Bibby Stockholm: government ‘playing Russian roulette with asylum seekers’ lives’ | Bibby Stockholm | The Guardian
#bibbystockholm #safety #ctm #WaterSupplyWaterFittingsRegulations1999 #homeoffice #Braverman #wessexwater #Care4Calais #Legionella #LegionairesDisease #FireBrigadesUnion #FBU
Asylum seekers could be housed on Bibby Stockholm barge as soon as Monday despite safety concerns | The Independent
#asylum #asylumseekers #bibbystockholm #barge #safety #tories #Dorset #portland #Sunak #AscensionIsland #DeathTrap #FBU #ThomasSymonds #labour #ukhsa #ventilation #rwanda #employers #Landords #FinesIncreased #Lodgers
Lack of full-time firefighters near asylum barge prompts ‘real concerns’ over emergency response | The Independent
#bibbystockholm #firefighters #asylumseekers #barge #MajorFireRisk #DeathTraps #FBU #OnCallOnlyFireFighters #PortlandFireStation #WeymouthFireStation #DorchesterFireStation #grenfell #Lakanal #Braverman #homeoffice
Grenfell Tower victims were left to die - six years on, no justice
#racism #grenfell #justice #StayPutOrder #pickles #ReesMogg #FBU #HeshamRahman #accountability #GrenfellUnited #UnitedFamiliesAndFriendsCampaign #PreventableTragedy
Looking forward to Ken Loach's last ever film, "The Old Oak," about Syrian refugees deposited in an ex-mining village in North-East England. The landlord of the eponymous pub in the title is played by first-time actor Paul Turner, who was a firefighter for 30 years & the regional chair of the Fire Brigades Union when he first met Loach.
His female star is Syrian actor Ebla Mari, born in the Golan Heights (now occupied by Israel).
#KenLoach #Films #Cannes #FBU #Syria
#Syria #FBU #cannes #films #kenloach
🇬🇧 Today the Brotherhood of United Blocks has marked 14 years of existence, and by this post, we thank all those who are with us! Happy Birthday, FBU! 🥳
🇷🇴 Astăzi Frăția Blocurilor Unite a împlinit 14 ani de existență și pe această cale, le mulțumim tuturor celor care ne-au fost alături! La mulți ani, FBU! 🥳
#FBU #FrățiaBlocurilorUnite #BrotherhoodOfTheUnitedBlocks #Micronation #Minecraft #NationalDay #14Years #22April
#FBU #frațiablocurilorunite #brotherhoodoftheunitedblocks #micronation #minecraft #nationalday #14years #22april
🇬🇧 Today the Brotherhood of United Blocks has marked 14 years of existence, and by this post, we thank all those who are with us! Happy Birthday, FBU! 🥳
🇷🇴 Astăzi Frăția Blocurilor Unite a împlinit 14 ani de existență și pe această cale, le mulțumim tuturor celor care ne-au fost alături! La mulți ani, FBU! 🥳
#FBU #FrățiaBlocurilorUnite #BrotherhoodOfTheUnitedBlocks #Micronation #Minecraft #NationalDay #14Years #22April
#FBU #frațiablocurilorunite #brotherhoodoftheunitedblocks #micronation #minecraft #nationalday #14years #22april
The official launch of the 🦣#Mastodon page!
🇬🇧 This is the official account of the Brotherhood of the United Blocks where we will post information about the activities of the micronation.
🇷🇴 Acesta este contul oficial al Frăției Blocurilor Unite (FBU) unde vom posta informații despre activitățile micronațiunii.
#FBU #FrățiaBlocurilorUnite #BrotherhoodOfTheUnitedBlocks #Micronation #Intro #Introduction
#mastodon #FBU #frațiablocurilorunite #brotherhoodoftheunitedblocks #micronation #intro #introduction
Firefighters ‘acted out rape of female colleague’ amid widespread discrimination and harassment | The Independent
#misogyny #firefighters #rape #bullying #harrassment #homophobia #racism #DBSChecks #HomeSafetyVisits #FBU #CollegeOfFireAndRescue #Wrack
Strikes can win - Firefighters are offered more pay.
However, it'still less than inflation. Should the accept it?
#ukpolitics #strike #unions #uk #firefighters #FBU
From a spark to a blaze: #FBU smashes strike ballot
Well over 4000 striking workers and supporters outside Sheffield City Hall today. #RightToStrike #EnoughIsEnough #DefendTheRightToStrike #UCU #PCS #NEU #FBU #TUC
#RightToStrike #enoughisenough #defendtherighttostrike #ucu #pcs #neu #FBU #tuc
#Solidarity with all striking workers today
#solidarity #teachers #civilservants #FBU #ucu #nhs
Rail workers. #Nurses. Lecturers. Civil servants. #Paramedics. Driving instructors. #Teachers. Now the Fire Brigades Union has voted overwhelmingly (88% on a 74% turnout) for #strike action here in the UK. The Tories have destroyed public services, all the while lining their own pockets. They must go.
Terrific article here from Matt Wrack, the head of the #FBU, on #firefighters' reasons for striking. They have my full support.
#nurses #paramedics #teachers #strike #FBU #firefighters #supportthestrikes #SOSNHS #Solidarity
This lot won't remember the last national fire strike.
Back then the military was significantly larger - it's been cut salami-like for 13 years and has vacancies because of outsourced recruitment to Crapita
In short, they will seriously struggle to assemble a reasonable emergency cover
And the reserve fire engine stock is crap
They can't use the modern ones- too much training required
The government will fold on this one.
Thank you to the 70 firefighters who contained a flat fire on the 9th floor of my home in a #Bow tower block last night. Everyone is safe. You are all hero’s and should get paid what you deserve! #FBU #firefighter #heros #FairPayOrFireStrike #E3
#bow #FBU #firefighter #heros #fairpayorfirestrike #e3
Seeing the news about firefighters from Grenfell is alarming but not a surprise, after 9/11 more ppl have died from cancers then those who were in the buildings. We a need a public inquiry in this, and a compensation scheme set up for all those effected
Really great to see #MattWrack of the #FBU putting Sky News in its place, calling on them to present facts rather than cherry pick to suit their anti union agenda.
I don't know anything about Matt Stack but I'm wondering if he's one to watch, he had no issue with calling out the news presenter and it was great to see.
Every day another union ballots for strikes fills my heart with revolutionary joy. I'm so proud of the #WorkingClass of the UK right now. ✊✊✊
Incredible day of #FBU solidarity in London today when #Firefighters took their #FairPayOrFireStrike campaign to Westminster
Unity is strength ✊
#FBU #firefighters #fairpayorfirestrike
🚨Since 2010 firefighter numbers have been cut by 11,734 🤯
🚨 Yet firefighters continue to attend over 700,000 incidents a year and rescue 40,000 people a year
🚨 Firefighters deserve a fair pay rise for the work they do #fairpayforthefrontline #FBU