Still no "" willing to conserve a habitable planet?!? have you had a word with your fiancé about #ExtinctionTheFacts yet? Either way, given it made you cry (me too!), perhaps help spread the word and encourage support within your party for #CEEbill?
#ExtinctionTheFacts is essential viewing, but wish it had done more to highlight UK #wildlife devastation. Also, whilst it points out deadly chemicals used in #agriculture are a primary cause of #Extinction, it didn't explicitly promote #organic #farming that avoids their use!
#farming #organic #extinction #agriculture #wildlife #ExtinctionTheFacts
In short, if you like clean rivers that aren't ecological dead zones completely lacking in #wildlife, buy and eat #organic food to reduce #Agricultural #pollution from pesticides etc (funnily enough, chemicals designed to kill things, kill things)
#ExtinctionTheFacts #pollution #agricultural #organic #wildlife
Frankly I'd be amazed is they don't go extinct (at least in the wild) during my children's (who both love Octonauts and their polar bear Captain Barnacles) lifetimes 😢 #ExtinctionTheFacts
Climate Change Pushes Polar Bears Towards Extinction, Study Finds
Given it's mostly UK audience, this is something I felt #ExtinctionTheFacts didn't highlight nearly enough: the extent to which we've decimated (and continue to decimate) wildlife in the UK.
Hey I assume the list of supporting MPs listed at is kept up to date, right? So none of the so-called "" seem to be interested in conserving a habitable planet for their children and grandchildren? #CEEbill #ExtinctionTheFacts
What will Wilfred think when he learns his daddy's Gov't called peaceful protesters courageously raising the alarm about #ExtinctionTheFacts "organised criminals" and that NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THE "" has come out in support the #CEEbill?
Everyone should watch this. It’s massively difficult to watch - I cried - but it is vital. We can’t ignore it. It’s time to act. #ExtinctionTheFacts
What will Wilfred think when he learns his daddy lead the UK Gov't & & NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has come out in support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill? Anyone who cares about #ExtinctionTheFacts should support the #CEEbill
Everyone should watch this. It’s massively difficult to watch - I cried - but it is vital. We can’t ignore it. It’s time to act. #ExtinctionTheFacts
Watching #ExtinctionTheFacts. Crying 😭 for all the species we're annihilating. And for my children and the world they are inheriting.