Psychology and typical motivational coaches offer band-aid style solutions at best. You’ll get a patchwork of things that seem like a good solution at the moment, but wear off quickly after short term relief.
At my lowest point in life, I hit rockbottom. I ventured out to find something that actually worked through years of trial and error and endless study. It wasn’t until I turned completely inward that I found what worked. And still works, 15 years later.
No quick motivation, but deep inner work that you can apply to your daily life for long term change. Real life changes.
To learn more, visit
#motivation #selfbetterment #selftransformation #selfempowerment #selfesteem #confidence #mentalhealth #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #mentalhealth #confidence #selfesteem #selfempowerment #selftransformation #selfbetterment #motivation
How do you keep your mind clear when the world around you is in complete chaos?
During times of deep stress, many of us default to panic, frustration and anxiety. This can leave you paralyzed and unable to think or move forward.
In order to navigate these situations, there's a self trust that must be embedded. A deep trust in yourself and in your abilities. To be able to step back, take a deep breath and make the right decisions with clear purpose and direction is a powerful strength to have.
To stay grounded in any life challenges that come your way, this is the best real world method to help you create a solid foundation for yourself.
This is what we specialize in. Learn more at
#selftrust #selfesteem #confidence #optimalself #mentalhealth #mentaltoughness #yourbestself #selfcare #selfempowerment #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #selfempowerment #selfcare #yourbestself #mentaltoughness #mentalhealth #optimalself #confidence #selfesteem #selftrust
Instant confidence?
Comment your thoughts below and visit us at for info about building true confidence.
#confidence #selfesteem #selftransformation #confidenceboost
#mentalhealth #buildselfesteem #rewire #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #rewire #buildselfesteem #mentalhealth #confidenceboost #selftransformation #selfesteem #confidence
The more you focus on your weaknesses, the more you feed your lower self which takes from you and adds nothing more than self-doubt, fear, and all of your other limiting characteristics.
Shifting your focus to your strengths however, keeps you grounded in your best self. This relaxes your nervous systems, allows your body and brain to function at a more optimal level. More true to your potential.
At Feel Different we specialize in training this so it becomes second nature. We provide practical methods and guidance to help you remove distractions, overcome toxic thought patterns and habits. We help you clear the way to your best and strongest self.
Learn more at
#bestself #focusonyourstrengths #yourbestyou #lifebalance #lifepurpose #selfesteem #confidencebuilding
#mentalhealth #buildselfesteem #rewireyourbrain #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #rewireyourbrain #buildselfesteem #mentalhealth #confidencebuilding #selfesteem #lifepurpose #lifebalance #yourbestyou #focusonyourstrengths #bestself
We are all born with a purpose.
For some, it comes at an early age & they know it right away. This is a rare but fortunate blessing. For others, it can be a long journey of searching & trying different things which can lead to various phases, trials & tribulations.
To fully open yourself to your life’s purpose, the root is in your self esteem. This is where your foundation lies. It’s where true confidence stems from, & it’s a necessity to living a fulfilled life.
If you are in a place where you know you need to make some real life changes and pull yourself out of the darkness of everyday life, we have the tools you need.
Our new program Self Esteem for the Rest of Us will teach you what you can do to start this journey to a better life. Rich with balance, confidence in yourself & deeper relationships.
Learn more at
#selfesteem #FEELDIFFERENT #lifepurpose
Turn your inner critic into your greatest ally.
Typical self-help tactics won’t help you with your inner critic. The common off the rack affirmations, forced positive thinking, motivational quotes and psychotherapy are surface solutions at best.
The pathological inner critic lives deep within and requires an equal level of depth when working to transform your inner self.
We teach simple but effective methods that can be applied to your everyday life. If you're tired of your inner voice dominating your days and hindering your life, visit us at
#innercritic #confidence #mentalhealth #selfcare #selfesteem #boostconfidence #lifepurpose #selftransformation #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #selftransformation #lifepurpose #boostconfidence #selfesteem #selfcare #mentalhealth #confidence #innercritic
What would your life be like if you would be free from fear? What would you do? How would you feel?
Like the famous quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, “What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?”
We all carry fear within us but your level of submission to your irrational fears can be measured by your level of self esteem. In turn, as you start to build healthy self esteem, your irrational fears will subside and gradually resolve.
It’s not too late to start making a change.
Learn about our self esteem building program at
#fightyourfear #irrationalfear #selfesteem #selfempowerment #confidence #mentalhealth #selfcare #boostconfidence #lifepurpose #selftransformation #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #selftransformation #lifepurpose #boostconfidence #selfcare #mentalhealth #confidence #selfempowerment #selfesteem #irrationalfear #fightyourfear
Do you know any mental health advocates?
Anyone that is in the self care or self improvement community?
Know anyone that hosts an active blog or podcast that is in support of mental health or self betterment?
Drive traffic to and start making money.
Earn a commission on every purchase made by anyone you refer to us.
