#Transe ❤ Fulda TS Rafälly F - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE https://m.ladies.de/sex-anzeigen/transen-shemale/fulda-ts-rafaelly-f-11693562 - Neue #Transen #Shemale #Fulda #TSLady #TS_Rafälly #F - Sexanzeigen auf Ladies.de, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum https://kollegin.eu/@Ladies_DE/tagged/Transe
#transe #ladies_de #transen #Shemale #fulda #TSLady #ts_rafally #F #sex
scheinen ja keine Tracker untergebracht zu sein, prima.
Wird es auch mal eine Version für #f-droid geben?
#Turkey approves #Sweden #NATO bid, supposedly in exchange for getting #F-16 planes from #usa. Turkey was removed from the #F-35 program before because of acquiring #S-400 systems from #russia. https://archive.ph/GnuVB/again?url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/10/biden-erdogan-turkey-sweden-nato/
#turkey #sweden #nato #F #usa #s #russia
Re Ce matin, le Président du Kenya @WilliamsRuto, porte-voix de tous les pays d'Afrique sur les questions de climat, a lui aussi plaidé pour la création d'une Taxe sur les Transactions Financières devant les dirigeants réunis au Sommet.👏
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Maé Kurkjian: President @WilliamsRuto mentions the @EUparliament vote on the #F…
Erst wenn eine APP im #F-Droid Store zu finden sein wird, welche die Messdaten der #smartmeter ausgibt, wird der Vergleich der Ausgabewerte möglich sein und die Glaubhaftigkeit einsetzen.
Deshalb freie API.
#F #SmartMeter #DeutschlandDigitalSicherBSI
La @coopviver es todo un ejemplo de los valores #cooperativos agrarios:
✅ compromiso con el territorio
✅ apoyo para los socios
✅ producción de #alimentos de calidad
✅ dinamización del medio #rural
Es una figura de organización muy importante que recibe el apoyo del Gobierno.
RT @mapagob: El ministro @LuisPlanas visita la @coopviver, una entidad de referencia en el Alto Palancia de #Castellón que, desde una orientación mediterránea, produce con #aceite, #frutas #f…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LuisPlanas/status/1618676931863654400
#cooperativos #alimentos #rural #Castellón #aceite #frutas #F
#选帝侯大街56号 #R #F/M
凯宾斯基饭店的房客(The Tenant of Kempinski Hotel)
Great metroidvania F.I.S.T. is currently free on Epic Games Store
https://www.destructoid.com/f-i-s-t-forged-in-shadow-torch-free-epic-games-store-pc/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=f-i-s-t-forged-in-shadow-torch-free-epic-games-store-pc #EpicGamesStore #Metroidvania #F.I.S.T. #News #Free #PC
#EpicGamesStore #metroidvania #F #News #Free #PC
#mastotips go to Settings, then Preferences, then Others then check "Opt-out of search engine indexing".
Say hello to privacy.
Si vous êtes sur #Android et que vous utilisez #f-droid ou souhaitez découvrir des apps #opensource je vous conseil de jeter un coup d’œil à cette liste. Il y a pleins d'applis cool, pratiques et peu connu. Spoiler alert certaines sont même jolies !
#android #F #opensource #vieprivee #liberte #free #alternative
Für #Android User: Die ganz brauchbare #FediLab App kostet zwar im #Google #PlayStore 2,59 €, man kann diese aber auch völlig kostenlos über #F-Droid herunterladen.
#android #fedilab #google #PlayStore #F
#F&F Podcast ist im Moment echt weird. Geschichten werden zweimal erzählt - keiner merkt es. Komische Schnitte die ganze Zeit. Ist einer von beiden gestorben und die Folgen werden aus alten Gesprächen zusammengeschnitten? 🤨
@janboehm @spotifyde
I welcome this decision by EU Member States, which will help to implement and enforce commitments on sustainability, climate & labour rights in our free trade agreements.
RT @EU2022_CZ: 🗺 #FAC Trade | ✅ EU states approved conclusions prepared by #EU2022CZ on the trade and sustainability review.
It'll help implement and enforce labour rights and climate change commitments and is a key step in negotiating and ratifying #F…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/VDombrovskis/status/1582003250127343616
For more info about this Farmer Field School in 🇲🇼 Malawi and many other 🇪🇺 #EU -funded projects you can contact our colleagues from @EUinMalawi, @EU_Partnerships, @eu_eeas
RT @FAO4Members: In Malawi, @FAO's Farmer Field Schools are helping Felix to increase yields, grow production and improve his income.
Thanks to the financial support from the European Union, we are improving lives and livelihoods👇🏼
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1563033100959248386
#EU #TogetherForDevelopment #F
Receta para dejar #WhatsApp (Android):
1) instalamos el "store" de software libre, visitando, descargando e instalando https://f-droid.org (damos los permisos necesarios);
2) en la App #F-Droid instalamos #Conversations (le permitimos saltarse ahorro de batería y acceder a internet si pregunta);
3) en Conversations registramos nueva cuenta nuestronombreelegido@txs.es con la contraseña que queramos, y resolvemos el captcha. ¡ bienvenid@ !
#LiberaMovil #TXSes #jabber
#whatsapp #F #conversations #LiberaMovil #TXSes #jabber
👋Tomorrow at 10AM CEST, remember to join our #CEPOLwebinar: Cyber-Telecom fraud👇
RT @EU_CEPOL: 🛡️ On 15 June, at 10AM CEST, practitioners from #LawEnforcement and #judicial authorities, working in #cybercrime and cyber-related crime investigations, are invited to join our #CEPOLwebinar on Cyber-Telecom fraud: https://www.cepol.europa.eu/education-training/what-we-teach/webinars/webinar-30372022-cyber-telecom-fraud
#CEPOLwebinar #EMPACT #LawEnforcement #judicial #cybercrime #F
Don't miss this debate with our Digital Ambassador for #EUSEW2022 @AriaVR !⚡️👩🏻
RT @QuentindeHults: The Energy Efficiency First principle in the building sector is paramount. Particularly with the current #EnergyPrices crisis which makes #EPBD revision very timely and crucial to sustainably reduce energy bills.
🗣️Join EU debate on 26/04 🇪🇺 https://copperalliance.org/event/road-to-zero-emission-buildings-energy-efficiency-first/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/euenergyweek/status/1516328649108201475
#EUSEW2022 #energyprices #EPBD #F
This is really good news.
Farming wild animals cannot be acceptable. Well done RoI!
@DeborahMeaden @ifawEU
RT @FurFreeAlliance: Big win for animals! Republic of Ireland passes law to ban fur farming.
Ireland becomes the 17th country in Europe to ban #fur farming, after similar moves in France, Italy and Estonia in 2021.
Read more👇
https://www.furfreealliance.com/republic-of-ireland-bans-fur-farming/ #F…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/catherinemep/status/1510529076745936897
[2022-04-03 08:06 UTC]