And it does.
#microG #CoronaWarnAppCompanion #CWAC #ExposureNotification #EN
#microg #CoronaWarnAppCompanion #CWAC #ExposureNotification #en
#microG #GmsCore v0.2.15.204713 in the Exposure Notification framework allows exporting collected IDs for analysis with third party apps (as share send intent). The next Warn-App-Companion then should support it for Corona Contact Tracing German.
#ExposureNotification #EN #ENAPI #CoronaWarnAppCompanion #CWAC #CoronaWarnApp #CWA #CoronaContactTracingGerman #CCTG
#microg #GmsCore #ExposureNotification #en #ENAPI #CoronaWarnAppCompanion #CWAC #CoronaWarnApp #cwa #CoronaContactTracingGerman #cctg
So the source code of the Exposure Notification framework for Android is now available? If this is correct, this is a big deal. #contacttracing #covid19 #android #opensource #GAEN #ExposureNotification #google
#COVID19 #android #opensource #GAEN #ContactTracing #ExposureNotification #google