Going through #Extempore guide for a #lisp interface to live coding music. Happily it was easy to get some noise going using the #emacs extempore-mode
One cool bit: the quality of the "Note-level music" documentation page is fantastic, going way beyond note patterns to e.g. showing recursion for note scheduling and an illustrated discussion of musical harmony: https://extemporelang.github.io/docs/guides/note-level-music/
I've always been a fan of #TidalCycles' #pattern language. What I didn't know was that Andrew Sorensen's #Extempore #livecoding environment also has a kind of pattern language. Must investigate further.
#Scheme #Lisp #LiveCoding #Extempore #TidalCycles #PatternLanguage
#patternlanguage #lisp #scheme #livecoding #Extempore #pattern #tidalcycles
Don't know why, but I always end up going back to #Extempore. Something about #livecoding in #scheme, I guess.
#scheme #livecoding #Extempore