Samarbetsavtal med tredjeland är en viktig samarbetsform för EU. MEN! Det får inte ske till vilket pris som helst, och det får inte bli ett verktyg för den yttersta högern att leverera på sina vallöften om minskad migration till EU till varje pris.
Därför var vi några…
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Karen Melchior @karmel80: When Tunisian government allows serious abuse against Black African migrants and asylum seekers, rounds up political opponents, curbs judicial independence and crushes freedom of expression and assembly, what does the EU do? Promise partnership and money. #Tunisia #europeanvalues
Re @mounirsatouri @hrw @JuttaUrpilainen @OliverVarhelyi #tunisia #eudk #europeanvalues @carolinaka
#Tunisia #eudk #EuropeanValues
Re @mounirsatouri @hrw @JuttaUrpilainen @OliverVarhelyi #tunisia #eudk #europeanvalues @carolinakamil
#Tunisia #eudk #EuropeanValues
Moldova, 2 weeks ago. Poland, this week.
People are ready to come out for #Europe and for the values of the free world.
#europeanvalues #EUvalues #moldova #poland #Marsz4czerwca
Photo sources: /
#Europe #EuropeanValues #EUvalues #Moldova #Poland #Marsz4Czerwca
🕧12:30 Latvijas prezidents Egils Levits (@valstsgriba) uzrunās Eiropas Parlamentu - par Eiropas vērtībām, par brīvu Ukrainu, par demokrātijas un taisnīguma uzvaru.
🎙️Uzruna tiešsaistē būs skatāma šeit:
🇪🇺#EuropeanValues 🇺🇦#StandWithUkraine
#EuropeanValues #StandWithUkraine
🔴 Šodien plkst. 12.30 pēc 🇱🇻 laika skaties tiešraidē Latvijas Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita @valstsgriba uzrunu Eiropas Parlamentā Strasbūrā ➡️
🇪🇺 #EPsesija | @Rigas_pils
RT @AWalterDrop: All set for the @europarl_en #EPlenary today. Expecting a strong statement in support of #EuropeanValues from @valstsgriba at 11:30 💪🇪🇺@Europarl_LV
#EPsesija #EPlenary #EuropeanValues
RT &'s #EuropeanValues(TM) in action in #Greece: Desperate refugees, fearing return to war-torn Syria, left without help for a week, with masked men kidnapping and disappearing four youths.
Last week I returned to #Lesvos for Amir & Akif's appeal, and after nearly three gruelling years they were at last set free. I am glad at their release. But it is an outrage that migrants continue to be criminalised and tortured in #Greece. Are these our #EuropeanValues???
RT @ClareDalyMEP: Freedom at last for Amir Zahiri & Akif Rasuli, jailed for over 2 & a half years in Greek jails under notorious smuggling laws... EU values? Mixed mood here in the courtroom in…
#Lesvos #Greece #EuropeanValues
RT @ClareDalyMEP: Last week I returned to #Lesvos for Amir & Akif's appeal, and after nearly three gruelling years they were at last set free. I am glad at their release. But it is an outrage that migrants continue to be criminalised and tortured in #Greece. Are these our #EuropeanValues???
#Lesvos #Greece #EuropeanValues
Last week I returned to #Lesvos for Amir & Afik's appeal, and after nearly three gruelling years they were at last set free. I am glad at their release. But it is an outrage that migrants continue to be criminalised and tortured in #Greece. Are these our #EuropeanValues???
RT @ClareDalyMEP: Freedom at last for Amir Zahiri & Akif Rasuli, jailed for over 2 & a half years in Greek jails under notorious smuggling laws... EU values? Mixed mood here in the courtroom in…
#Lesvos #Greece #EuropeanValues
Snitching about occupied people to a brutal Apartheid state occupying must be part of those "European Values"(TM) you shout so much about,
This while the & are constantly bleating about #EuropeanValues(TM) and crying about how territorial integrity is sacred in international law and how terrible military occupation is - when it comes to Ukraine...
Time to rejoin…while the deal is still in the blinking oven & the chef has been fired!
RT @GreenPartyMolly: ‘It is wrong to receive extraordinary profits, benefiting from war’
‘At this time profits must be shared and channeled to those who need them most’
‘Our proposal will raise €140bn to cushion the blow’
‘It is wrong to receive extraordinary profits, benefiting from war’
‘At this time profits must be shared and channeled to those who need them most’
‘Our proposal will raise €140bn to cushion the blow’
On Europe Day (9 May), the first copy of the 3rd edition of the Atlas of #EuropeanValues was presented. Find out more about its interactive maps, charts, and graphs in our latest news piece about it!
RT @EU_opendata: On Europe Day (9 May), the first copy of the 3rd edition of the Atlas of #EuropeanValues was presented. Find out more about its interactive maps, charts, and graphs in our latest news piece about it!
@vonderleyen said 70% of the way is done, fulfilled requisites. This should refer to the remaining 30%. #europeanvalues
RT @ActionAndWords: More than 100 million propaganda books to be withdrawn from libraries – Book Institute director
Today, on 9 May, we celebrate #EuropeDay. Europe is about freedom and peace and the #EuropeanValues of #solidarity, #freedom and #dignity that have never been more important than now. #StandWithUkraine 2/2
#EuropeDay #EuropeanValues #solidarity #freedom #dignity #StandWithUkraine
Today, on 9 May, we celebrate #EuropeDay. Europe is about freedom and peace and the #EuropeanValues of #solidarity, #freedom and #dignity that have never been more important than now. #StandWithUkraine 2/2
#EuropeDay #EuropeanValues #solidarity #freedom #dignity #StandWithUkraine
RT @Relux2022: Ancienne vice-présidente de la @EU_Commission, @VivianeRedingEU exprime une vision très pragmatique de l'Europe en préface à notre débat du 29 avril au @CercleCiteLux. #LuXembourg #relux2022 #letsmakeithappen #europe #EuropeanValues @UE_Luxembourg
#Luxembourg #relux2022 #letsmakeithappen #Europe #EuropeanValues