💞 Why did I become obsessed with #UnitTesting for iOS? Here's what makes me tick https://qualitycoding.org/podcast-ios-unit-testing-champion/ #ExtremeProgramming
#unittesting #ExtremeProgramming
❤️🔥 The Journey of an iOS Unit Testing Champion: My Roots, Focus, and Passion https://qualitycoding.org/podcast-ios-unit-testing-champion/ #iOSDev #UnitTesting #ExtremeProgramming
#iosdev #unittesting #ExtremeProgramming
iOS Unit Testing Champion: What Are My Roots, My Focus, My Passion? https://qualitycoding.org/podcast-ios-unit-testing-champion/ #iOSDev #UnitTesting #ExtremeProgramming
#iosdev #unittesting #ExtremeProgramming
I'm on the Mob Mentality show!
"When planning iOS work and writing iOS code, how fast are your feedback loops?
How much fun are you having in your work?
Are the two things related?
Join us as we discuss with Jon Reid how fast feedback and fun in iOS development was greatly amplified for him. We first dive into discovery trees for visualizing work. Then after some "hot takes" on the state of architecture and design in iOS development, we jump into the impact of technical practices and Extreme Programming (XP) in that iOS world. Lastly, Jon shares on the joys of finally being on a full XP team."
#MobProgramming #EnsembleProgramming #ExtremeProgramming #iOSDev #Kanban #SoftwareDesign #MobileAppDevelopment
#mobprogramming #ensembleprogramming #ExtremeProgramming #iosdev #kanban #softwaredesign #mobileappdevelopment
More about me.
I've always wanted to be a #writer of #scienceFiction and #fantasy but working as a #computerProgrammer, #softwareDeveloper, #agileTrainer, and #coursewareDeveloper is how I made my money.
I've written one #romcom #novel so far, not yet published, and a few articles on #extremeProgramming which were published. I might be a better editor than a writer.
my literary hero is Terry Pratchett #discworld
#writer #sciencefiction #fantasy #computerprogrammer #SoftwareDeveloper #agiletrainer #coursewaredeveloper #romcom #novel #ExtremeProgramming #discworld
OH: “#ExtremeProgramming, without #Scrum, will still work. Scrum, without XP, will work long enough for someone to cash a check and skip town.” #mast
#ExtremeProgramming #scrum #mast
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#iosdev #SwiftLang #agile #ExtremeProgramming #Japan #jesus