I'm struggling to process this #GlobalHeatStorm I want to usefully interpret & respond but just find it too desperate. I have written this non-emotional piece for #ExtremeWeatherStories but am personally feeling quite sad & future-anxious. https://medium.com/extreme-weather-stories/global-heat-storm-1cab7c916bc4 I'm recording my emotion here for #ClimateDiary
#globalheatstorm #ExtremeWeatherStories #ClimateDiary
@ClimateTessa 🙏🏼 thank you for sharing this beautiful blog here - it captures so much. Also really relevant for a module i am currently teaching on #Personhood - i will add this to the last week, on personhood and Anthropocene/#ClimateEmergeegency; to explore what it means to (potentially) lose all your possessions and memories. Also @bridgetmck maybe also good for your #ExtremeWeatherStories if not already part of it?
#personhood #ExtremeWeatherStories
@bridgetmck thank you SO much Bridget! Really really nice to see it grounded here so quickly. I hope #ClimateDiaries can become a good, meaningful extension of the #ExtremeWeatherStories project
#climatediaries #ExtremeWeatherStories
I've done a blogpost on our #ExtremeWeatherStories publication about the #ClimateDiary hashtag project initiated by @pvonhellermannn https://medium.com/extreme-weather-stories/climate-diary-5511670a847c
#ExtremeWeatherStories #ClimateDiary
Sharing again my story of my great grandfather who predicted the 1953 Great Flood & tried to warn authorities. It asks what we have learned and how prepared are we for rising sea levels and floods? The anniversary is tomorrow, and I'll be making a trip to see some memorial exhibitions at Sea Palling and Gorleston. #ExtremeWeatherStories https://medium.com/extreme-weather-stories/70-years-have-we-learned-from-the-great-flood-8f1af24ff296
I've written this, asking what have we learned from the #GreatFlood in #1953 on its 70 year anniversary? How can coastal planning account for climate impacts? And what's the role for heritage? It includes an account of my great grandfather, a coastguard who played a key part in the flood story. #ExtremeWeatherStories https://medium.com/extreme-weather-stories/70-years-have-we-learned-from-the-great-flood-8f1af24ff296
#greatflood #ExtremeWeatherStories
@pvonhellermannn @clockwooork Yes, good idea. We do already have #ExtremeWeatherStories with this intention albeit with a focus on capturing experience of impacts rather than causes & solutions. I went to Sussex myself and know the MOA from then (in the 80s).
@pvonhellermannn This is in part a motivation for Climate Museum UK. It’s intended to capture & support people’s responses to the Earth crisis. For example, our #ExtremeWeatherStories project https://link.medium.com/6CHRNMXt7ub
Hashtags I use on the bird app #CultureTakesAction #ExtremeWeatherStories #EverydayEcocide #culturedeclares #StoriesOfExtraction #EcoLensOnThings #ecocapacities
#ecocapacities #EcoLensOnThings #StoriesOfExtraction #culturedeclares #EverydayEcocide #ExtremeWeatherStories #CultureTakesAction