Eric Wagner talks Ezra Pound (The good, the bad and the, well, *that*) on the Hilaritas Press Podcast -
#EzraPound #RobertAntonWilson #Podcasts
#EzraPound #RobertAntonWilson #podcasts
Il pozzo senza fine di Ezra #Cantipisani #capitalismo #EzraPound #fascismo #Poesia
#Cantipisani #capitalismo #EzraPound #fascismo #poesia
I have sung women in three cities
But it is all one.
I will sing of the white birds
In the blue waters of heaven,
The clouds that are spray to its sea.”
Ezra Pound, “Cino” [Poems of 1908–1911]
"Durante muitos anos, #HenryMiller (26/12/1891 - 07/06/1980) foi considerado um #Autor maldito. Sua #Literatura, tachada d obscena e degradante, sofreu com a #censura, e seus #Livros circulavam d forma clandestina.
Apesar das dificuldades d publicação, Miller chamou a atenção d contemporâneos como #EzraPound, #TSEliot e #EdmundWilson, q saíram em sua defesa.
Os Livros tornaram-se best-sellers depois d liberados, nos anos 60, e hoje o Autor é considerado um dos maiores da #LínguaInglesa. [...]"
#henrymiller #autor #literatura #censura #livros #EzraPound #tseliot #edmundwilson #linguainglesa
Worth reading on #EzraPound and #Chinese #poetry :
* #Translation and the #Languages of #Modernism: Gender, Politics, #Language* by Steven G. Yao (Hamilton College)
#EzraPound #chinese #poetry #translation #languages #modernism #language
Since I was a teenager I've adored Ezra Pound's love poem "The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter," after Li Po.
In later years I've been more aware of how — given the challenges of translation and the difficulty of any Westerner's seeing Chinese culture straight — unlikely it is that a Chinese scholar would find much to admire in the poem.
Do you care to comment?
#poetry #ChinesePoetry #EzraPound
The ant’s a centaur in his dragon world.
Pull down thy vanity, it is not man
Made courage, or made order, or made grace,
Pull down thy vanity, I say pull down.
Learn of the green world what can be thy place
In scaled invention or true artistry,
Pull down thy vanity.
#EzraPound #vanity #butterfly #entomology #photography #poetry #photo #small #nature #film #FilmPhotography #analog
#EzraPound #vanity #butterfly #entomology #photography #poetry #photo #small #nature #film #filmphotography #analog
poesia questa sconosciuta. sulla necessità di scrivere poesie oggi /4 #christopherr.w.nevinson #avanguardiapoetica #percywindhamlewis #NouvelleVague #alvinlangdon #davidbomberg #jacobepstein #vorticismo #EzraPound #Futurismo #t.e.hulme #cubismo #Poesia #blast
#blast #poesia #cubismo #t #futurismo #EzraPound #vorticismo #JacobEpstein #davidbomberg #alvinlangdon #nouvellevague #percywindhamlewis #avanguardiapoetica #christopherr
poesia questa sconosciuta. sulla necessità di scrivere poesie oggi /3 #JamesJoyce #EzraPound #W.B.Yeats #imagismo #Poesia
#poesia #imagismo #w #EzraPound #jamesjoyce
poesia questa sconosciuta. sulla necessità di scrivere poesie oggi /2 #EzraPound #Poesia