Working together is beneficial! What better occasion than a great conference as #FEMS2023 could I have to state this once more? Our little review about the advantages also in the microbial world is out in it’s final form….
Laura Catón presenting about (protein) structural colors of bacteria… quite an awesome story at #FEMS2023 #microbiology
good to see reporting from #FEMS2023 not only on twitter but also here on mastodon! 👌
Paola Branduardi starting the symposium about microbial diversity in industry! Our societal challenges are manifold - but nature offers at least as many solutions! #FEMS2023 gives a fantastic overview about us and microorganisms. The Federation of European Microbiological Societies is a needed and valuable backbone of our community of microbiologists. #microbiology #FEMS
Just a few more days to submit your abstract!
The deadlines for abstract & grant applications are around the corner.
Looking forward to joining us in Hamburg for #FEMS2023?
Submit your contribution by 1 February 2023, 11:59 PM CET via:
The abstract submission deadline for #FEMS2023 is fast approaching! For the opportunity to present your research in Hamburg, Germany, be sure to submit your abstract by Wednesday 1 February.
Follow the link below for full details. 👇
RT @VAAM_Microbes
The deadline for abstracts for #FEMS2023 in Hamburg ⚓️🚢 ends
📅Wed, Feb 1
@VAAM_Microbes members are organising some fantastic sessions, so submit your abstract 🦠🧬, apply for a travel grant & off you go to HH 🏃🏃♀️
I will be at #FEMS2023, will you? Taking place from 9 – 13 July 2023, make sure you take the opportunity to present your research at the 10th European Congress of Microbiologists in Hamburg, Germany. You can Submit Your Abstract or Apply for a Congress Attendance Grant to FEMS2023 until the deadline Wednesday 1 February. Reconnect with thousands of scientists from the microbiology community: combine, change, convene, continue, converse, create, and cross borders! #microbiology
RT @FEMSmicro
There is ONE WEEK remaining to submit abstracts to #FEMS2023!
Make sure also to get your applications in for Grant and Travel Awards.
Deadline: Wednesday 1 February: 23:59 CET.
Familiar face in this @FEMSmicro grant advertisement 👇🏼
TeBi alumni [#PhDgraduate2], @Ramses_GM! Yay!
RT @FEMSmicro
Did you know? Everyone that submits an abstract for #FEMS2023 and is an Early Career Scientist, can apply for a Congress Attendance Grant.
Deadline abstract & grant submission: 1 February 2023
Abstract & grant submission via:
The Programme for #FEMS2023 is online! 📢🗓️
See our plenary lectures, symposia, offered talks sessions and many more at: Join us at CCH Hamburg on 9 - 13 July 2023 & reconnect with the scientific community!
#FEMS2023 #congress #symposia #microbiology
Bumblebees🐝 for plant-protecting biocontrol strain delivery?
@MarieLegein in @SarahLebeer group 👇🏼
RT @FEMSmicro
Greenhouse plant microbiome association with bumblebees with @MarieLegein #FCOM22 🐝
Loads more fascinating research such as this one will be presented at #FEMS2023! Have you submitted your abstract yet? Deadline 1 February 2023
We cannot wait to see you at #FEMS2023! 📢 Submit your abstract now and apply for our congress attendance grants