The Maoist state tightens its infrastructure across the Anglosphere: Links 1 for May 27th, 2023
Before we start today's list, a few words to the masses who woke up during Covid and the vaxx mandates.
The line of effort against Western institutions intended to protect individual rights did not start with Covid or th
#Explainingleftism #Islam #Linksandnews
#Linksandnews #Islam #Explainingleftism
A clear and concise explanation of how ‘woke’ is Marxism by James Lindsay
Looking at ‘wokeism’ as a Marxist or Maoist line of effort
1. Wokeism, more Mao than Marx
While what this Prof. says is factually correct, it is also Marxism as a function of the abstraction of Marxist Critical theory as created by purely Marxist think tanks like The Frankfurt School, The Fabian Society, Runnymede and a lot of others. T
Tucker Carlson for March 29th, 2023 and Liberating Tolerance as applied to ‘gun control’
As is usual, Tucker get it in the 50 ring. Which is exceptional for mass market TV. You simply cannot get a bullseye on mass market TV and expect people to make sense of it.
For the last 1/4 inch into the centre of the dart board, I ask
#Explainingleftism #TuckerCarlson
#TuckerCarlson #Explainingleftism
Three videos explaining Marxism methodology such that it becomes easier to spot it in our institutions
Several years ago now, in what was truly a labour of love and desperation to try and point out what was taking place around the Western world, three videos were transalted from a Polish academic on the nature of communism and co
Herbert Marcuse’s Repressive Tolerance as dominant principle at work in Ontario (and everywhere) School Boards
In the second video which was shot at the Durham District School Board at some point in Q1 of this year, we see what should be fami
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #LeftismonCampus #LeftistFascism
#LeftistFascism #LeftismonCampus #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
The point is never the point, and global warming
The following short clip, is a single question taken from a video of dual presentation on 'Climate Change' given by Action4Canada last week in Ottawa. The whole presentation, which richly deserves to be seen, will be available as soon as possible.
#CounteringViolentExtremism #CryptoEnvironmentalism #Explainingleftism #FrankfurtSchool #Immigrationissues
#Immigrationissues #FrankfurtSchool #Explainingleftism #CryptoEnvironmentalism #CounteringViolentExtremism
Tucker Carlson for February 24th, 2023
It should be noted that any reference to the US secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, without explaining that his father was the founder and #1 fan of the Antonio Gramsci society, and himself translated Gramsci's Prison Diaries into English, is an error of omission that prevents any understanding of Buttigieg's actions for what they
#Explainingleftism #TuckerCarlson
#TuckerCarlson #Explainingleftism
James Lindsay: Modern Medical Lysenkoism
#Covidmeasures #Explainingleftism #TonyFauci
#TonyFauci #Explainingleftism #Covidmeasures
How the Marxist Dialectic is Attacking You: An Introduction to the Dialectic with Stephen Coughlin
#Dialectics #Explainingleftism #StephenCoughlin
#StephenCoughlin #Explainingleftism #Dialectics
MUST WATCH: Bill Mahar on the similarities between Mao’s revolutionary China, and modern America
Bill Mahar shows quite a sophisticated understanding of the root thinking of communism, and mercifully opposes it.
Stephen Coughlin joins Vets For Freedom Canada (V4F) for a podcast on understanding the enemy
#Explainingleftism #StephenCoughlin
#StephenCoughlin #Explainingleftism
The perfect example of Frankfurt School Discourse theory: Making opposition to govt. policy illegal
At a dinner once, I was given a licence to only say the word, "Dialec
#demographyisdestiny #Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #freedomofspeech #Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #LeftismandIslam #Populationreplacement #Spain #TrojanHorse #VOXPartySpain
#VOXPartySpain #TrojanHorse #Spain #Populationreplacement #LeftismandIslam #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues #freedomofspeech #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism #demographyisdestiny
Solving the problem by defining the standards
The following YouTube video is one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had standing up. Beyond its face level meaning, there is a lot to take away about how things have happened in the past few years and even into earlier efforts this site and its colleagues have made against other government lines of effort to destro
#Explainingleftism #History #Science
#Science #History #Explainingleftism
Prof. James Lindsay explains the Leftist tactic of critical attacks called a “Struggle Session”
From the description:
The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 104
One of the most famous and most evil techniques of Maoist Marxism is the "struggle session" (dòuzh?ng, ??; or p?pàn dòuzh?ng
War on Christmas and repressive tolerance
Johnny U posted a worthy oped from the Washington Times in a much appreciated comment he left at Vlad this morning.
Thank you John, for that and for all your contributions to this site.
The OpEd is about the war on Christmas being in fact about a war on Am
#CulturalMarxism #Explainingleftism #WaronChristians #Waronfreedoms #Waronreason #WaronWesterncivilization
#WaronWesterncivilization #Waronreason #Waronfreedoms #WaronChristians #Explainingleftism #CulturalMarxism
Pseudo-environmentalism and the extinction of the Right Whale
This is a now archetypal story. Feminism has been subverted by Hegelian/Marxist weaponized rhetorical devices to destroy women. It was possibly even created to do that. The practice of medicine, well I'll leave that to readers to decide how that started and whe
#CryptoEnvironmentalism #Explainingleftism #Realenvironmentalissues
#Realenvironmentalissues #Explainingleftism #CryptoEnvironmentalism
James Lindsey: Life in Herbert Marcuse’s World
James Lindsay: The Marxification of education
Like all Prof. James Lindsay's lectures. this is profound and important. Anyone who has children in schools or recently changed their values while in schools should watch this. This video is a brilliant explanation of the methods and tactics of Marxists within the school system to destroy children's whole be
#Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #LeftismonCampus
#LeftismonCampus #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism
James Lindsey: The Marxification of Education
This guy is excellent. In the league of Stephen Coughlin.
#Explainingleftism #LeftismonCampus #LeftistactionsinCanada #U.S.A.
#U #LeftistactionsinCanada #LeftismonCampus #Explainingleftism