‘Landslides, cloudbursts in Himachal because people eat meat': IIT Mandi director
Director of the IIT Mandi, Laxmidhar Behera was slammed for his speech on social media after it went viral.
#HimachalPradesh #mandi #IITMandi #IITs #LaxmidharBehera #vegetarianism #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateChange #construction #india
#himachalpradesh #mandi #iitmandi #iits #laxmidharbehera #vegetarianism #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateChange #construction #india
‘Landslides, cloudbursts in Himachal because people eat meat': IIT Mandi director
Director of the IIT Mandi, Laxmidhar Behera was slammed for his speech on social media after it went viral.
#HimachalPradesh #mandi #IITMandi #IITs #LaxmidharBehera #vegetarianism #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateChange #construction #india
#himachalpradesh #mandi #iitmandi #iits #laxmidharbehera #vegetarianism #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateChange #construction #india
The Recipe for Disaster That Is Causing Destruction in Himalayan States
The disasters unfolding in the hill states are a result of unplanned development on unstable mountains that are already facing extreme weather events, scientists and environmentalists said. Without planned, resilience-friendly development and adaptation measures such as district-level micro plans to deal with the changing climate, there may be no respite for the people or the environment in these regions.
#himalayas #ExtremeWeatherEvents #HimachalRains #rains #floods #landslides #construction #infrastructure #RealEstate #DevelopmentProjects #HimachalPradesh #uttarakhand #ClimateChange #environment #india
#himalayas #ExtremeWeatherEvents #himachalrains #rains #floods #landslides #construction #infrastructure #realestate #developmentprojects #himachalpradesh #uttarakhand #ClimateChange #environment #india
Himachal rains: Eight Kullu buildings collapse, rains continue to lash State
As many as 120 people have died in rain-related incidents this month while a total of 238 people have died and 40 are still missing since the onset of monsoon in Himachal Pradesh on June 24.
#HimachalPradesh #kullu #HimachalRains #ExtremeWeatherEvents #NaturalDisasters #ClimateChange #environment #DevelopmentProjects #india
#himachalpradesh #kullu #himachalrains #ExtremeWeatherEvents #naturaldisasters #ClimateChange #environment #developmentprojects #india
Dieses unvorstellbare Grauen wird noch verschlimmert durch die Dummköpfe, die sich diesen Mist ausgedacht haben und weiter die Verleugnung und Ignoranz pflegen, die die Weigerung der Menschen, ihre Lebensweise zu ändern und weniger fossile Brennstoffe und Energie zu verbrauchen, stabilisieren.
#Klimakatastrophe #Klimawandel #ExtremWetterEreignisse #VorbereitetSein
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#klimakatastrophe #klimawandel #extremwetterereignisse #VorbereitetSein #climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Hinzu kommt eine winzige Feuerwehr, die keine Ausrüstung zur Brandbekämpfung aus der Luft hat und die bei einem Wind von 60 bis 80 Meilen pro Stunde ohnehin nichts ausrichten kann. Stromleitungen und -masten. Hölzerne Bausubstanz. Funkenflug. All das schuf den perfekten Sturm für Feuer.
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Die Temperaturen auf der Insel sind in den letzten Jahren aufgrund des Treibhauseffekts um bis zu 6 Grad gestiegen. Verlängerte Sturmsaison mit heftigeren Winden, stärkere Sonnenuntergangs- und Fallwinde, unerbittliche Trockenheit selbst auf der "trockenen Seite". All dies ist "Klimawandel", teils auf planetarischer, teils auf lokaler Ebene.
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Verlassene Ananasfarmen, die zuvor den einheimischen Lebensraum zerstört hatten, und verlassene Rinderfarmen, auf denen sich invasive, nicht einheimische Gräser ansiedelten, die in enorme Höhen wuchsen und Mikroklimata schufen und dann völlig austrockneten.
