CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
186 followers · 479 posts · Server

Think with me.
Tends of millions are out of work in
The alliance spells no good for the future.
Look at and understand that and/or leaders switch to a to curb in a country when the normal economy is in big trouble
People get arrested and send to the frontline or get forced labor.
The threatening other countries with its
These signs can be seen as a prelude to a new number three.

#ccp #dictatorship #china #dictator #xijinping #russia #belarus #axeofevil #history #politicians #war #economy #dissent #EverGrand #pla #military #worldwar #nato #Ukraine #zelensky #uk #EU #usa #India #europe #asia #america #connectthedots

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
21 followers · 70 posts · Server

The real reason is a different one The economy of is in bad shape. The housing bubble with or the zero covid mesures by have made the situation unsustainable. Add the 75 days of last summer to it, the harvests we're very bad and than add the problems the country is facing with and all the elements are there to start war. like the have a trick up their sleeve, they will go to to distract the people from the situation in the motherland. Well this might be the prelude to China needs chips as well as so the situation is worsening by the hour.

#china #EverGrand #xi #heatwave #ClimateChange #dictatorships #ccp #war #ww3 #cop27 #un #Taiwan #russia

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes, it was even a problem in China. Last year the planners there aparently acted to solve this and a big , became insolvant and had to destory some sites under and sell off a heap of assets. That saga is reportedly ongoing into this year.

They also reigned in their last year, too.

Note that the West has not bothered to do any of this — because we are all ponzi. No productive industry beyond .

@koherecoWatchdog @mangeurdenuage

#builder #EverGrand #construction #techgiants #military

Last updated 3 years ago