This week we are highlighting #FAIRsharingCommunityChampion #EnriqueWulff from #ICMAN_CSIC, who began by curating policy records and is now drafting an infographic with us about how funders can use @fairsharing. Thank you! #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator
#FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #icman_csic #enriquewulff #fairsharingcommunitychampion
Our #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator programme has many #RDA #RDA_Europe members: @debsethorpe is co-organising the #RDA
20th plenary session on 'Promoting synergies between national RDM & data stewardship networks', 22 Mar: all attendees are welcome to join them to share experiences, common goals/challenges & consider collaborations!
Find out more about our Community Curation Programme, including how you can join, at
#rda_europe #rda #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator
Our #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator for this week is #LindseyAnderson from #pnnl our Early Adopter curator for #Omics. She's updated dozens of records, is a true #FAIR ambassador & is active in #RDA. More at Thank you Lindsey!
This programme is run with the support of the #RDA / #EOSCfuture Domain Ambassador Programme, of which @allysonlister is a part.
#EOSCFuture #rda #fair #omics #pnnl #lindseyanderson #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator
Listen to our @allysonlister later this morning at #EDDI2022 about the #SocialSciences #Humanities landscape in FAIRsharing & our #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator team. The work presented here is also produced under the auspices of the #RDA #RDA_Europe / #EOSCFuture Ambassadorship #SSHOC @GenevievMichaud @debsethorpe @GetaMitreaRo @OxfordeResearch
#SSHOC #EOSCFuture #rda_europe #rda #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #humanities #socialsciences #eddi2022
I had a great time with @ReproducibiliTeaGlobal #ReproTeaUEA, and it was a super conversation that day about @fairsharing the #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator programme and my #resdatall #RDA_Europe / #EOSC #EOSCFuture Domain Ambassadorship. Thanks for having me & for sharing the video!
#EOSCFuture #EOSC #rda_europe #resdatall #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #reproteauea
This week we at #FAIRsharing are highlighting the work of the #SocialSciences #Humanities #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator @GenevievMichaud who has already made nearly 50 edits and added new records such as the @DDIAlliance Identifier #SciencesPo #SSHOC
This work is supported in part by my #EOSCfuture #RDA Domain Ambassadorship
#rda #EOSCFuture #SSHOC #sciencespo #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #humanities #socialsciences #FAIRsharing
Although we have >250 Physics records in FAIRsharing (, we would benefit from having a Neutron and Photon Science #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator from #Panosc_eu
- please get in touch! #EOSCsymposium22
#EOSC #EOSCsymposium22 #Panosc_eu #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator
Although we have >250 Physics records in FAIRsharing (, we would benefit from having a Neutron and Photon Science #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator from #Panosc_eu
- please get in touch! #EOSCsymposium22
#EOSC #EOSCsymposium22 #Panosc_eu #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator
Within the #EnvrironmentalResearch domain, FAIRsharing has >200 dbs &stds We would love to engage new #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator from #ENVRI as part of our #EOSCsymposium22 #EOSC engagement - please get in touch!
#EOSC #EOSCsymposium22 #ENVRI #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #EnvrironmentalResearch
@GenevievMichaud The #OpenUniversity
as part of #ESCAPE_EU
has provided our #Astronomy #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator @stephenserjeant who has begun his work w/ #zooniverse
data policy, w/ the db record to follow! #EOSCsymposium22
#EOSC #EOSCsymposium22 #zooniverse #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #astronomy #ESCAPE_EU #OpenUniversity
Within the #EnvrironmentalResearch domain, FAIRsharing has >200 dbs &stds We would love to engage new #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator from #ENVRI as part of our #EOSCsymposium22 #EOSC engagement - please get in touch!
#EOSC #EOSCsymposium22 #ENVRI #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #EnvrironmentalResearch
Lots of depth for #SocialSciencesHumanities #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator including Deborah Thorpe,
Geta Mitrea
(a fellow #RDA / #EOSC Ambassador), @GenevievMichaud from #SciencesPo #SSHOC who added + others
#EOSCsymposium22 #SSHOC #sciencespo #EOSC #rda #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #SocialSciencesHumanities
Guillaume Gay is a #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator for #Microscopy at #EOSClife
via #FranceBioImaging
- he'll start by updating #BioImaging records such as OMER-NGFF #EOSCsymposium22
#EOSCsymposium22 #bioimaging #eurobioimaging #FranceBioImaging #EOSClife #microscopy #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator
FAIRsharing engages with many stakeholders, creating networks between them & #RDA and #EOSC. For #EOSCsymposium22 let's take a closer look at the #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #EOSC cluster members who make these cross-discipline relationships shine! This work has been supported via my RDA Europe / EOSC Future Domain Ambassadorship (
#FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #EOSCsymposium22 #EOSC #rda
My trip to #EOSCSymposium22 has begun - with a foggy start! Looking forward to seeing people and giving our 3 @fairsharing talks, one in collaboration with Joy Davidson (DCC), one describing our lovely #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator team, & one on the #FAIRcookbook by Susanna-Assunta Sansone
I'll be attending as a rep of #FAIRsharing and as an #RDA / #EOSCFuture Domain Ambassador. If you're curious, come say hi! Read more:
#EOSCFuture #rda #FAIRsharing #faircookbook #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #EOSCsymposium22
As a result, #FAIR metadata will be accessible humans (through policy publication and the creation of the FAIRsharing record) and machines (through the FAIRsharing API). This can make data policies more findable, accessible and re-usable. Our #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator team has already started curating policy records. See the efforts of @neuropelletier at #EOSC #EOSCFuture #RDA #RDA-Europe #FAIRsharing #DCC #FAIRsFAIR
(end thread)
#FAIRsFAIR #dcc #FAIRsharing #rda #EOSCFuture #EOSC #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator #fair
On my way to present @fairsharing and our fabulous #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator team at the #NBNconf22 - very glad that the trains are running again, as it's much nicer to see everyone in person. Looking forward to a stroll through the fantastic Natural History Museum as well!
#NBNconf22 #FAIRsharingCommunityCurator