewables #windpower #EuropeanClimateLaw #EuropeanScientificAdvisoryBoardonClimate
#europeanscientificadvisoryboardonclimate #EuropeanClimateLaw #windpower #renewables #solarpowered #Europe #EUGreenDeal #emissions #climate
RT @TimmermansEU: One year since adoption of the #EuropeanClimateLaw, we need to put in place the measures to uphold it. We've had floods, droughts, tornadoes and forest fires across Europe: the climate crisis is here already and no EU citizen needs to be convinced of this
#EuropeanClimateLaw #Fitfor55 #EUGreenDeal
RT @TimmermansEU: One year since adoption of the #EuropeanClimateLaw, we need to put in place the measures to uphold it. We've had floods, droughts, tornadoes and forest fires across Europe: the climate crisis is here already and no EU citizen needs to be convinced of this
#EuropeanClimateLaw #Fitfor55 #EUGreenDeal
RT @TimmermansEU: One year since adoption of the #EuropeanClimateLaw, we need to put in place the measures to uphold it. We've had floods, droughts, tornadoes and forest fires across Europe: the climate crisis is here already and no EU citizen needs to be convinced of this
#EuropeanClimateLaw #Fitfor55 #EUGreenDeal
EU Green Deal: Neues Klimagesetz scheitert noch vor dem Start!
#Blog Eintrag von Clemens Grossberger
Die #EU ist dabei, das #EuropeanClimateLaw fertigzustellen – das ist die gesetzliche Umsetzung des #GreenDeal|s. Es hat das Potenzial, eines der größten Werkzeuge Europas zur Bewältigung der #KlimaKrise zu werden.
Leider blockiert der Europäische Rat, bestehend aus den Umweltminister*innen der Mitgliedsländer, die Aufnahme stärkerer Klimaschutzmaßnahmen.
#blog #eu #EuropeanClimateLaw #greendeal #KlimaKrise