University of Pennsylvania-led study estimates that 1,179,024 excess US deaths occurred in the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, far more than the official death toll from Covid in that time period.
#covid #CovidIsNotOver #ExcessDeaths #mortality #PublicHealth
#covid #CovidIsNotOver #ExcessDeaths #mortality #publichealth
RT @RWittenbrink
wann wir uns der Realität stellen wollen.“
#LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #Coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #MaskUp #CleanAir #ImpfenSchuetzt #Ventilation #AurQuality #VaccinesSaveLives
#DieMaskeBleibtAuf #XBB116
#ExcessDeaths #Covid_19
#LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #coronavirus #SARSCOV2 #MaskUp #cleanair #impfenschuetzt #ventilation #aurquality #vaccinessavelives #diemaskebleibtauf #xbb116 #ExcessDeaths #COVID_19
The U.S. has substantially higher death rates than similar high-income countries in Europe. But the gap widened even more during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study revealed today.
#covid #ExcessDeaths #mortality
As governments throw out all remaining Covid mitigation efforts, 100,000 people worldwide continue to die from the pandemic each week, overwhelmingly seniors and people with disabilities and commorbidities.
Capitalists see their deaths as a positive, as a way to reduce pension obligations and social welfare spending.
#CovidIsNotOver #ageism #ableism #ExcessDeaths #MaskUp #covid #capitalism
#CovidIsNotOver #ageism #ableism #ExcessDeaths #MaskUp #covid #capitalism
#ExcessDeaths And this is why NHS employees are striking. #GTTO
Over 600 more doctors than expected died early in the pandemic. No excess deaths after the introduction of vaccines. Older doctors, of course, were the most at risk.
Why are young adults dying in much greater numbers from suspected cardio-vascular causes than insurance & pension actuary advisors expect them too?
These people crunch numbers in ways clinicians don't & the revelations are alarming!
#COVID19 #ExcessDeaths #scandal
Third world Britain is just around the corner. The current government has destroyed our economy and trashed our global reputation. #brexit. #sleaze #corruption #partygate #excessdeaths #borisjohnson #sunak.
#brexit #sleaze #Corruption #partygate #ExcessDeaths #BorisJohnson #Sunak
WATCH: Is our UK government presiding over a cull of our poorer pensioners?
We joined the protest organised by the National Pensioners Convention at Westminster, and took part in the funeral procession to Downing Street.
On the way, we had a chat with Jan Shortt, the General Secretary of the Convention.
#olderpeople #NPC #NationalPensionersConvention #excessdeaths #death #winterdeaths
#Olderpeople #npc #nationalpensionersconvention #ExcessDeaths #death #winterdeaths
This government is killing people. Fifty thousand more people died last year than normal, with NHS delays blamed for one of the most deadly 12 months on record. 2022 brought the highest excess deaths total since 1951, according to an analysis by The Times.
#ExcessDeaths #GovernmentNHSStance
#ExcessDeaths #governmentnhsstance
New study finds that Covid19 was the leading cause of death, worldwide, in 2021. The number of deaths in 2021 (10.36 million) far outstripped the number in 2020 (4.47 million), despite the introduction of life-saving vaccines. Why? Because world leaders determined that the cost of eliminating the virus, or implementing sufficient life-saving mitigations, was far worse for their profits than the loss of 14.83 million lives (as of the end of 2021).
#COVID19 #pandemic #vaccines #ExcessDeaths #capitalism
#Covid #ExcessDeaths
According to this WHO publication [1] Europe and some selected countries show the following excess deaths in the period 2020 to 2021.
#DrJohn Campbell has put a couple of posters up on his blogsite and references them alongside his latest worrying video on #excessdeaths
Tracking #ExcessMortality across countries during the COVID-19 pandemic with the World Mortality Dataset
A really interesting article on #ExcessDeaths, which compares these numbers to estimates of COVID deaths and previous pandemics.
There are even countries with less deaths than normal, mostly because #COVID measures reduced #flu deaths. It shows how accurate the reported death numbers are.
They created a database, which will be maintained during the pandemic.
#ExcessMortality #ExcessDeaths #Covid #flu