Work in progress! Version one of my next piece (I already know I’ll need to tweak it). Looks so cool all lit up undergoing UV curing! I just love how transmitted light works!
#wip #ExtraCTSkullpture #microct #ArtAndTech #3dprinting
Here are some WIP images from my next #ExtraCTSkullpture project. Happy New Year!
#Blender3D #sciart #skull #prototyping #circuits #diy #NewMediaArt #STEAM
#steam #newmediaart #diy #circuits #prototyping #skull #sciart #blender3d #ExtraCTSkullpture
By request, more video of my latest piece, which I’m calling “Aurora Didelphis, cranium.” It’s kind of mesmerizing to watch. Unfortunately the video doesn’t capture the vibrancy of the colors.
#STEAM #skullArt #mixedMedia #contemporaryArt #womanArtist #womeninstem #laserEngraving #3dPrinting #ExtraCTSkullpture #sciart #artAndTechnology
#artandtechnology #sciart #ExtraCTSkullpture #3dprinting #laserengraving #womeninstem #womanartist #contemporaryart #mixedmedia #skullart #steam
By request, more video of my latest piece, which I’m calling “Aurora Didelphis, cranium.” It’s kind of mesmerizing to watch. Unfortunately the video doesn’t capture the vibrancy of the colors.
#STEAM #skullArt #mixedMedia #contemporaryArt #womanArtist #womeninstem #laserEngraving #3dPrinting #ExtraCTSkullpture #sciart #artAndTechnology
#artandtechnology #sciart #ExtraCTSkullpture #3dprinting #laserengraving #womeninstem #womanartist #contemporaryart #mixedmedia #skullart #steam
Assembling the piece! I’m so excited! With all I’ve learned to make this piece a reality, I have so many ideas about where to go from here. Looking forward to making more art from #microCT data and exploring the beauty of #anatomy!
#3Dprinting #laserEngraving #smallElectronics #LEDArt #techArt #WIP #almostDone #ExtraCTSkullpture #sciart
#sciart #ExtraCTSkullpture #AlmostDone #wip #techart #ledart #smallelectronics #laserengraving #3dprinting #anatomy #microct
I’ve been working on this piece for months and finally all the parts are finished and ready to assemble! I went through several test prints and previous iterations and learned a lot on the way!
I learned how to use an Arduino, and soldered the electronics! Learned more about precise CAD design for 3D printing and techniques for finishing 3D prints! And how to laser engrave cleanly!
#3Dprinting #laserEngraving #smallElectronics #LEDArt #techArt #WIP #almostDone #ExtraCTSkullpture
#ExtraCTSkullpture #AlmostDone #wip #techart #ledart #smallelectronics #laserengraving #3dprinting
Waiting with anticipation for #3DPrinting filament to arrive today. Once it does, I can finally finish this piece! Excited! #lightArt #sciArt #artTechnology #ExtraCTSkullpture
#ExtraCTSkullpture #arttechnology #sciart #lightart #3dprinting
A concept for my #ExtraCTSkullpture project visualized on #Blender3D. Inspired by architect Paolo Soleri’s sand cast metal tiles, though his bells are more widely known. He pressed various shapes and patterns into the sand before casting. Here, I simulated what similar tiles might look like if various parts of an opossum skull were pressed into the mold. Learning to work with hot metals is on my to-learn list along side metal electroplating.
Piece I'm currently working on for my #ExtraCTSkullpture project. #sciart #anatomy #skull
#skull #anatomy #sciart #ExtraCTSkullpture
This is a prototype of what I’m currently working on with my #ExtraCTSkullpture project! #lightart #sciart
#sciart #lightart #ExtraCTSkullpture