Here's the skinny on #MinimalNegationOperators —
Minimal negation operators are a family of logical operators or #BooleanFunctions \(\nu(),\ \nu(x),\ \nu(x,y),\ \nu(x,y,z),\) etc.
In the so-called #ExistentialInterpretation of the brand of #LogicalGraphs I'll be using, \(\nu(x_1, \ldots, x_k)\) says exactly one of the \(x_i\) is equal to \(0\), that is, false.
#LogicalGraphs #ExistentialInterpretation #BooleanFunctions #MinimalNegationOperators
A mantra of mine from the 60s —
“If the medium is truly the message then the blank mind is the innate idea”
Now #Peirce was peirceptive enough to see a logical meaning in the tabula rasa, for instance, the blank sheet of paper on which we scribe our logical formulas, what he called the #SheetOfAssertion (#SA), which the #ExistentialInterpretation of his #LogicalGraphs assigns the #LogicalValue of #Truth.
I used to call that the #Zenterpretation ...
#zenterpretation #truth #logicalvalue #LogicalGraphs #ExistentialInterpretation #sa #sheetofassertion #Peirce
Re: #ExistentialGraphs
Cf: #AnimatedLogicalGraphs
I tend to use the more generic term #LogicalGraphs because I do a lot of work at the #PropositionalCalculus level where the #LogicalDuality between #Peirce 's #ExistentialInterpretation and #EntitativeInterpretation is an important feature.
#EntitativeInterpretation #ExistentialInterpretation #Peirce #LogicalDuality #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #AnimatedLogicalGraphs #ExistentialGraphs