Discover the origins and evolution behind #BitcoinCash - the hard fork aimed at fulfilling Satoshi's vision for global #digitalcash. Learn about the blockchain split, big blocks, and the outlook for #BCH! #cryptocurrency #payments #P2P 💸⚡️
Read here:
#btc #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #price #blockchain #crypto #money #news #today #currency #ethereum #value #coinbase #cash #bitcoinprice #exchange #buying #bitcoinhas #gold #rightnow
#rightnow #gold #bitcoinhas #buying #Exchange #bitcoinprice #cash #coinbase #value #ethereum #currency #today #News #Money #Crypto #BlockChain #price #Bitcoin #BTC #p2p #payments #Cryptocurrency #bch #DigitalCash #bitcoincash
Another example of how #Microsoft #Exchange needs to die in a fire with extreme prejudice
@sindarina WTF?
#Google literally - like all #GAFAMs - does an #EmbraceExtendExtinguish on #eMail, like #Microsoft does with #MAPI on #Exchange / #MicrosoftExchange & #Azure #hostedexchange
#allgafamsareevil #hostedexchange #azure #MicrosoftExchange #Exchange #mapi #Microsoft #Email #embraceextendextinguish #gafams #Google
#Microsofts gestohlener Schlüssel mächtiger als vermutet
Ein gestohlener Schlüssel funktionierte möglicherweise nicht nur bei #Exchange Online, sondern war eine Art #Masterkey für große Teile der Microsoft-Cloud.
#masterkey #Exchange #microsofts
Hat einer der #Exchange Profis eine Idee, wieso der #Exchange 2019 sich weigert das neue #Zertifikat für den Dienst #SMTP zu aktivieren. POP3, IMAP und IIS sind kein Problem. Im Eventlog ist jetzt auch nicht hilfreiches zu finden. Sonst ging das eigentlich immer problemlos. #computerkram
#Exchange #Zertifikat #smtp #Computerkram
20230710 幣安每日一詞,本周主題是 Metaverse,答案如下:
3 字:
4 字:MOVE
#word #wotd #wodl #wordle #crypto #binance #exchange #metaverse #answer #letter #幣安每日一詞 #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #區塊鏈 #猜字 #遊戲 #活動 #字謎 #積分 #獎勵 #攻略 #答案 #英文 #單字
#單字 #英文 #答案 #攻略 #獎勵 #積分 #字謎 #活動 #遊戲 #猜字 #區塊鏈 #虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #幣安每日一詞 #letter #answer #metaverse #Exchange #binance #Crypto #Wordle #wodl #wotd #word
你知道嗎?OKX 歐易交易所其實有「盲盒」可以領喔!如果你是未註冊的新用戶,只要透過數位小幫手的「專屬邀請連結」去註冊 OKX 的帳號,就可以領取 1~2 個盲盒喔,它裡面最高有機會領到價值 $10,000 美元的獎勵!至於這個盲盒怎麼領,可以參考以下這篇攻略文章。
#crypto #okx #exchange #mysterybox #btc #eth #usdt #okb #dot #歐易交易所 #結構化產品 #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #盲盒 #區塊鏈 #邀請碼 #推薦碼 #註冊優惠
#註冊優惠 #推薦碼 #邀請碼 #區塊鏈 #盲盒 #虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #結構化產品 #歐易交易所 #dot #okb #usdt #eth #BTC #mysterybox #Exchange #okx #Crypto
在台灣如果要踏入幣圈,有些人可能會選擇辦幾個台灣本土的加密貨幣交易所,這邊我目前整理了 8 間,有詳細的比較跟簡介,給各位參考看看!(PS:非投資或開戶建議)
#btc #eth #usdt #bnb #crypto #blockchain #exchange #max #ace #bitopro #xrex #maicoin #bitgin #hoyabit #rybit #taiwan #台灣 #交易所 #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #區塊鏈 #王牌數位 #現代財富 #幣託 #鏈科 #幣竟 #禾亞數位 #幣錸 #金管會 #排名
#排名 #金管會 #幣錸 #禾亞數位 #幣竟 #鏈科 #幣託 #現代財富 #王牌數位 #區塊鏈 #虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #交易所 #台灣 #Taiwan #rybit #hoyabit #bitgin #maicoin #xrex #bitopro #ace #max #Exchange #BlockChain #Crypto #bnb #usdt #eth #BTC
Bitget Launchpad (TYPE) 還有最後 6 小時可以參加喔!參加方式很簡單,門檻也不高,如果真的不會做,可以參考這篇文章:
#cyrpto #bitget #launchpad #type #bgb #ieo #exchange
#Exchange #ieo #bgb #type #launchpad #bitget #cyrpto
30 years ago, back when #India was a really, really poor country and also had limited #foreign #exchange reserves, and its #economy was closed, there were severe restrictions placed by the government on individual Indian citizens' foreign exchange transactions.
#Economy #Exchange #foreign #India
Hab ja eine #SQL-Server basierte Black-/Whitelist für meinen #Exchange-Server geschrieben. Seid heute Nacht protokolliert auch ebenfalls vorhandene der #HMailServer auch seine ein-/ausgehenden Mails in der gleichen Datenbank. Aber #VBS #VisualBasicScript ist ja echt ein Krampf 🙄
#SQL #Exchange #hmailserver #VBS #visualbasicscript
🇹🇷 Turkish Authorities Detain the Owner of the Crashed Cryptocurrency Exchange THODEX
Fatiha Ozera, the founder of the Turkish cryptocurrency exchange THODEX, was arrested and charged with fraud and money laundering by the Turkish law enforcement after being deported from Albania.
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🇹🇷 Turkish Authorities Detain the Owner of the Crashed Cryptocurrency Exchange THODEX
Fatiha Ozera, the founder of the Turkish cryptocurrency exchange THODEX, was arrested and charged with fraud and money laundering by the Turkish law enforcement after being deported from Albania.
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🏆 The 2018 WEX Exchange Theft case Has Concluded, Former System Administrator Found Responsible
While the verdict is pending, the ex-administrator could face up to 10 years in prison for fraud, money laundering, and abuse of power.
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🏆 The 2018 WEX Exchange Theft case Has Concluded, Former System Administrator Found Responsible
While the verdict is pending, the ex-administrator could face up to 10 years in prison for fraud, money laundering, and abuse of power.
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💰 U.S. Authorities: "We Ask to Give Untrustworthy Bitfinex Banker 7 Years in Prison"
U.S. attorneys are requesting that the court incarcerate a Bitfinex banker for alleged wrongdoings and seize more than $700 million from them.
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@fosserytech But speaking of insulting #TechIlliteracy of agencies:
These folks here want to sell "high-security communications" to #Germany's federal government yet their #ComSec is f**ked as they use #Microsoft #Windows, #Exchange and #Zoom.
I sincerely hope that @bsi will never certify #xecuro's products, because their #ITsec is nonexistant and claims of "added security on top of Zoom" are just insulting my intellect as a former applicant who denied an offer...
#ITSec #xecuro #Zoom #Exchange #Windows #Microsoft #comsec #Germany #techilliteracy
I mean there's a reason why some Sites flat-out ban those "#freeDomains" if not all #NewGTLDs and #Freemailers...
Case in point: Most spammers that don't get automagically blocked use big sites and servers. Basically all #Spam I encoutered was either from #GMail, / Hosted #Exchange on #Azure and #YahooMail...
#yahoomail #azure #Exchange #outlook #Gmail #spam #freemailers #newgtlds #freedomains