Do you want to help us build interdisciplinary tools to facilitate #EvidenceSynthesis #SystematicReview in R? Join us in Newcastle, U.K. in December at #ESH2023. There will be some goodies! Details here:
#EvidenceSynthesis #SystematicReview #esh2023
It’s back! We are delighted to announce that the Evidence Synthesis Hackathon physical hackathons return with ESH2023 at Newcastle University from 13th to 15th December 2023. We will be bringing together a focused group of evidence synthesis and coding experts to develop state-of-the-art frameworks and tools for better evidence syntheses. #EvidenceSynthesis
Hey @academicchatter and @phdstudents !
Please consider working with a #librarian or #informationist to help you brainstorm author supplied keywords for your next manuscript. Our expertise in searching will help guarantee your research is returned in searches for #SystematicReviews and other #EvidenceSynthesis projects, and therefore cited in those same projects. Not to mention better term selection makes for higher recall (and therefore more citations!).
#librarian #informationist #SystematicReviews #EvidenceSynthesis #medlibs
Hi #medlibs @medlibs and others interested in AI hype in research methods
Anyone interested in collaborating with me on a letter to the editor saying, actually, no, creating #SystematicReview / #EvidenceSynthesis searches is *not* in fact a task aligned with the capabilities of #generativeAI ?
#medlibs #SystematicReview #EvidenceSynthesis #generativeai
There are barriers that make it difficult for researchers outside of HIC institutions to do #EvidenceSynthesis - you need to search paywalled databases and read paywalled papers. Bu it IS possible to do a good ES project without licensed resources if you approach it thoughtfully
We'll cover:
- where you can search free
- the pros and cons of free databases vs typical ones
- how you can "translate" existing "hedges" for paywalled databases to use in free databases
- how you can get full text
In June I'm doing a free webinar: "Information retrieval for evidence synthesis: How researchers in limited-resource environments can do comprehensive searches"
Please sign up, and tell your #EvidenceSynthesis / #SystematicReview friends!
#medlibs #libraries #OpenAccess #LMIC #ResearchCapacity
#EvidenceSynthesis #SystematicReview #medlibs #libraries #openaccess #lmic #researchcapacity
@HistoPol @medlibs @academicchatter
Sure. A #SystematicReview is a type of #EvidenceSynthesis research method aiming to rigorously and transparently gather all available evidence on one topic. They are commonly conducted and used in #healthcare as well as other disciplines such as #education, #business, among others. You can learn more about evidence synthesis, and specifically Evidence Synthesis International, in this article:
#SystematicReview #EvidenceSynthesis #healthcare #education #business
The above CFP in a diamond OA journal (well, no APC for this issue at least, IDK about the whole journal) could be a great opportunity to discuss living and interactive #EvidenceSynthesis from the publishing, preservation, or visual literacy perspective
#EvidenceSynthesis #medlibs #systematicreviews
RT @AgriEvidence
Happy to have taken part in this extremely insightful, intensive and overall brilliant #EvidenceSynthesis for Agri-food Systems Transformations #SpringSchool. Many thanks to @nealhaddaway @JL_Vicente_ @antoniojcastro @MDLopezRod and all the fantastic people who participated.
#springschool #EvidenceSynthesis
#evidencesynthesis finally hit the nerd jackpot. Of course, from an #openscience perspective, ideally "all of science" should be nonsignificant on average or else we have evidence of likely reporting/publishing bias. Right?
#EvidenceSynthesis #openscience
RT @niallpboyce
Journals can be great at building networks & communities, & advocating for science & health.
But how much longer can we rely on C19th systems of knowledge distribution to handle the challenges of C21st science?
#EvidenceSynthesis #SciencePublishing
#EvidenceSynthesis #sciencepublishing
Just finished my live #ESMARConf2023 #webinar #workshop on how to wrangle large teams for #EvidenceSynthesis #MetaAnalysis #RStats
See here on #YouTube:
Thanks to Neal Haddaway & #eshackathon for letting me share my ideas!
More events to come, check out what's next here:
#ESMARConf2023 #Webinar #workshop #EvidenceSynthesis #metaanalysis #rstats #youtube #eshackathon
RT @nealhaddaway
Coming to the end of a great week of intense but rewarding work at the Spring School on agri-food system transformation evidence synthesis!
#evidenceSynthesis #systematicReview #metaAnalysis #agroecology #farming
#farming #agroecology #metaanalysis #SystematicReview #EvidenceSynthesis
Last minute alert ‼️
A few places have just become available on our agri-food system transformation evidence synthesis spring school!
RT @nealhaddaway
A few places have just become available on our agri-food system transformation evidence synthesis spring school!
If you're working in farming/agriculture/food systems and you want to learn about rigorous #EvidenceSynthesis methods, JOIN US 20-24 Mar!…
I've also recorded a video for the awesome #ESMARConf2023 ( where i'll chat about shinyDigitise!
FYI. For those interested, there are so many other tutorials and workshops! Definitely attend if you're interested in #metaanalysis
#ESMARConf2023 #metaanalysis #EvidenceSynthesis
Check out the draft programme for @eshackathon #ESMARConf2023 - loads of great content lined up for #EvidenceSynthesis fans!
#ESMARConf2023 #EvidenceSynthesis
Preregistration extended to February 10‼️
RT @nealhaddaway
If you're interested in farming/food systems and considering doing a literature review or meta-analysis, check out this 5-day Spring School in March:
Book now, places are limited!
#EvidenceSynthesis #SystematicReview #SystematicMap #MetaAnalysis #RStats
#rstats #metaanalysis #systematicmap #SystematicReview #EvidenceSynthesis
Preinscripción extendida hasta el 10 de febrero‼️
RT @nealhaddaway
If you're interested in farming/food systems and considering doing a literature review or meta-analysis, check out this 5-day Spring School in March:
Book now, places are limited!
#EvidenceSynthesis #SystematicReview #SystematicMap #MetaAnalysis #RStats
#rstats #metaanalysis #systematicmap #SystematicReview #EvidenceSynthesis
RT @nealhaddaway
Don’t forget to register for this systematic review methods workshop - 20-24 March! Places going fast!
#systematicReview #evidenceSynthesis #farming #agriculture #foodSystems #agroecology
#agroecology #foodsystems #agriculture #farming #EvidenceSynthesis #SystematicReview
No olvidéis inscribiros en el curso/taller sobre métodos de #revisiónsistemática #systematicreview que celebraremos del 20 al 24 de marzo en @UAL
⏰⏰ ¡Pre-inscripción abierta hasta el 29 de enero! ⏰⏰
RT @nealhaddaway
Don’t forget to register for this systematic review methods workshop - 20-24 March! Places going fast!
#systematicReview #evidenceSynthesis #farming #agriculture #foodSystems #agroecology…
#agroecology #foodsystems #agriculture #farming #EvidenceSynthesis #SystematicReview #revisionsistematica