The #ClimateCrisis: Powered by #ExxonMobile, #Shell, #BP, ...
#ClimateCrisis #ExxonMobile #shell #bp
#klimakatastrophe #lobbyisten #fdp #prometheusinstitut #ExxonMobile
Selbsternannter Wärmepumpengroßinquisitor #frankschäffler (FDP), seines Zeichens Gründer UND Geschäftsführer des (Lobby-) Prometheus Instituts (welches lt. @lobbycontrol zum Atlas Network gehören soll und dieses wiederum u. a. von ExxonMobile finanziert sein soll (allegedly)) mit einer misslungenen Klarstellung auf Tw*****.
#frankschaffler #ExxonMobile #prometheusinstitut #fdp #lobbyisten #klimakatastrophe
Wie die #FickDenPlaneten-Partei von #ChistianLindner wissentlich von #Klimaleugner n und rechten Geldgebern unterwandert wurde. Wer kann sowas wählen? #FDP. Aber dann ist die Politik ja klar. Raus aus der Regierung mit diesen A....n.
Von #Cato, #ExxonMobile, #HeartlandInstitute, #Kochbrothers #Eike, #HolgerThuss, und vielem mehr. Alles verantwortungslose, gewissenlose Gesellen.
#spreadtheword #streisandthis!
Danke, #Anstalt, danke @ZDF @clausvonwagner #MaxUthoff
#FickDenPlaneten #ChistianLindner #klimaleugner #fdp #cato #ExxonMobile #heartlandinstitute #kochbrothers #eike #holgerthuss #spreadtheword #streisandthis #anstalt #maxuthoff
> ... the trifecta: climate change isn’t real; or if it is, humans (and especially fossil-fuel companies!) aren’t responsible; and anyway it might be a good thing. Titled “Unsettled Science,” the piece falsely argued that scientists could not agree on whether climate change was happening. (By that time, 90% of climate scientists, including #ExxonMobile’s, had reached a consensus that climate change is real.)
#RebeccaGordon on #TomDispatch on #Climate and #California
#california #climate #TomDispatch #rebeccagordon #ExxonMobile
#ExxonMobile Pimps to the pols
how are they still in the lube business ??
why #citizensunited of course.
#ExxonMobile #citizensunited #endcitizenunited #thelonglie
#shell makes a profit of €46 billion, #ExxonMobile makes an even bigger profit of $56 billion. Quite outrageous. All they do is pump up oil and sell it for too much money, because of the ongoing energy crisis. They don’t add any value. Worse even: they destroy the #environment in the process.
Exxon is fighting a #eu “solidarity tax” of 1 billion they have to pay. Fits their morality.
I hope anyone with the means will quit their jobs at these companies.
#eu #environment #ExxonMobile #shell
With more than 10% of #ExxonMobile 's record profit coming from government bailouts, perhaps we should talk about limiting #corporateWelfare
#ExxonMobile #corporatewelfare
ExxonMobil scientists accurately predicted global warming from fossil fuels as far back as the late 1970s. Study published this month found that ExxonMobile "modelled and predicted global warming with shocking accuracy and skill, only for the company to spend the next couple of decades denying that very climate science".
#climate #exxonmobile #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateemergency #oilandgas #petroleum
#climate #ExxonMobile #climatechange #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #OilandGas #petroleum
Ich denke, es gehört zur DNA von Konzernen, deren Geschäftsmodell auf der Schädigung von Gesundheit und der Zerstörung von Leben aufbaut, zu vertuschen und zu Lügen. In den 50ern und 60ern taten das die Tabakkonzerne in bezug auf die Folgen des Rauchens, seit den 70ern und 80ern offenbar #ExxonMobile bei der #Erderwärmung und dem #Klimawandel. Siehe
#klimawandel #erderwarmung #ExxonMobile
Neues aus der Abt. Scheinheilige: „Der Ölkonzern #ExxonMobile wusste früher von #Klimakrise als Forscher – und schwieg“ #CO2!667822704
The fossil fuel companies #ExxonMobile, #Shell and #Volkswagen still in the top 10 #lobby organizations in #Brussels with a declared #budget of 10.5 Million Euros!
#ExxonMobile #Shell #volkswagen #Lobby #Brussels #budget
Septième jour de grève chez ExxonMobil pour les salaires : « on n’avait pas vu ça depuis 30 ans ! »
Après les premiers débrayages mardi dernier, la grève continue sur les deux raffineries d’ExxonMobil à Notre-Dame-de-Gravenchon et Fos-sur-Mer. Alors que l’entreprise perd 2 millions d’euros par jour, elle refuse toute augmentation substantielle pour les salariés.
#greves #exxonmobile #29septembre
#greves #ExxonMobile #29septembre
#ExxonMobile rakes in profits of $2245.62 per second on fuel crisis. Excess profits tax is long overdue. That’s a #Cloudflare site so I’ll pass on that link. People seem to fixate on the #climateChange cause as if it matters whether humans are to blame. Certainly we can blame #ExxonMobile for discovering the problem (#ExxonKnew) & concealing it. Beyond that it doesn’t matter to what extent humans can be blamed for the problem, only whether humans can be part of the solution.
#cloudflare #climatechange #ExxonMobile #exxonknew
La rivolta dell’Africa si è arrestata, il suo grido è pieno di speranza #continenteafricano #tricontinental #StatoIslamico #colonialismo #imperialismo #ExxonMobile #globalsouth #Khorasani #Mozambico #Francia #Estero #Total #News #usa
#usa #news #total #estero #francia #mozambico #Khorasani #globalsouth #ExxonMobile #imperialismo #colonialismo #statoislamico #tricontinental #continenteafricano