And for those who aren't familiar with EVE, or would like to take a look, you can check it out at the following link:
I've been playing for almost 7 years now, and it's truly awesome. Give it a look!
#EveOnline #rpg #ttrpg #mmo #mmorpg #videogames
Just a shot in the dark, but if anyone has an old/dormant EVE Online account (ie. has no use for their ISK or inventory/ships anymore) and would be willing to donate to the cause, I'd be very grateful to hear from you - I am working on a major project and every little bit moves me closer to my goal.
If you can help, please message me directly here, or contract directly to Tommy Temagami (in-game name) if that's easier.
Any help is greatly appreciated - fly safe!
Very pleasant evening with @ryan setting up a new #IronswornStarforged campaign. Rolled up a sector and grandfathered in versions of our #EveOnline characters to play as. We have about ten years of gameplay and fanfiction backstory with those two, so we should be pretty solid!
(I went and checked my email archives -- we started playing EVE with those characters in 2014!)
#IronswornStarforged #EveOnline
So, I'm at a crossroads with an MMORPG that I've been playing since 2017. Not sure if any of you are familiar with Eve Online, but it's basically a space-based open sandbox #mmorpg #rpg that sees ~25,000 peak users per day - it's big.
Anyhow, I've been pretty successful at the game over the years, and in Eve terms, I'm relatively "space rich." A year ago, I'd set a personal milestone for total net worth, and late in 2022, I achieved the objective.
I’ve been over at for a while now, so I guess it’s time for a new #introduction!
I’m Gazz, player of games and master of some. Digitally, I’m an #MMO and #RPG fiend - currently #FFXIV and #GenshinImpact, but previously #WoW, #EveOnline and #wildStar (RIP)
I used to write about video games for money, but retired.
At the table, I play and DM #DnD5e and enjoy #MTG Commander. I’m also a mini painter, trying to learn #warhammer40k while finishing my #TauEmpire army.
#introduction #mmo #rpg #ffxiv #GenshinImpact #wow #EveOnline #wildstar #dnd5e #mtg #warhammer40k #TauEmpire
Hi, another boardgaming , role playing Twitter refugee. Living at the bottom of the world, here in #newzealand . Love #roleplaying and #boardgaming, the #beach and bodysurfing, #scifi and #fantasy, #minecraft and #EveOnline , #battlemech's and #pokemon, #cats and #dogs living together...
#introduction #newzealand #roleplaying #boardgaming #beach #scifi #fantasy #minecraft #EveOnline #battlemech #pokemon #cats #dogs