We're unsure that had much to do with that statistic, but he sure hasn't helped the situation.

BTW the so-called data the used to oust the president of was reportedly "flawed". It came out last week while everybody is focused on and the (as important as they are).

#trump #securitystate #bolivia #coronavirus #protests #EvoMorales #exiled #USLedCoup #lithium #flawedIntelligence #flawedData #peopleForget #shortMemories #democracy #antidemocraticUS #riggedprimaries

Last updated 5 years ago

FYI, that in , lovingly orchestrated by the (and supported by the ), was found to be based on .

Shock and awe (-woops no that was another one).

When can we expect to be returned back to his rightful presidency and for the USA and EU to restore his reputation?

#coup #bolivia #usa #eu #flawedData #exiled #EvoMorales #lithium #regimechange #southamerica #afghanistan #lithiumWars #trump #trumpHypocrite #hypocriteTrump #thirdworldisation #greed #protest #blm #hyperConsumerism #hyperGlobalisation

Last updated 5 years ago

It's interesting how trafficking and abuse has gone down under , the ousted President of . It reminds us of how the trade was going down in 20 years ago.

The other common factor between the two countries is ...

Are we willfully ignorant, or just ignorant?

Learn why in Bolivia are being labelled so-called :

#cocaine #EvoMorales #bolivia #opium #Afganistan #lithium #coca #farmers #terrorists

Last updated 5 years ago

Not seen yet on fediverse, a quote from (tags by us):

"Backers of the coup in are claiming broke the law or committed electoral fraud. These claims are false. This is classic US State deployed against popularly elected leftist leaders in as cover for anti-democracy . Help spread the facts - this thread claims of is a great place to start!

#JillStein #bolivia #EvoMorales #propaganda #latinamerica #coups #debunking #electoralFraud

Last updated 5 years ago