It may not be possible to enact term limits for years, but it's right to plan now and start promoting it nationwide. I think people will eventually come around. Btw, I think that #SCOTUS should gradually be expanded to 13 justices, same as the number of circuit courts. The issues are too important for just 9 people to make decisions.
#scotustermlimits #ExpandSCOTUS #scotus
Excited about this panel at the upcoming #Netroots. This will be a powerful + timely discussion on why we must reform and expand the Court with progressive champions Reps. Pramilla Jaypal, Greg Casar & Tristin Brown from Brett Edkins. If you are in Chicago come check it out or watch the livestream online. #SCOTUS #uspol #ExpandtheCourt #expandSCOTUS https://www.netrootsnation.org/nn_events/nn23/expanding-justice-organizing-to-reform-the-supreme-court/
#ExpandSCOTUS #ExpandTheCourt #USpol #SCOTUS #netroots
#ExpandSCOTUS #BrokenDemocracy ../but happy 4th) https://ow.ly/waGY50P3r0l
#ExpandSCOTUS #brokendemocracy
We don’t deserve clean water, it hurts profitability for billionaires? Go ahead, add another cute insta meme & a tweet… instead of volunteering at organizations. #ExpandSCOTUS https://ow.ly/cAMH50P2Zlm
Read & understand
A FAKE woman was "claiming that she has a First Amendment right to refuse services she doesn't provide to a couple that doesn't exist"
Only 6 100% CORRUPT CHRISTOFASCISTS could rule in "her" favor
#ExpandSCOTUS #supremecourtstench
A few RW/GOP billionaires control our politics with Dark Money
They installed 6 Christofascists on the SC
STOP them & Leonard Leo who uses their money to ruin US Democracy
#ExpandSCOTUS #supremecourtstench
In 1869 US pop=31M
Supreme Court expands to 9 justices
In 2020 US pop=330M+
Why still only 9?
With 13 Federal Districts
Don’t We the People deserve at least 13 Justices?
Stop the CHRISTOFASCISTS from ruining US
#ExpandSCOTUS #VoteBlueForDemocracy #voteoutallgop
@rbreich this has been in the works by #GOP and Federalist Society for almost 40 years! Keep the poor, even poorer and give all the power to the top 1%. I'm sure Thomas and Alito's sugar daddy's approve!
#FridayVibes #ExpandSCOTUS #SCOTUSIsCompromised #gop
@QasimRashid This is exactly what the #GQP and the Federalist Society had planned for the last 40 years! If they can't destroy #Democracy at the ballot box, destroy it through the courts!
#EnoughIsEnough #democracyforthepeople #ExpandSCOTUS #Democracy #GQP
There appears to be no limit to the culture of corruption from the extreme right wing judges on the #SCOTUS. This is not sustainable if we want to have a functioning democracy. #expandSCOTUS.
#ExpandSCOTUS: Judges & elected officials in🩸states are endangering life-saving HC, innocent lives are on the line🚨: A US judge in TX struck down an Obamacare mandate that required coverage of certain cancer screenings and drugs that prevent HIV infection, among other services.
Two Christian businesses & several individuals sued the fed govt in 2020 arguing that the mandate violates their religious freedom bc it includes coverage of drugs that prevent HIV infection-: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/30/obamacare-judge-overturns-coverage-of-some-preventive-care.html
#ExpandSCOTUS: Dioc. of Tulsa/Archd. of OK have joined forces to apply to open a Catholic charter school. Not a stretch to imagine SCOTUS holding: the #1A requires public tax$ to go to a Catholic school bc a prohibition on doing so "burdens not only religious schools but the families whose children attend or hope to attend them -long recognized: rights of parents to direct: religious upbringing of their children." *Already wrote in: maj. holding in: 2020 MT school case-: https://aaronrupar.substack.com/p/catholic-charter-school-oklahoma
#ExpandSCOTUS: Dioc. of Tulsa/Archd. of OK have joined forces to apply to open a Catholic charter school. Not a stretch to imagine SCOTUS holding: the #1A requires public tax$ to go to a Catholic school bc a prohibition on doing so burdens not only religious schools but the families whose children attend or hope to attend them -long recognized: rights of parents to direct: religious upbringing of their children.’” Already in: majority holding in the 2020 MT school case-: https://aaronrupar.substack.com/p/catholic-charter-school-oklahoma
The Glacier NW case is the latest bad-faith effort by the right-wing justices to strip working people of their rights in order to help out their rich & powerful friends. As noted by folks at @takebackthecourt effective way to fight back against the right-wing justices' sustained assault on the American labor movement is to keep pushing for structural reforms that can rebalance this illegitimate Court. #expandSCOTUS (2/2) https://www.takebackthecourt.today/the-supreme-courts-assault-on-the-labor-movement