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Ich werde NIEMALS verstehen, wie Menschen sich winden, um die schlimmsten und lächerlichsten Verschwörungstheorien zu finden, anstatt einfach offensichtliche Dinge zu erkennen, wie die schrecklichen Brände auf Maui:
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
I will NEVER understand how people will twist themselves inside out to find the worst and most ludicrous conspiracy theories instead of simply admitting the most obvious things such as the terrible Maui fires: Abandoned pineapple farms which had previously destroyed native habitat and abandoned cattle farms both which had invasive non-native grasses take over, grow to huge heights and create micro-climates, then completely dry out. Temperatures on the island up to 6 degrees hotter in recent years due to greenhouse effect. Prolonged storm seasons with fiercer winds, stronger sundowner and downhill winds, unrelenting drought even on the "dry side". All of this is "climate change", some on a planetary scale, some on a localized scale. Add in a tiny fire department, no aerial fighting equipment and none that could do anything in 60 to 80 mph winds anyway. Power lines and poles. Wooden structures. Ember storm. All created a perfect storm for fire. This unimaginable horror is made worse by the fools making shit up, and ultimately making worse the denial and ignorance that will prolong the refusal to change human ways to zero fossil fuel use and less energy use.
#ClimateDisaster #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Joe Biden must declare a climate emergency. And he must do so now
Biden had the last opportunity of any president to keep the world under 1.5C of heating. Instead he is squandering time we do not have.
#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #JoeBiden #FossilFuels #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateDisasters #ClimateEmergency #UnitedStates
#ClimateChange #globalwarming #joebiden #fossilfuels #ExtremeWeatherEvents #climatedisasters #climateemergency #unitedstates
What will an El Niño bring next to India?
El Niños are becoming stronger. The collective impacts of these changes on agricultural production can compromise food and water security in india. We need to dissect how escalating extreme weather events and future changes in climate will combine to affect India’s monsoon in the coming years.
#ElNino #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #economy #industry #india #environment
#elnino #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #economy #industry #india #environment
https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn7046-hydroelectric-powers-dirty-secret-revealed/ Hydroelectric power's dirty secret revealed
24 February 2005
Duncan Graham-Rowe NEW SCIENTIST #methane #atmosphericgreenhousegasemissions #CH4 #CO2 #N2O #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateGrief #climatejustice #ecologicaljustice #ecology #stopecocide #stopgenocide #racialgenocide #MMIWG #ManCamps #IndigenousRightsAbuse #HumanRightsViolation #Canada #ClimateDenial #GlobalWarming #ExtremeWeatherEvents
#methane #atmosphericgreenhousegasemissions #ch4 #co2 #n2o #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateGrief #ClimateJustice #ecologicaljustice #ecology #stopecocide #stopgenocide #racialgenocide #mmiwg #mancamps #indigenousrightsabuse #HumanRightsViolation #canada #ClimateDenial #GlobalWarming #ExtremeWeatherEvents
I think climate folks ought to consider how this article is relevant to the public discourse about climate science.
We’re in this extraordinary conversation in which many people (deniers, footdraggers, a few brazen self-promoters) are trawling through the data looking for nonstories! Look ma! No trend in this statistic! How about that?
It’s the opposite of science. But it’s well rewarded!
#Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateDebate #ClimateBall #ExtremeWeatherEvents
#ExtremeWeatherEvents #climateball #climatedebate #climatechange #Climate
At 1.1°C of #GlobalWarming, #ExtremeWeatherEvents are already becoming unbearable.
Even if we successfully limit global warming to 1.5°C, it'll still disrupt our planet.
Aren't our global leaders getting that it's 1.5°C ON AVERAGE? The #Artic has actually warmed 4 times faster than the rest of the world.
Even though the difference between 1.5°C and 2°C is 0.5°C, they're worlds apart. We simply cannot affort to give up on 1.5°C
If global leaders give up 1.5°C now at #COP27 without even trying to half #Emissions by 2030, what will prevent them from from giving up 2°C in a few years as well? And then?
With current policies, we're heading to 2.6°C - 2.9°C of global warming.
