I'm an #academic and US universities--at least mine--have become very, very hard to live in for faculty. The work environment in my school is "toxic," to use trendy language.
I have been here several years and saw the problems. I have spent a few years trying to be a force for positive change. Then, when that didn't work, at least a force for small-scale change with a few people in my department. When that didn't work, I've tried to at least make a place that doesn't scar me emotionally.
That didn't work, either. Now is the time to recognize I can neither change this place (even in small ways) nor live with it. I'm out.
So... on to a career in data science, I guess, if I can find a job with a good match for my skills and requirements. Giving up in #HigherEd makes me extremely sad, but I am absolutely stuck. Time to unstick.
#career #transition #datascience #fucktyranny #EvenSmallScale
#academic #highered #career #transition #datascience #FuckTyranny #EvenSmallScale