Angebote in der #HeFDIDataWeek: Online-Workshops zu #FDM & #FAIRData, #CodingCompetencies, #FAIR4RS & #ELN. Alle Forschende, Lehrende und Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen! Programm und Registrierungslink sind hier zu finden: /cf
#hefdidataweek #fdm #fairdata #codingcompetencies #FAIR4RS #eln
Is there anything different about the #FAIR principles for research software (#FAIR4RS, when working in an #HPC context?
I think the answer is no for findability and accessibility, but I'm less sure if this is true for interoperability and reusability.
Next Tuesday (13/12) in the OLIO event "Les entrepôts de données : un outil au service des principes FAIR" I will talk about the Software Heritage project and how it can help to achieve the #FAIR principles for Software in the Sciences #FAIR4RS
I have just presented our work on a template for a #software management plan #SMP in #RDMO. Here are the slides (in German): If you are interested and want to test it, please contact me. Feedback is very welcome! #ResearchSoftware #MPDL #FAIR4RS #MaxPlanck
#software #smp #RDMO #researchsoftware #MPDL #FAIR4RS #maxplanck
#introduction I'm Dan Katz, Chief Scientist at NCSA ( at U Illinois and Assoc Res Prof in CS, ECE, and our iSchool. I'm also a co-founder of ReSA (, US-RSE (, JOSS (, and URSSI ( I work on #researchsoftware #softwaresustainability #softwarecitation #policy #RSEng #scholcomm #FAIR #FAIR4RS #FAIR4ML #cyberinfrastructure #HPC
Hobbies: #photography #birdphotography #reading #walks
#introduction #researchsoftware #softwaresustainability #softwarecitation #policy #rseng #scholcomm #fair #FAIR4RS #FAIR4ML #cyberinfrastructure #hpc #photography #birdphotography #reading #walks
RT @SusannaASansone
The @resdatall publishes FAIR for Research Software #FAIR4RS, adapting the #FAIRprinciples to create the #researchsoftware. Paper @ScientificData ➡️ #FAIRdata #RSE #reproducibility @ELIXIREurope
#FAIR4RS #fairprinciples #researchsoftware #fairdata #rse #reproducibility
We've just published an introduction to the new #FAIR principles for research software (#FAIR4RS principles): and an blog post about the article:
RT @ResearchSoft
Now released! FAIR Principles for Research Software (#FAIR4RS Principles), after ~2 yrs of work by over 500 people. Ready to adopt and use
More info:
@ResearchSoft @FORCE11rescomm @resdatall
Some early takeaway of the #rdaplenary of -Research software- is created during the research process whereas -software in research- is used but not created in the process. #FAIR4RS #RSE