Professional “superforecasters” are more optimistic about the future than AI experts.
#theeconomist #forecasting #ExistentialRisk #ai
OMG you guys I asked ChatGPT to tell me what is the best thing in the world and the answer it gave me will leave you speechless.
I have chills. The AI future is now.
#ai #chatgpt #existentialrisk #longtermism #AGI #lesswrong #effectivealtruism
#ai #chatgpt #ExistentialRisk #longtermism #agi #LessWrong #effectivealtruism
Bonjour Mastodon!
I gave #Musk the benefit of the doubt and wanted to see what #Twitter would turn into before leaving. Well, unsurprisingly, it is turning into a kingdom run by an autocratic and erratic billionaire who can't stand criticism.
So here I am looking for recommendations for people to follow. Interested in #Disasters #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #ClimateChangeAdaptation #ClimateScience #AIRisk #ExistentialRisk #AISafety #Intersectionalism #CommonsGovernance #DirectDemocracy #TechRisk #DemocraticSocialism #Antiauthoritarianism #Antifascism
#musk #twitter #disasters #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterriskmanagement #climatechangeadaptation #climatescience #airisk #ExistentialRisk #aisafety #Intersectionalism #commonsgovernance #directdemocracy #techrisk #democraticsocialism #antiauthoritarianism #antifascism
Wow, this article explains a very disturbing trend 🥵🥶
«The Dangerous Ideas of “Longtermism” and “Existential Risk”»
«What I find most unsettling about the longtermist ideology isn’t just that it contains all the ingredients necessary for a genocidal catastrophe in the name of realizing astronomical amounts of far-future “value.” Nor is it that this religious ideology has already infiltrated the consciousness of powerful actors…»