Happy #EuropeanDayofLanguages! 🗨️
🎉 Today we celebrate linguistic diversity, a priority for the EU administration.
👀 Check out our guidelines to the EU institutions on the use of 🇪🇺 languages when communicating with the public 👉 http://ombudsman.europa.eu/publication/en/129519?utm_source=some_EO&utm_medium=tw_organic&utm_campaign=EDLangs22
#EuropeanDayOfLanguages #EDLangs22 #EDLangs
When I was little, I was obsessed with little dictionaries & the fact that people spoke different languages. At school, I was blessed to have a teacher who saw and encouraged it. My kids are bilingual with my son working on a third. It opens up the world.
RT @coe
🎉 Today is the European Day of Languages 🎉
It's a celebration of the rich tapestry of languages which make our continent so special. Diversity is our str…
How were #FundamentalRights best protected in the EU in 2021?
The key findings from our #RightsReport2022 reveals all. And now in all official EU languages.
🎉Celebrating #EuropeanDayOfLanguages #EDL22
Order your copy now:👇
#FundamentalRights #RightsReport2022 #EuropeanDayOfLanguages #EDL22
ha impulsat @llenguacatEU:
The best way to celebrate the #EuropeanDayOfLanguages is to respect the 50 million europeans that speak a regional or minority language.
❗️ We are not second class citizens!
✅ Let’s make Catalan the 25th official language of the EU
2021-09-26 09:32:01
#EuropeanDayOfLanguages #WhereIsCatalan
📆 Avui diumenge 26/9, Dia Europeu de les Llengües, reivindica l’oficialitat del català a Europa!
📱 Cridem els usuaris a fer publicacions a les xarxes socials amb les etiquetes #DiaEuropeuDeLesLlengües, #EuropeanDayOfLanguages i #NoOfficialNoExist.
👉 http://plataforma-llengua.cat/nooficials
2021-09-26 06:00:44
#diaeuropeudelesllengües #EuropeanDayOfLanguages #NoOfficialNoExist
Reclamem la evident oficialitat que deuria tindre com a llengua Europea, ja que es tracta de la 13 llengua més parlada en l'àmbit europeu, estan per davant d'altres llengües amb menys parlants però si reconegudes per la UE, com ho són el maltès, l'estonià, l'eslovè, el letó, i així fins a 12 llengües oficialitzades amb menys parlants.
Continuarem usant amb la evident normalitat que li pertoca a una llengua tan parlada com la nostra.
@coe #EuropeanDayOfLanguages #NoOfficialNoExist
#EuropeanDayOfLanguages #NoOfficialNoExist