Il Presidente uscente Alejandro #Giammattei (#Vamos|Destra) ha annunciato che incontrerà il Presidente eletto Bernardo #Arévalo (#Semilla|Centro-sinistra) il 4 settembre, in cui formalizzerà l'apertura del processo di transizione.
Inoltre, Giammattei ha invitato il segretario generale dell'#OSA Luis #Almagro (🇺🇾#FA🇺🇾|Sinistra) a "Sostenere la transizione durante tutto il processo, fino all'insediamento di Arévalo".
#guatemala #Giammattei #vamos #arevalo #semilla #osa #almagro #FA
Par la suite, il leur a été demandé de retirer également L’impasse islamique. La religion contre la vie, d’Hamid Zanaz, préfacé par Michel Onfray.https://renverse.co/infos-locales/article/ria-2023-livres-islamophobes-action-directe-et-evacuation-de-la-critique-4111
Rien que la préface d'onfray aurait dû suffire à retirer les bouquins sans discussions ni violences
#FA #confus #conspi
Permet un chant en #Fa en #Sol voire en #Rédièse en #Mibémol
#recuperationdetouites #FA #sol #rediese #mibemol
Brother, we're on the same page. I try to stay informed, and at the same time I try not to let myself obssess over things I have no power to change.
But damn ... we are living in a depraved world filled with hedonism and debauchery. Were it not for #FA, I'd have no place to speak or engage freely.
Thank God for my faith. And my age. I won't be around that much longer. But I hope to make a positive difference before I go.
Love and prayers to you sweet Ann...💗 🙏 We keep a prayer candle lit here for you at #FA... be well friend... 🕯️
AVE MARIA - Gregorian Chant of the Annunciation (Video in NAZARETH)
Let’s show our support, Free Altant’ians!
Thank you to the #FA founders and the dedicated platform support team. You are a blessing to us all!
It’s truly a privilege to be part of this brilliant and faithful community! And to think of how it all started…wow’za?!! God truly had different and better plans for us!
As my late father would say, to those he despised:
UP YOUR NOSE ~ Extra Crispy Girlyman Asshoe Saul… and MeeMaw 🐴 (for good measure)
#Sondaggi #Uruguay
Sondaggio di Cifra:
#FA (#MPP-#PCU-#AU-#PS-#AP-#NE-#PVP)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 43%
#PN|Centro-destra: 30% (-1)
#PC|Centro Batllista: 3% (-1)
#CA|Destra populista: 2%
#PI|Centro-sinistra umanista: 1%
Data rilevazione: 15-27 febbraio
+/-: 20-31 ottobre
Intervistati: 1007
#sondaggi #uruguay #FA #mpp #PCU #au #ps #ap #ne #pvp #pn #pc #ca #pi
#Sondaggi #Uruguay
Sondaggio di Factum:
#FA (#MPP-#PCU-#AU-#PS-#AP-#NE-#PVP)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 41%
#PN|Centro-destra: 26% (-1)
#CA|Destra populista: 9% (+1)
#PC|Centro Batllista: 6% (-2)
#PI|Centro-sinistra umanista: 4% (+1)
Data rilevazione: 11-20 febbraio
+/-: 4-16 ottobre
Intervistati: 1000
#sondaggi #uruguay #FA #mpp #PCU #au #ps #ap #ne #pvp #pn #ca #pc #pi
#Sondaggi #Uruguay
Sondaggio di Factum:
#FA (#MPP-#PCU-#AU-#PS-#AP-#NE-#PVP)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 41%
#PN|Centro-destra: 26% (-1)
#CA|Destra populista: 9% (+1)
#PC|Centro Batllista: 6% (-2)
#PI|Centro-sinistra umanista: 4% (+1)
Data rilevazione: 11-20 febbraio
+/-: 4-16 ottobre
Intervistati: 1000
#sondaggi #uruguay #FA #mpp #PCU #au #ps #ap #ne #pvp #pn #ca #pc #pi
@MMA @LoveAlmonds @CONSERVATARIAN @Phil @CDuBois @scottmitchellrose @SweetIceTea
Thanks, you guys!!!
Doing my part 🚫
Well #FA friends... I'm going to take a break.
Sometimes things get weird on social media... and it's good & healthy to walk away.
I think I can face the ghey aliens on my own for a while...
If anything wild happens in the fake news... or any good news for those suffering... I will check back in with y'all.
Peace... and may God keep you strong and well. 🙏
See you in later... 💗
I can't remember... are there any Floridians here on #FA?
For over a year now... I've been mulling over the idea of moving to Florida... the beautiful Sunshine State 😎 🍊
But, I have some concerns.
@SweetIceTea @UptownGirl @cully45 @Fletchlives @icare4america @h53pilot @Missustruth1776
Now that this plandemic seems to be winding down... I, like many other people, are putting more focus into work, and immersion into our communities. Don't forget... lockdowns and all that caused us to spend more time on the computer.
I value the good people here on #FA... but I'm not spending as much time at the computer.
💗 #FAm
@SweetIceTea @UptownGirl @cully45 @Fletchlives @icare4america @h53pilot @Missustruth1776
I have a lot more going on in my day... these days... the amount of time I get to spend on #FA is a lot less than it was before.
And yes... we are all realizing we are in this for the long haul...
Esteettisen kokemisen käsitteeseen uppoutumisen jälkeen voisi kiinnostaa arvo(je)n FA-teoria, mutta eteen astuu heti tänka på: uuden version esittely, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/fitting-attitude-theories/, vaikuttaa suorastaan läpinäkymättömältä vanhaan verrattuna, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2022/entries/fitting-attitude-theories/. SEP:ssä käy joskus niin, että uusitaan liian hätäisesti sisällöllisen kuranttiuden takia, ja lukijalle jää liikaa tarpeetonta painia (ellei jo ole spesifin teeman ekspertti). Mutta tuumitaan.
#arvot #filosofia #FA-teoria
@SweetIceTea @Greeklivesmatter1970 @KarePatriot @TinyHouse4Life @Bleukitty
..this thread and all yous good people is why I love #FA 💗
@icare4america @Phil @Teeeye81 @cully45 @MMA @GCIslander
This one goes in the books as a classic #FA thread 🤣 😂