herbalremedies.one/how-to-impr Save Your Eyesight naturally! Imagine a life without being able to see clearly or being literally blind for life? You don't have to lose your vision due to macular degeneration cataracts, diabetes or age. You can improve your vision naturally with the right nutrition, exercise and supplementation.

#eyesight #Eyes #vision #blindness #blind

Last updated 1 year ago

Matthew 13:16, "But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear;"

Why is it that Jesus told the disciples they had hearing and sight, apart from everyone in Israel?

The people were not physically deaf or blind; in this Scripture, Jesus was speaking on a deeper level.

He is trying to make us aware that even though our physical eyes and ears may be working properly, our spiritual senses could be inactive.

We can be reading His word blindly, in a way that He did not intend but God wants to teach us the correct way.

To gain spiritual sight in the Scriptures SIGN UP for School of the Spirit! Visit courses.voh.church to learn more 🙌

#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #SOTS #SchoolOfTheSpirit #learn #Eyes #scripture #senses

Last updated 1 year ago

herbalremedies.one/how-to-impr Save Your Eyesight naturally! Imagine a life without being able to see clearly or being literally blind for life? You don't have to lose your vision due to macular degeneration cataracts, diabetes or age. You can improve your vision naturally with the right nutrition, exercise and supplementation.

#eyesight #Eyes #vision #blindness #blind

Last updated 1 year ago

The GOAT Farm · @thegoatfarm
49 followers · 848 posts · Server brighteon.social

What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Sugar for 14 Days:
✅ face and midsection will change
✅ improvement with eyes, brain, arteries, and kidneys
✅ decreased urination at night
✅ more energy
✅ cravings between meals go away
✅ less stiffness, pain, and inflammation
✅ loss of weight
✅ better skin
✅ improvement with insulin resistance

The best way to cut out sugar is to cut out all ultra-processed foods which usually contains sugar under the guise of many different names.

Try cutting out the items listed below. Hamburgers are crossed off because you can have a hamburger patty (just don't have the bun).


#cleanliving #health #sugar #Eyes #brain #heart #kidneys #energy #cravings #inflammation #weightloss #skin #insulin #brighteon

Last updated 1 year ago

What if I told you that the Lord is always speaking to us?

God is always talking and is all around us. Sometimes it can be easy to see Him with the wrong eyes or hear Him with the wrong ears. Scripture says the Lord is trying to activate a different kind of eye and ear; one without physical form and blind to the human eye.

Paul speaks about two different ways of interpreting scripture (2 Co 3:6); we can understand by the letter (no deeper meaning/ literal) or we can understand by the spirit (parabolic meaning).
Understanding by the letter means that we are using our human eyes to see it. When we understand by the spirit we are seeing God for how He intended us to see Him.
What do you see?

To continue reading the article “Seeing God & Knowing Him” visit voh.church/resources

#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #always #talk #human #Eyes #letter #Understanding

Last updated 1 year ago

There are some things in scripture that are hidden to us that we have never seen before like in (Jn 16:25) when Jesus reveals to the apostles, the symbolic meaning of the mysterious words He'd been speaking to the crowds.

The Lord wants to give us these bigger portions, but in order for God to even begin feeding us with increasing knowledge of these hidden treasures within His word, we first have to have eyes that see beyond the parables.

How do we get eyes to see? By first, seeking out the ones (apostles) who are given the gift of sight from Jesus Himself.

Interested in teachings that will give you spiritual sight? Visit courses.voh.church to learn more and register for School of the Spirit today!

#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #SOTS #father #Eyes #See #gift #Mystery

Last updated 1 year ago

If one can see (emphasis supplied) with the eyes of faith, not based on the reflections of photons, but on the symbolic meaning of the image, then one will begin to see with the eyes that Moses, the prophets, Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church Fathers saw with.

This is the same understanding that Apostle Michael Petro teaches with, referred to as the apostolic language. It is the symbolic way in which all of Scripture must be seen. The Apostle Paul describes his Jewish pedigree (ref Philipians 3:5) prior to getting his spiritual myopia healed. Meaning, he had a different way of interpreting the Scriptures, which is how it was meant to be.

Full article → bit.ly/40OvXh3

#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #vision #See #Eyes #Understand #Deeper #learn #light #dark #Mystery #faith #Gospel

Last updated 1 year ago

We are renewed into the image of Him when our eyes open and we begin to see the knowledge (mysteries) of Scripture (Col 3:10). The wisdom of God is hidden in a mystery, which are the deeper things that His Spirit comes to reveal (1 Co 2:10).
The word “mystery,” translates to the Greek word “musterion,” which speaks of secrets confined only to the initiated, or those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear it.
The mysteries of Scripture is the mystery of Christ, and that has the power to dramatically change your life!

Let the Lord transform you through learning the deeper understanding of His word!

Visit us at voh.church/connect and SIGN UP for our next orientation

#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #Romans #Mystery #Transform #mind #Renew #Eyes #image #bible #secret

Last updated 1 year ago

herbalremedies.one/how-to-impr Save Your Eyesight naturally! Imagine a life without being able to see clearly or being literally blind for life? You don't have to lose your vision due to macular degeneration cataracts, diabetes or age. You can improve your vision naturally with the right nutrition, exercise and supplementation.

