@marcowobben @casetalk 👍🏻 #datamodeling #fco-im #informationmodeling
#informationmodeling #FCO #datamodeling
Data folks, if you’re in to #datamodeling make sure you follow @marcowobben when he starts tooting. He’s the developer and owner of CaseTalk, a data modelling tool that implements #FCO-IM
All the technology in the world still doesn’t solve the biggest problem underlying #datamanagement: (mis)communication. However, a data modeling approach such as #FCO-IM might help. https://www.fco-im.nl/
#IntegrityInitiative Nuovi doc trapelati mostrano il coinvolgimento di #Reuters e #BBC in programmi segreti #FCO #UK per effettuare "cambiamenti attitudinali" e "indebolire l'influenza dello stato russo", con appaltatori dell'intelligence e #Bellingcat
#bellingcat #uk #FCO #bbc #reuters #integrityinitiative
The existence of a secretive Venezuela Reconstruction Unit within the #FCO, combined with the FCO’s private discussions with 'Murica's #AfroWhore puppet #Guaidó’s UK blood-thirsty #fascist #harpy Vanessa #Neumann, seems to demonstrate the extent to which her #bitch majesty's #UK Govt is committed to the #theft of £1.2bn of #Venezuela's #gold reserves by actively supporting the overthrow of the legitimate Venezuelan govt —as the #AngloScum have done in #Libya, #Syria, etc~
#FCO #AfroWhore #GuaidĂł #fascist #harpy #Neumann #bitch #UK #theft #Venezuela #gold #AngloScum #Libya #Syria