Happy to announce that our dossier on #GraphicLiterature & #VisualPoetry is out!
Many thanks for the huge support to #apropos & to all contributors for their brilliant pieces!
Contributions in #German, #French, and #Spanish
#comics #graphicnovel #concretepoetry #experimentalpoetry
#graphicliterature #VisualPoetry #apropos #kunstedesdazwischen #german #french #spanish #comics #graphicnovel #concretepoetry #ExperimentalPoetry
New intro for new people!
I'm Cavar (they/them). I'm a phd candidate in #culturalstudies / #sts at UC Davis, and a #transMad writer/editor/reader. I'm EIC of Stone of Madness Press; my debut novel, FAILURE TO COMPLY, is forthcoming in 2024 from featherproof books.
I'm interested in #transstudies / #disabilitystudies / #madstudies ++ #WritingCommunity things.
More tags: #vegan #veganism #experimentalpoetry #solotravel #judaism #hiking #antipsychiatry #actuallyautistic #speculativefiction
#culturalstudies #sts #TransMad #transstudies #disabilitystudies #madstudies #writingcommunity #vegan #veganism #ExperimentalPoetry #solotravel #judaism #hiking #antipsychiatry #actuallyautistic #speculativefiction
also hmu if you’re interested in #madness ( I’m still trying to make #madodon a thing!!!) #madpoetics #ExperimentalPoetry #madstudies #speculativepoetry etc etc as I’m always looking for new comrades-qua-interlocutors !! Especially as I begin ~ dissertating ~.
Btw: no degree required. I’m interested in Mad creativity and scholarship, not in individual degrees.
#madness #Madodon #madpoetics #ExperimentalPoetry #madstudies #speculativepoetry
Just arrived in Copenhagen: my latest chapbook from
Enneract Editions. "Any Night" presents a sequence of sixteen anagrammatic visual poems made from eight-letter words. Thanks to my publisher for the help with this book.
"Any Night" is available from here: https://penteractpress.com/store/any-night-danni-storm
#constrainedpoetry #ExperimentalPoetry #VisualPoetry
A poem from my new chapbook "Any Night". "Any Night" presents a sequence of anagrammatic visual poems. Published by Enneract Editions, and available from here: https://penteractpress.com/store/any-night-danni-storm
#experimentalpoetry #constrainedpoetry #anagram #visualpoetry
#ExperimentalPoetry #constrainedpoetry #anagram #VisualPoetry
Even now, Many more people talking about #BernadetteMayer — grieving, celebrating her life and sharing her #poems — on the birdsite than here. If you love her, lets be friends. #poetry #ExperimentalPoetry #Love
#BernadetteMayer #poems #poetry #ExperimentalPoetry #love
My #5ThingsWIP
1. Historical fiction manuscript, just starting chapter 10
2. Farewell Oppy, freeverse poem, V6
3. Press Me to Your Heart, Frankenstein erasure poem, V1
4. A Conversation Between Lovers, epistolary erasure poem, V3
5. Electra + Wanda, coupling poem, V1
#poet #fiction #experimental #Frankenstein #maryshelley #wandamaximoff #Electra #erasure #freeverse #poetry #ppd #writing #writer #writingcommunity #literarymastodon #erasurepoetry #experimentalpoetry
#5thingswip #poet #fiction #experimental #frankenstein #MaryShelley #wandamaximoff #electra #erasure #freeverse #poetry #ppd #writing #writer #writingcommunity #literarymastodon #erasurepoetry #ExperimentalPoetry
Flipping through poetry that’s so old I’ve forgotten even where the drafts were written nevermind who I was when I wrote them. I like the musty paper moth smell. This one’s called PORTION CONTROL.
#oldpoems #experimentalpoetry #slipstream #sadgirlpoetry #queerpoetry #smallpoems #doitfortheprocess #makersgonnamake #sadgirlsclub #poëzie #mastopoetry
#oldpoems #ExperimentalPoetry #slipstream #sadgirlpoetry #queerpoetry #smallpoems #doitfortheprocess #makersgonnamake #sadgirlsclub #poezie #mastopoetry
Hello! I write everything: novels, poetry & short fiction. I also do maths, garden, and cuddle chickens.
I run a free, fortnightly OULIPO-themed, constraint-based discussion group on Zoom. Let me know if you want to join!
My collaborative poetry collection w/@jpseabright@mas.to, Machinations, is out 1st Dec. Pre-order: https://bit.ly/3hYCh4O
An excellent present for a AI/Turing/experimental poetry fan in your life...
#amwriting #poetry #flashfiction #microfiction #experimentalpoetry #vispo
#amwriting #poetry #flashfiction #microfiction #ExperimentalPoetry #vispo
Any experimental #poets want a follower? Any #SmallPress publishers? Makers of #ArtistsBooks? #ArtWriters? #Essayists? Missing my people.
#Poetry #ExperimentalPoetry #ArtWriting #ContemporaryArt #CreativeNonfiction #CNF
#poets #smallpress #artistsbooks #ArtWriters #essayists #poetry #ExperimentalPoetry #artwriting #contemporaryart #CreativeNonfiction #cnf
New here!
Interested in:
#poetry #poetics #poeticscience #digitalpoetry #literarure #classicalmusic #econarratives #ecopoetry #highered #academia #viola #newmusic #ExperimentalPoetry #experimentalwriting #historicallinguistics
Trying to think of as many hashtags as I can to find my feet here!
#historicallinguistics #experimentalwriting #ExperimentalPoetry #newmusic #viola #academia #highered #ecopoetry #econarratives #classicalmusic #literarure #digitalpoetry #poeticscience #poetics #poetry
#Introduction #Introducción #Introdução
Hi there!
I'm a postdoctoral researcher at #FreieUniversitätBerlin #EXC2020 where I'm currently working on a project on feminist #comics in #LatinAmerica and where I also had the pleasure to first meet the brilliant @druerie 🙌.
I'm also interested in #ExperimentalPoetry, #VisualCulture, #DecolonialStudies, #GenderStudies, and #MemoryStudies.
Looking forward to tooting with you all!
#litodons #literature #historieta #quadrinhos #academicchatter
#introduction #introducción #introdução #FreieUniversitätBerlin #EXC2020 #comics #LatinAmerica #ExperimentalPoetry #visualculture #DecolonialStudies #genderstudies #memorystudies #litodons #literature #historieta #quadrinhos #academicchatter