When the Light of the world comes into your mind, you are able to see things you have never seen before (John 8:12); your mind is illuminated to Truth and your eyes can now see. Darkness, on the other hand, is when we cannot see something, or we are veiled to something; this means we can be blinded and not truly understand what Scripture is saying (Luke 11:34).

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life" (John 8:12).
We become illuminated through the knowledge and understanding of the deeper meaning of Scripture!

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#Understanding #illumination #EyesToSee #darkness #light #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

What does true restoration look like?

God is restoring us to a deeper understanding of who He is, while also turning the hearts of the fathers in the faith (those mature in understanding) back to the hearts of the children (those immature in their understanding) and vice versa (Mal 4:6). This is referring to our ability to see and understand spiritual things, or the deeper things of scripture, i.e., the man whose eyesight was restored when Jesus placed His hands over his eyes (Mar 8:25). The Lord wants our eyes to be opened to understand His word.

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#Son #father #Elijah #Understanding #spiritual #EyesToSee #Restoration #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago