At #GSC2023, @GigaDB talk about how they make use of #FAIRsharing's subject (application) ontology, drawn from a number of community ontologies in order to have full cross-discipline coverage. Great to hear, and let us know if you have questions!
View this ontology in #EMBLEBI's #OntologyLookupService at
New release with minor updates coming this Fall. ✔️
(As originally posted on the ex-bird site by #SusannaAssuntaSansone)
#susannaassuntasansone #ontologylookupservice #emblebi #FAIRsharing #gsc2023
Updates have been made to our #Funders factsheet, co-authored by #EnriqueWulff - find out how funders can make the most of #FAIRsharing!
@allysonlister @lnanderscience @kylecopas @neuropelletier @msandstr @GenevievMichaud @stephenserjeant
#FAIRsharing #enriquewulff #funders
Thank you so much @GenevievMichaud for your kind words on @fairsharing 😍
I'm really happy that you have enjoyed our chats, Genevieve - I have too!
The benefits you've listed are exactly what we hope our #FAIRsharingCommunityChampions will gain: growth in curation expertise, visibility for your services, flexible volunteering opportunities and broadening your networks ❤️
#DataStewardship #datacuration #FAIRsharing #fair #fairsharingcommunitychampions
Our #RamonGranell has led a team that has improved the links between @fairsharing records and #FAIRcookbook recipes.
The FAIR Cookbook, an online resource that delivers content (“recipes”) to help users make and keep data #FAIR, has gained additional connectivity with #FAIRsharing Learn how 582 links to 210 FAIRsharing records have been integrated into 63 recipes using a combination of computational tasks and manual curation.
Find out more at
#FAIRsharing #fair #faircookbook #ramongranell
The @gbif #FAIRsharingCommunityChampions are fantastic contributors to our programme, & their efforts have enriched the description of the #Biodiversity landscape in #FAIRsharing. Thanks for being a part of the programme!
Read more about the #BiCIKL #FAIRsharing-powered web app that reveals links among orgs implementing biodiversity #FAIRdata standards, databases & policies
🥳 Joint blog post:
at GBIF:
at FAIRsharing:
(also on the bird site)
#fairdata #bicikl #FAIRsharing #biodiversity #fairsharingcommunitychampions
@cthoyt @Andrawaag @allysonlister
We've made a #FAIRsharing collection for the GBC Core Resources that you can find here: and we've asked #GlobalBiodataCoalition to claim the collection to ensure that it remains up to date and so that they can make any updates they require. Hope this helps!
#globalbiodatacoalition #FAIRsharing
Scientific data at @ can now be referenced via, e.g., using our persistent identifiers
@allysonlister Just to let everyone know that our #FAIRsharing account has just been approved!
This week we at #FAIRsharing are highlighting the work of the #SocialSciences #Humanities #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator @GenevievMichaud who has already made nearly 50 edits and added new records such as the @DDIAlliance Identifier #SciencesPo #SSHOC
This work is supported in part by my #EOSCfuture #RDA Domain Ambassadorship
#rda #EOSCFuture #SSHOC #sciencespo #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #humanities #socialsciences #FAIRsharing
Robert Crystal-Ornelas et al. have just published a lovely paper on Enabling #FAIR data in #EarthSciences and #EnvironmentalSciences with community-centric (meta)data reporting formats
Thanks for the citation of #FAIRsharing too!
Box 1 in particular has some handy hints for getting your community started down the #FAIR road!
#FAIRsharing #fairstandards #environmentalsciences #EarthSciences #fair
@EULawDataPubs Thanks for the boost!
If anyone has any questions about this collaboration, or if they wish any help describing their policy with our new #FAIRsharing metadata, please get in touch with me, here on Mastodon or via email at
@hvdsomp Thanks Herbert for all you efforts building this record with us at #FAIRsharing!
A small note: We at FAIRsharing have made a deliberate choice to stay away from FAIR assessment/evaluation, however our API powers many FAIR assessment / DMP tools, so by creating a record with us, you are boosting your visibility! See e.g. the lovely Mark Wilkerson's FAIR evaluator ( There's a full list of all the tools we are aware of at
My trip to #EOSCSymposium22 has begun - with a foggy start! Looking forward to seeing people and giving our 3 @fairsharing talks, one in collaboration with Joy Davidson (DCC), one describing our lovely #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator team, & one on the #FAIRcookbook by Susanna-Assunta Sansone
I'll be attending as a rep of #FAIRsharing and as an #RDA / #EOSCFuture Domain Ambassador. If you're curious, come say hi! Read more:
#EOSCFuture #rda #FAIRsharing #faircookbook #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #EOSCsymposium22
As a result, #FAIR metadata will be accessible humans (through policy publication and the creation of the FAIRsharing record) and machines (through the FAIRsharing API). This can make data policies more findable, accessible and re-usable. Our #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator team has already started curating policy records. See the efforts of @neuropelletier at #EOSC #EOSCFuture #RDA #RDA-Europe #FAIRsharing #DCC #FAIRsFAIR
(end thread)
#FAIRsFAIR #dcc #FAIRsharing #rda #EOSCFuture #EOSC #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #fair