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#selfbetterment #selftransformation #lifepurpose #boostconfidence #buildselfesteem #selfimprovement #selfcare #mentalhealth #FEELDIFFERENT #affiliateprogram
What's the common thread between these?
They all share a deep lack of self esteem.
None of us want to identify as any of these. But the hard truth is, through time and circumstances, many of us gradually fall into one or more of these categories. It's common and all too normal.
Avoid the crowd by protecting yourself and your future self. Join us at
#buildselfesteem #boostconfidence #lifepurpose #selftransformation #mentalhealth #selfesteembuilding #selfimprovement #sefempowerment #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #sefempowerment #selfimprovement #selfesteembuilding #mentalhealth #selftransformation #lifepurpose #boostconfidence #buildselfesteem
You can learn to control it.
Make the change at
#fightdepression #fightanxiety #selfesteembuilding #lifepurpose #buildselfesteem #selftransformation #boostconfidence #sefempowerment #selfimprovement #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #selfimprovement #sefempowerment #boostconfidence #selftransformation #buildselfesteem #lifepurpose #selfesteembuilding #fightanxiety #fightdepression
Are you in a constant state of lacking?
Feeling stuck in place? Unable to free yourself of endless worry and sadness?
Is your energy always drained, both physically and mentally?
Do you feel like you're not good enough?
You are not alone.
The hard truth behind each of these issues is rooted in a lack of self esteem. In order to lift yourself out of this state you need to build healthy self esteem.
There is no other way.
Self Esteem for the Rest of Us will provide you with the tools you need to create a solid foundation for your life through core self esteem building.
Get full access now for only $297 (value: $597).
This offer is available from today through October 1st only.
Join now at
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#FEELDIFFERENT #selfimprovement #sefempowerment #boostconfidence #selftransformation #buildselfesteem #lifepurpose #fightanxiety #fightdepression #selfesteembuilding
Start making real changes today.
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#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #selfesteembuilding #lifepurpose #innerself #reclaimyourlife #boostconfidence #buildselfesteem #protectyourmentalhealth #fightanxiety #fightdepression #selftransformation
It's not too late.
Join us now at
#reclaimyourlife #depressionisreal #selfimprovement #innerwork #lifepurpose
#selfesteem #takecontrol #selftransformation #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #selftransformation #takecontrol #selfesteem #lifepurpose #innerwork #selfimprovement #depressionisreal #reclaimyourlife
Consistency and the willingness to be real with yourself. This is fundamental in creating any change to your life.
Are you ready to do the work?
If so, visit us at
#dothework #selfimprovement #confidence #selfrespect #innerwork #selfesteem #lifepurpose #respectyourself #takecontrol #selftransformation #reclaimyourlife #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #reclaimyourlife #selftransformation #takecontrol #respectyourself #lifepurpose #selfesteem #innerwork #selfrespect #confidence #selfimprovement #dothework
This is what we teach.
We pride ourselves on being able to help thousands of people around the world with reclaiming their lives. Rewiring from the inside and reclaiming from overbearing fear, doubt, lack of self esteem and confidence. All of this and more.
To join or explore our teachings, visit us at
#selfesteem #confidence #anxietyrelief #depressionhelp #mentalhealthsupport #reclaimyourlife #rewireyourbrain #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #rewireyourbrain #reclaimyourlife #mentalhealthsupport #depressionhelp #anxietyrelief #confidence #selfesteem
There is no fast track to self esteem. But there is a pathway.
Learn more about it and see how we can help at
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Hit back harder with #feeldifferent
Learn more at
#selfimprovement #selfrespect #confidence #selfesteem #rewire #innerself #anxiety #keepgoing #depression #mentalhealth #FEELDIFFERENT
The majority of people let their strengths fall where they may. Not realizing that this is exactly where they need to spend most of their time, energy, and focus.
You achieve more and grow faster when you focus on your strengths. This is where your true potential lies and what helps you become more confident, and in turn, more successful.
This shift in focus is an essential step toward your best self.
Learn more about it and see how we can help at
#usewhatyouhave #focusonyourself #focusonyourstrengths #lifepurpose #confidenceiskey #selfesteem #selfesteemboost #selfesteembuilding #stayinyourlane #innerself #dothework #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #dothework #innerself #stayinyourlane #selfesteembuilding #selfesteemboost #selfesteem #confidenceiskey #lifepurpose #focusonyourstrengths #focusonyourself #usewhatyouhave
We are here to help.
Visit us to learn more about our life changing program Your Fate is Not Sealed at
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#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #testimonials #selftransformation #lifechange #innerself #mentalhealth #lifespurpose #confidence #selfesteem #selfimprovement #lifechanging
When you are facing your life and all of the circumstances that come with it, and saying: Yes, I am here. This is me. I accept this life as mine – all of it. And I am willing to do the work to make it my best.
This is accountability. This is your power.
Explore more at
#selfrespect #lifespurpose #rewire #mentalhealth #innerself #selfesteem #confidence #orlandoowen #FEELDIFFERENT
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #confidence #selfesteem #innerself #mentalhealth #rewire #lifespurpose #selfrespect