Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: Captain Crunch
When the head of a development studio makes a very bad and poorly-timed tweet.
#Features #News #Videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol #videogames
#features #news #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: Captain Crunch
When the head of a development studio makes a very bad and poorly-timed tweet.
#Features #News #Videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol #videogames
#features #news #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: For the Payers
The “economic sacrifices” just trickle down.
#Features #News #Videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #PlayStation5 #SonyInteractiveEntertainment #videogames
#features #news #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #playstation5 #SonyInteractiveEntertainment
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: For the Payers
The “economic sacrifices” just trickle down.
#Features #News #Videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #PlayStation5 #SonyInteractiveEntertainment #videogames
#features #news #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #playstation5 #SonyInteractiveEntertainment
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: A Blizzard Hovers Over the Game Awards
The futility of taking a neutral stance on sexual harassment.
#Features #News #Videogames #activision #ActivisionBlizzard #Blizzard #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #GeoffKeighley #TheGameAwards #videogames
#features #news #activision #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #geoffkeighley #activisionblizzard #thegameawards #videogames #blizzard
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: A Blizzard Hovers Over the Game Awards
The futility of taking a neutral stance on sexual harassment.
#Features #News #Videogames #activision #ActivisionBlizzard #Blizzard #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #GeoffKeighley #TheGameAwards #videogames
#features #news #activision #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #geoffkeighley #activisionblizzard #thegameawards #videogames #blizzard
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: Does Activision Blizzard Think They’ve Done Enough?
Sure they do. But they haven't.
#Features #Videogames #ActivisionBlizzard #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #Overwatch #videogames
#features #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #overwatch #activisionblizzard
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: Does Activision Blizzard Think They’ve Done Enough?
Sure they do. But they haven't.
#Features #Videogames #ActivisionBlizzard #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #Overwatch #videogames
#features #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #overwatch #activisionblizzard
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: What’s Really Happening with This Switch Pro?
It likely exists, but not in the way many fans think.
#Features #Videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #videogames
#features #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #nintendo #nintendoswitch
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: What’s Really Happening with This Switch Pro?
It likely exists, but not in the way many fans think.
#Features #Videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #videogames
#features #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #nintendo #nintendoswitch
Examples of Damage Control in Gaming: Ubisoft Finally Acknowledges “Politics”
It took them until Far Cry 6 to do this, but better late than never.
#Features #Videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #FarCry6 #Ubisoft #videogames
#features #videogames #ExamplesofDamageControlinGaming #farcry6 #ubisoft