RT @foxkunkun@twitter.com
The voices won't reach us here..
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/foxkunkun/status/1196791192370860034
RT @aimoahmed@twitter.com
“You and me, Teach. We can go anywhere. Do anything.”
#FE3H #FE風花雪月 #FE3HSpoilers #ClaudeVonRiegan #Byleth #Claudeleth #Bylaude クロレス
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aimoahmed/status/1185560396184219648
#fe3h #fe風花雪月 #FE3Hspoilers #claudevonriegan #Byleth #claudeleth #bylaude
RT @aimoahmed@twitter.com
@CrisChris05@twitter.com @katarina_neko@twitter.com You hijacked it from Byleth in the first place tho, Jeralt 😂
#FireEmblemThreeHouses #fe3h #FE3HSpoilers #jeralteisner #seteth #art #sketch
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aimoahmed/status/1162966341529161729
#fireemblemthreehouses #fe3h #FE3Hspoilers #jeralteisner #seteth #art #sketch
RT @aimoahmed@twitter.com
They say the teaching profession fundamentally changes you..?
Went #GoldenDeer on my first run of #FireEmblemThreeHouses and having a baller of a time with #ClaudeVonRiegan & Co. Kudos to @JoeZieja@twitter.com for coining the most ICONIC house motto 😂
#FE3H #FE3Hspoilers #byleth #comics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aimoahmed/status/1157321898478358529
#goldendeer #fireemblemthreehouses #claudevonriegan #fe3h #FE3Hspoilers #Byleth #comics