#blind #blindness #vision #Eyes #eyesight

Last updated 2 years ago

Carnal Mind

Jesus made a way through the veil, which was His flesh (ref Heb 10:20). The word flesh is the Greek word sarx, which is the same word for carnality. Jesus showed us how to walk by the Spirit, that is, to understand and walk out the Law Spiritually (ref Rom 8:4, Mat 5:17).

Living according to the flesh or carnally, is when we interpret the Law by the letter (literal and historical way) - this brings spiritual death (ref Rom 8:6, 2 Co 3:6). Christ, on the other hand, interpreted the Law the way it was intended to be interpreted - by the Spirit. This brings life and peace (ref Rom 8:6). Jesus removed the veil over the letter of the Law in order to reveal the Spiritual understanding.

To learn more visit our homepage at voh.church

#Eyes #open #letter #closed #Curtain #Veil #surface #jesus #spirit #law #Carnality #Flesh #spiritual #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

The Scriptures Are Veiled

Did you know the scriptures within the Bible are said to be veiled or have a deeper meaning hidden within them?
The Apostle Paul says that there is a veil that lies over the Old Testament when it is read, but through Christ, the veil is taken away (ref 2Co 3:14-16). Jesus Himself said He didn’t come to do away with the law and the prophets, but to fulfill (ref Mat 5:17).

The word fulfill is the Greek word pleróō and it means to fully preach and to cause God’s will (as made known in the law) to be obeyed as it should be. As a Rabbi/Jewish teacher, Jesus also taught from the Old Testament and opened the minds of His disciples that they might comprehend the scriptures (ref Luke 24:44-45).

Check out our YouTube → bit.ly/3Y4OsOj

#See #Eyes #holy #heaven #spiritual #senses #open #secret #law #Testament #old #jesus #Mystery #Veil #Gospel

Last updated 2 years ago

herbalremedies.one/how-to-impr Using specific herbs, vitamins, minerals and co-factors can unclog your eyes, improve blood and lymph flow to and from your eyes so they can see clearly without obstructions or floaters. Discover how to improve and protect your eyesight from permanent blindness, macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma using natural vitamins, herbs, minerals and exercises.

#Eyes #glaucoma #maculardegeneration #vision #eyesight

Last updated 2 years ago

True Pathfinder · @Truepathfinder
19 followers · 112 posts · Server brighteon.social


Eyesight problems have many causes. One of them is your muscular system, that can be weakened or overstressed due to your lifestyle with too much screen time. The good news is, that there are some simple, yet effective exercises, which can improve your eyesight significantly.
Find out what those are in our newest video:

For the personal holistic care you need and deserve contact us at:

Get the most powerful holistic tools here:
The EyesFit 915 can be found here:

Please support our work by becoming a Patreon: patreon.com/truepathfinder

#eyesightproblems #eyeproblems #eyeexercises #eyeexercise #improveeyesightnaturally #eyesightsolutions #eyesightimprovement #eyesight #Eyes #HolisticHealth #holistichealing #health

Last updated 2 years ago

herbalremedies.one/how-to-impr You don't have to lose your eyesight! Using eye clearing and strengthening herbs, vitamins, minerals and enzymes can unfog your eyes, improve blood and lymph flow to and from your eyes so they can see clearly without obstructions or floaters. Discover how to improve and protect your eyesight from permanent blindness, macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma using natural vitamins, herbs, minerals and exercises.

#Eyes #glaucoma #maculardegeneration #vision #eyesight

Last updated 2 years ago

herbalremedies.one/how-to-impr Save Your Eyesight naturally! Imagine a life without being able to see clearly? You don't have to lose your vision due to macular degeneration cataracts, diabetes or age. You can improve your vision naturally with the right nutrition, exercise and supplementation.

#macular #eye #vision #Eyes #eyesight

Last updated 2 years ago

Ointment for the Soul

The word anointing also speaks of an ointment. When you go to the doctor, one might receive an ointment to heal the wound. But Jesus, as our great Physician, brings us the healing our soul needs through understanding His word at a deeper level. Deep healing comes through the revelation of God's word.

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#knowledge #Worship #Praise #Eyes #bride #father #love #god #Son #king #prophet #priest #function #character #HighPriest #Apostle #TheVoiceof

Last updated 2 years ago

herbalremedies.one/how-to-impr Save Your Eyesight naturally! Imagine a life without being able to see clearly? You don't have to lose your vision due to macular degeneration cataracts, diabetes or age. You can improve your vision naturally with the right nutrition, exercise and supplementation.

#vision #Eyes #eyesight

Last updated 2 years ago

The GOAT Farm · @thegoatfarm
27 followers · 316 posts · Server brighteon.social

Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

There is a common theme amongst the old and new testaments: the prophets and Jesus both urge the people to get ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’. Do we really understand what this means?

To learn more click on our website: The Voice of Healing Church | Revealing Jesus in You (voh.church)

#kingdom #Understanding #Perceive #mysteries #Parables #Hear #ears #See #Eyes #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 3 years ago

· @NaturalNews
5593 followers · 25341 posts · Server brighteon.social