#FEMA and #FCC to conduct nationwide #emergencyalert test to ensure viability of #alertsystems during #emergencies
#FEMA #fcc #emergencyalert #alertsystems #emergencies
#FEMA and #FCC to conduct nationwide #emergencyalert test to ensure viability of #alertsystems during #emergencies
#FEMA #fcc #emergencyalert #alertsystems #emergencies
#Biden demanding additional $4 billion for #FEMA disaster relief fund after #HurricaneIdalia, #MauiFires
#Biden #FEMA #HurricaneIdalia #mauifires
Burning Man?
#Maui #MauiCoverUp #MauiWildfires #DEWS #FEMA #JoshGreen #MauiLandGrab
#maui #MauiCoverUp #mauiwildfires #DEWs #FEMA #JoshGreen #MauiLandGrab
Not long before the #BurningMan self-induced "disaster" took place, there were BURNING CHILDREN in #Lahaina that the Biden regime has either ignored or is hiding from the public with large black fences. No one came to help the burning children, but watch as Biden will likely dispatch #FEMA resources to rescue BurningMan "techno bros" from their own drug-infested idiotic behavior. Biden's priorities will be crystal clear...
I haven't heard from a single person yet who feels sorrow for the rich, elite "techno bros" who got caught in the desert rain at #BurningMan and who utterly failed to bring proper gear for such a remote outing. They have run out of food, water, toilets and power. Most didn't bring boots or rain gear of any kind. (Yes it RAINS in the desert on a cyclical basis.) Very few have water filters, cooking gear or survival equipment of any kind. Is Joe Biden going to call out #FEMA to rescue these idiots from their own stupidity? Why is some rich white techno-bro drug-infested party suddenly a national emergency? These people should slog their own way out of the mess they created for themselves. Oh yeah, they also TRASH the desert every time they're there, leaving a mountain of trash and plastics in their wake, proving they care nothing about the planet they claim to be saving. Disgusting!
If you are in leadership, #ClimateChange is a bottom line issue
#FEMA, #homeownersinsurance, #rebuilding, #recovery
Policy to reduce carbon pollution is job one
Pitting coal/oil/gas against #renewables is not responsible leadership
#transition needs to move quicker
We can do this by our vote…
#transition #renewables #recovery #rebuilding #homeownersinsurance #FEMA #ClimateChange
Lock them all up
#FEMA #Lahaina #maui #luxuryhotels
Lock them all up
#FEMA #Lahaina #maui #luxuryhotels
#FEMA officials turning visit to #Maui and #wildfire response into #luxuryvacation
#FEMA #maui #wildfire #luxuryvacation
And this same #FEMA wants more funding?
#FEMA #maui #Lahaina #coverup #FalseFlag
The Blue Roofs and Cars didn't burn .. 🔥
#MauiFires #MauiCoverUp #MauiLandGrab #FEMA #DEWs #AlohaChallenge #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica
#mauifires #MauiCoverUp #MauiLandGrab #FEMA #DEWs #AlohaChallenge #democratsaredestroyingamerica #joebidenDESTOYSAmerica
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 25, 2023 - Plandemic script revealed, re-education camps for those who #DoNotComply (explicit)
- #COVID #plandemic is pre-announced to hospital workers as the plan unfolds
- Video of things that mysteriously did NOT burn in #Lahaina
- Massive government cover-up means they have something horrific to hide
- #FEMA doing everything to hide photos, videos and evidence of crimes against children
- Dr. Jordan Peterson ordered to under go re-education camp training on #climate and #trans
- NORWAY locks up a man in a psychiatric ward for questioning safety of #mRNA jabs
- CDC admits new covid "variant" will infect those who already received all the jabs
- After SIX weeks, #Robinhood releases my accounts without explanation
- Saudi Arabia and many other nations join #BRICS while the #dollar nears its end
#donotcomply #COVID #Plandemic #Lahaina #FEMA #climate #trans #mRNA #robinhood #brics #dollar
Prigozhin killed, FEMA cover-up in Maui, Trump defiant against tyranny
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 24, 2023
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #democrats #USA #freedom #humanity #covid #KarenKingston #Experiments #FEMA #Trump #Maui
Watch the full broadcast here: https://www.brighteon.com/8b86a3b8-587d-4eb5-bfee-be2a8f6cd7f4
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #Democrats #usa #freedom #humanity #COVID #karenkingston #experiments #FEMA #Trump #maui
Aug 24, 2023
0:00 Intro
5:25 Karen Kingston
9:38 CIA Experiments
20:20 Survivors
24:19 Canadian Milk
30:58 Prigozhin Evgeny
48:35 FEMA Report
1:02:22 TRUMP
- #FEMA caught in yet another cover-up in #Lahaina by confiscating food supplies for survivors
- Total warfare against the people of #Hawaii accented by shocking cover-up by...
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 24, 2023 - Prigozhin killed, FEMA cover-up in Maui, Trump defiant against tyranny
- #FEMA caught in yet another cover-up in #Lahaina by confiscating food supplies for survivors
- Total warfare against the people of #Hawaii accented by shocking cover-up by government officials
- Wagner group founder and head Yevgeny Prigozhin KILLED as his plane is shot down over Russia
- Fulton County indictment of #Trump and allies proves we are living in a BANANA REPUBLIC
- They fabricated a "conspiracy" charge for perfectly legal behaviors
- Update from Karen Kingston: She's safe
- RFK Jr. tells the truth about the CIA running 200+ #bioweapons experiments on the American people
- Why can't Trump tell the truth about pharma like #RFK does?
- Canadian farmer releases video showing government forcing mass DUMPING of milk (engineered famine)
#FEMA #Lahaina #hawaii #Trump #bioweapons #rfk
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 23, 2023 - FEMA orders COVER-UP of Lahaina death and destruction
- #FEMA orders takedown of all photos and videos of #Lahaina damage and death
- Total cover-up under way to hide government murder, incompetence and LAND GRAB
- Drone operator grounded and visited by police for filming Lahaina carnage
- Four US states REJECT government funds to replace lead pipes in their water supply
- Bank of America de-banks Christian charity serving starving Ugandans
- United Nations rolling out "digital army" to censor so-called #disinformation
- WHO, under the UN, is the top source of false information regarding #covid #plandemics
- Netflix rolls out "Painkiller" series, highlighting evils of Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family
- Personal update on regrowing finger nerves
- Full interview with Ann Vandersteel of RightNow News
#FEMA #Lahaina #disinformation #COVID #plandemics
What it takes to start training for #disasters? #FEMA Emergency Management Institute offers a course that introduces the #IncidentCommandSystem (#ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Get a certificate if you pass. #training https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-100.c&lang=en
#training #ICS #incidentcommandsystem #FEMA #disasters
Direct from #FEMA:
FEMA, Federal Partners Continue to Provide Critical Aid to #HawaiiWildfire Response and Recovery Efforts
#FEMA is on the ground, was on a call with them earlier. The NVOAD, a national organization of voluntary orgs that help during disasters, is not deploying to Maui. They want agencies on the ground to provide assistance and to support them and not get in the way. They are asking people and orgs to not self-deploy. The Council for Disaster Philanthropy understands the need for long term recovery assistance and will deploy grants later.