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Dopamin is fake bliss. #followyourbliss
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I can't believe it! Psychologist debunks 8 myths of mass scale
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How New Addictions are Destroying Us
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#Guardian 📆 Tue 4 Jul 2023 If successful, #BreakthroughStarshot could get to #AlphaCentauri 🪐 not in 76,000 years but in just 20. It would revolutionise our understanding of the #universe 🌌 by enabling closeup observations of #exoplanets and their atmospheres, and potentially even detecting signs of life.
In 100 years’ time the question ‘are we alone in the universe?’ may seem as ridiculous as the idea of the #Earth being at the centre of the #universe, when we are in contact with a dazzling array of alien life 👽 out there.
#guardian #breakthroughstarshot #alphacentauri #universe #Exoplanets #earth
Okay #astrodon folks, can you see a rainbow after sunset? What's the limit? How many degrees below the horizon can the sun be?
I'm designing a tidally locked planet, aka an "eyeball world" with high water content, violent storms at the subsolar point, and creeping glaciers at the antipode. I've got "tropic of Rainbows" starting at 42 degrees sunward from the terminator, but I want to know if there would be any twilight rainbows.
#optics #weather #exoplanets #academicchatter #writing #science
#Science #Writing #academicchatter #Exoplanets #Weather #optics #Astrodon
Elon Musk eyes ‘highly habitable’ planet that’s ‘practically next door’ | The Independent
#musk #Exoplanets #NextDoorNeighbour #spacex #proximacentauri #goldilockszone #EightyThousandYearJourney
From 19 May: Newly discovered exoplanet could have liquid water, lots of volcanoes - Enlarge / An artist’s conception of what a volcano-rich exoplanet might look like.NASA’s G... #astronomy #atmosphere #exoplanets #science #tidal-forces #volcanoes
#volcanoes #tidal #science #Exoplanets #atmosphere #astronomy
#KnowledgeByte: Habitable #Planets / #Exoplanets!
What is our Plan B when we make Earth Inhabitable?
#Exoplanets #planets #knowledgebyte
From 03 May: Caught in the act: Astronomers spot star swallowing a planet for first time - An aging star dubbed ZTF SLRN-2020 has been caught in the act of swallowing a planet.... #astronomy #astrophysics #exoplanets #science #stellar-dynamics
#stellar #science #Exoplanets #astrophysics #astronomy
Unsure how I feel about how far people are taking the "landscape" metaphors for #exoplanets. The "sub-Neptune savanna"? "Giraffe planets"? Although it would be cool to label the lower-right corner of the map with "Here be dragons."
From Lampón et al.: measuring mass loss from #exoplanets via helium outflows, including my old scientific stomping grounds of GJ 1214b:
Some observations: first--hang on! A heating efficiency of 40%?! We've been assuming an efficiency of ~10% for years, and even then, we weren't sure if photon-limited escape would even be a thing.
A 98/2 ratio of hydrogen to helium is a lot steeper than I would have expected for a hydrodynamic outflow, although apparently in line with theory. Maybe we need to revisit helium-enriched planets. 1/2
Hycean #exoplanets are theorized planets with a HYdrogen atmosphere over a water oCEAN. Innes, Tsai, & Pierrehumbert analyze the greenhouse effect in these environments (, and find that the "habitable zone" for them could be pushed out as far as Jupiter. Unfortunately, that's where most known planets aren't, so not great for observations.
It also leads me to wonder what the bioavailable energy flux would be to support life that far out and that deep in the atmosphere. There are only so many substitutes for full sunlight.
This was not a result I expected. From Lammers, Murray, & Hadden:
The standard planetesimal + giant impact planet formation model can successfully replicate the "peas-in-a-pod" phenomenon.
In systems with multiple #exoplanets, we often find they are about the same size. Most solutions try to model it as a formation effect, but this team says planets can start as different sizes and get similar-sized planets out the other end.
This is because when planets collide (as often happens during formation), smaller planets preferentially merge into large ones rather than large ones into even bigger ones. This essentially (statistically) raises the minimum planet size, producing a smaller spread.
And...this is starting to feel like the mass loss question where three of four different solutions can plausibly produce the same result, and we're trying to sort out which one (if any) is right.
Saw something about another increase in #new #Mastodon users -- if you're #newHere -- welcome! 🤗
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- the occasional dunk on Johann Bayer
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- ret-con(stellations) of classic constellation stories
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This code catalog by Ryan MacDonald and @nbatalha will be very useful for people analyzing #exoplanets atmospheres. (And includes a shout-out to my own APOLLO code.)
Presenting ExoVista v2.2, our code for generating simulated #exoplanets systems:
Now with transit detection, phase angles, a faster integrator, and more.
(And the post-processing scripts are backwards-compatible.)
ESA’s exoplanet missions.
#ESA #Exoplanets #Cheops #Plato #Ariel
#ariel #plato #Cheops #Exoplanets #ESA
This paper is a vivid illustration of just how biased our planet detection methods are to hot planets:
We've discovered over 5,000 #exoplanets, but only 2% of them are cooler than 600 K. For comparison, Mercury and Venus top out at 700 K.
This is mesmerizing!! 🌌💫
As you watch these four dots of light moving around a black disk, you're gazing at a planetary system.
The dots are exoplanets, and the disk obscures their star, HR8799, 133.3 light-years from Earth. Their orbital movements are time-lapsed from 12 years of data.
Astronomer Jason Wang made this for no scientific reason other than it’s super awesome! He says “I hope it enables people to enjoy something wondrous."
📷 Jason Wang/W. M. Keck Observatory/YouTube
#astronomy #astrophotography #exoplanets #PlanetarySystem #science #ScienceMastodon #ScienceAlert #STEM
#astronomy #astrophotography #Exoplanets #planetarysystem #Science #sciencemastodon #sciencealert #stem