Dr. Edward Leyton: Just how bad are the Colleges of Surgeons and Physicians?
This is another must watch.
#Covidmeasures #ExposingLeftism #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #ExposingLeftism #Covidmeasures
Action item from US Lt. Steven Rogers on Canadian bill C11
Start at 6 minutes
#ExposingLeftism #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ExposingLeftism
A new Poppy to support Canadian Veterans
Recently I had the pleasure of attending a casual dinner with some members of the Freedom Community, which included some Canadian veterans. It is alway satisfying to discover people with whom you have no connection but have put the pieces together in nearly identical ways to yourself, to form an understanding which is not ba
#Canada #ExposingLeftism #Military #Veterans
#Veterans #military #ExposingLeftism #Canada
The fundamentally communist reasoning of Ottawa’s energy plans
The clip below is from the City of Ottawa meeting of April 18th, 2023 where the city took questions on the radical plans to transform the energy grid, and life in Ottawa overall.
The first question asked to Angela Keller-Herzog was about t
#ExposingLeftism #FrankfurtSchool #Gallopingstatism #GlobalWarming #Ontario #Ottawa
#Ottawa #Ontario #GlobalWarming #Gallopingstatism #FrankfurtSchool #ExposingLeftism
Tucker Carlson for March 31st 2023
This continues about the indictment of Trump and some segments contain some important insights and observation.
#DonaldTrump #ExposingLeftism #TuckerCarlson
#TuckerCarlson #ExposingLeftism #DonaldTrump
Riots or colour revolutions in Israel and France?
Here at Vlad, we haven't paid much attention to the rioting in Israel or France. Without giving it much effort or thought, it looked like a colour revolution in Israel for sure, meaning a leftist led attempt to overthrow a nationalist state and preserve/create a more Marxist organiza
#ExposingLeftism #France #Geopolitics #Israel #Rioting #RiotsinFrance
#RiotsinFrance #Rioting #Israel #Geopolitics #France #ExposingLeftism
Herbert Marcuse’s Repressive Tolerance as dominant principle at work in Ontario (and everywhere) School Boards
In the second video which was shot at the Durham District School Board at some point in Q1 of this year, we see what should be fami
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #LeftismonCampus #LeftistFascism
#LeftistFascism #LeftismonCampus #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
Michael Hansen film, Killing Canada
Every time I post this important film from 2017 or so, it vanishes. So here it is again. Please watch and comment. It is more relevant now than when it was made.
#ExposingLeftism #MichaelHansen #moviesandmedia
#moviesandmedia #MichaelHansen #ExposingLeftism
Republican House attempts to restore schools as parent led instead of communist-government directed
#ExposingLeftism #LeftismonCampus #Trans-scam #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Trans #LeftismonCampus #ExposingLeftism
On last Night’s Tucker Carlson show
Two nights ago, on March 6th, Tucker Carlson's show featured clips of January 6th which, shall we say, at the very least could be exculpatory. But at worst showed a government created narrative lie meant to crush basic American axioms of daily life. Mainly that truth is the deciding factor of important events on all scales.
Yesterday afternoon
#ExposingLeftism #TuckerCarlson
#TuckerCarlson #ExposingLeftism
“Germany is now communist” -Co-founder of Fidesz with Viktor Orban
Theory and proof
Co-Founder of Hungary's Fidesz party and veteran journalist examines Germany's replacement policy with migration:
German news item exemplifying the above from January 2020:
German news item from this last month or so:
#AufhebenderKultur #ExposingLeftism #Germany
#Germany #ExposingLeftism #AufhebenderKultur
A look at New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern: Echos of Trudeau? Or a Tribute to Tyranny
One could add a lot to this. Well before Covid, Ardern passed authoritarian information control laws that she somehow applied world wide to hide evidence of the Christchurch Mosque shooter's real motives, and then fabricated a narrative and had t
#Covidmeasures #ExposingLeftism #NewZealand
#NewZealand #ExposingLeftism #Covidmeasures
Interview with Josh Alexander, the teen who dared fight the “gender demands” at a Catholic school
Please read the story details at RAIR Foundation.
#ExposingLeftism #GendercorrectionisthenewJosefMengele #LeftismonCampus #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #LeftismonCampus #GendercorrectionisthenewJosefMengele #ExposingLeftism
Dialectics in an Ottawa Cemetery
There is a very prestigious cemetery in Ottawa called, The Beechwood Cemetery, located on the border of Rockcliffe Park, and Manor Park, Vanier and St' Laurent Blvd. in Ottawa's East end.
It has a very large military section, as well as a dedicated RCMP section of the graveyard. Many of the monuments are quite beautiful, and some very old. Recently, but
#Dialectics #ExposingLeftism
Teen arrested at Ottawa’s NAC for speaking out against the crime of sexualizing children
Yesterday in Ottawa, a protest was held against a drag show for children, that is explicitly against the law when we had such a thing. The leader is a 17 year old Catholic school student that wa
#AufhebenderKultur #Canada #ExposingLeftism #LeftistactionsinCanada #Trans-scam
#Trans #LeftistactionsinCanada #ExposingLeftism #Canada #AufhebenderKultur
Liberal appointed Senator explains Trudeau’s C11 bill for the fascist, communist horror show that it is
#ExposingLeftism #Gallopingstatism #History #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #History #Gallopingstatism #ExposingLeftism
Never Again is Now: 5 part docu-series
Haven't seen much of it yet, but so far, it's every bit as good as everyone who has seen it says it is.
Part I: Here we go again on steroids
Part II: Anyone who wants to start a war has to lie
Part III: Breaking the Veil of the Real Conspirators
Part IV: This time around, we're all jew
#ExposingLeftism #History #vaccines #VeraSharav
#VeraSharav #vaccines #History #ExposingLeftism
Canadian municipalities declare themselves 15 minute cities, small farmers will become Kulaks
Only fact checked one aspect of this so far, but so far it checks out.
@nikisfunnyfarm #greenscreen ? original sound - Niki's Funny Farm
Ottawa, a 15 minute
#Canada #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #ExposingLeftism #LeftistactionsinCanada #Ontario
#Ontario #LeftistactionsinCanada #ExposingLeftism #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #Canada #greenscreen
YouTube removes Project Veritas video on Pfizer vaxx for breach of “consensus”
After you see these, PLEASE read the previous post. It could not have been more timely:
#ExposingLeftism #ProjectVeritas #Socialmedia #Softtotalitarianism
#Softtotalitarianism #Socialmedia #ProjectVeritas #ExposingLeftism
The perfect example of Frankfurt School Discourse theory: Making opposition to govt. policy illegal
At a dinner once, I was given a licence to only say the word, "Dialec
#demographyisdestiny #Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #freedomofspeech #Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #LeftismandIslam #Populationreplacement #Spain #TrojanHorse #VOXPartySpain
#VOXPartySpain #TrojanHorse #Spain #Populationreplacement #LeftismandIslam #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues #freedomofspeech #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism #demographyisdestiny