claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server

kf-2.15.1 released!
with OpenCL acceleration, hybrid formula designer, exponential map, and more
get it from

- support for perturbation iterations (requires double precision support on device: should work, some might not)
- editor (design your own fractal formula)
- coordinate transformation (useful for export to for efficient assembly)
- rotation and skew transformations are rewritten to be more flexible (but old skewed/rotated KFR locations will not load correctly)
- kf-tile.exe tool supports the new rotation and skew transformations
- the bitrotten skew animation feature is removed
- a few speed changes in built in formulas (one example, RedShiftRider 4 with derivatives is almost 2x faster due to using complex analytic derivatives instead of 2x2 Jacobian matrix derivatives)
- flip imaginary part of Buffalo power 2 (to match other powers; derivative was flipped already)
- slope implementation rewritten (appearance is different but it is now independent of zoom level and iteration count)
- smooth (log) iteration count is offset so dwell bands match up with the phase channel

#kf #KallesFraktaler #burningship #MandelbrotSet #mandelbrot #freesoftware #software #free #fractals #fractal #DeepZoom #zoom #deep #video #zoomasm #ExponentialMap #HybridFormula #gpu #cpu #opencl

Last updated 4 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server

calculated in (515 keyframes forming an ) in 66mins wall clock time, then assembled and encoded into a 3min video in 12mins wall clock time. Should be a part of the next major KF release come September time or so.

I implemented the video assembler in using to colour the raw iteration data, wasn't hard to modify my earlier flat keyframe interpolator to work with exponential map slices.

The colouring is based on directional distance estimate - close to the fractal is black, with rainbow tinges surrounding desaturating to white far from the fractal.

#shaders #glsl #opengl #cplusplus #ExponentialMap #kf #video #zoom #fractal

Last updated 4 years ago