Read here, BBC News' note: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-63617400
#globalwarming #ExtremeWeatherEvents #artic #cop27 #emissions
At 1.1°C of #GlobalWarming, #ExtremeWeatherEvents are already becoming unbearable.
Even if we successfully limit global warming to 1.5°C, it'll still disrupt our planet.
Aren't our global leaders getting that it's 1.5°C ON AVERAGE? The #Artic has actually warmed 4 times faster than the rest of the world.
Even though the difference between 1.5°C and 2°C is 0.5°C, they're worlds apart. We simply cannot affort to give up on 1.5°C
If global leaders give up 1.5°C now at #COP27 without even trying to half #Emissions by 2030, what will prevent them from from giving up 2°C in a few years as well? And then?
With current policies, we're heading to 2.6°C - 2.9°C of global warming.
Read here, BBC News' note: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-63617400
#globalwarming #ExtremeWeatherEvents #artic #cop27 #emissions
At 1.1°C of #GlobalWarming, #ExtremeWeatherEvents are already becoming unbearable.
Even if we successfully limit global warming to 1.5°C, it'll still disrupt our planet.
Aren't our global leaders getting that it's 1.5°C ON AVERAGE? The #Artic has actually warmed 4 times faster than the rest of the world.
Even though the difference between 1.5°C and 2°C is 0.5°C, they're worlds apart. We simply cannot affort to give up on 1.5°C
If global leaders give up 1.5°C now at #COP27 without even trying to half #Emissions by 2030, what will prevent them from from giving up 2°C in a few years as well? And then?
With current policies, we're heading to 2.6°C - 2.9°C of global warming.
Read here, BBC News' note: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-63617400
#globalwarming #ExtremeWeatherEvents #artic #cop27 #emissions
Due to the worsening #ClimateCrisis, every year there're more and more devastating #ExtremeWeatherEvents, wreaking havoc in the Global South. On the other hand, since wealthier countries have once again failed to deliver the $100 million for #Mitigation and #Adaptation they pledged. #ClimateFinance has never before been more necessary.
That's why developing countries are strongly pushing for more finance at #COP27, not just for mitigation and adaptation but also for #LossAndDamage.
Unfortunately, last week there was little progress in these contendious issues at COP27.
For more: https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/climate/cop27-tough-negotiations-ahead-un-climate-summit-final-week/
#ClimateCrisis #ExtremeWeatherEvents #mitigation #adaptation #climatefinance #cop27 #lossanddamage
Due to the worsening #ClimateCrisis, every year there're more and more devastating #ExtremeWeatherEvents, wreaking havoc in the Global South. On the other hand, since wealthier countries have once again failed to deliver the $100 million for #Adaptation they pledged. #ClimateFinance has never before been more necessary.
That's why developing countries are strongly pushing for more finance at #COP27, not just for mitigation and adaptation but also for #LossAndDamage.
Unfortunately, last week there was little progress in these contendious issues at #ClimateNegotiations at COP27.
For more: https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/climate/cop27-tough-negotiations-ahead-un-climate-summit-final-week/
#ClimateCrisis #ExtremeWeatherEvents #adaptation #climatefinance #cop27 #lossanddamage #ClimateNegotiations
Due to the worsening #ClimateCrisis, every year there're more and more devastating #ExtremeWeatherEvents, wreaking havoc in the Global South. On the other hand, since wealthier countries have once again failed to deliver the $100 million they pledged in 2010. #ClimateFinance has never before been more necessary.
That's why developing countries are strongly pushing for more finance at #COP27 this year, not just for #Mitigation and #Adaptation but also for #LossAndDamage.
Unfortunately, last week there was little progress in these contendious issues at #ClimateNegotiations. Fortunately there's still one week left to make them #PayUp4LossAndDamage.
For more: https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/climate/cop27-tough-negotiations-ahead-un-climate-summit-final-week/
#ClimateCrisis #ExtremeWeatherEvents #climatefinance #cop27 #mitigation #adaptation #lossanddamage #ClimateNegotiations #PayUp4LossandDamage