Ron #DeSantis confirms his 2024 presidential bid for the Republican nomination
Lets hope, for the sake of the West as a whole, that he & #trump take enough lumps out each other to ensure the president after the next election is Biden - of course he will need to prepare for an unplanned succession ... good odds he would emulate #FDR (tho he was only 63 when he died)
RT @BSmile
Newsreel footage of President Franklin D. Roosevelt throwing out the ceremonial first pitch of the baseball season at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D.C. (1933) #MLB #History #FDR #POTUS #OpeningDay
#mlb #history #FDR #potus #openingday
For those that wish to learn more - #History #AmericanHistory #FDR #WWII
#history #AmericanHistory #FDR #wwii
#WWII #FDR #PearlHarborDay #AmericanHistory
Today is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. This speech is one of the most iconic speeches in American History.
#wwii #FDR #pearlharborday #AmericanHistory
Hello! I just moved to without migrating my account. I'm sorry if I unfollowed people in the process! my #introduction: I teach #ArtHistory and #AmericanStudies. I've published on #WWI #Memorials, #TeachableMonuments, #PublicArt & on photographs of the domestic display of #FDR portraits. Additional interests include #History of #Photography #MaterialCulture #DH across the curriculum #Teaching. I live and work in Brooklyn, NY.
#introduction #arthistory #americanstudies #wwi #memorials #teachablemonuments #publicArt #FDR #history #photography #MaterialCulture #dh #teaching