There's an ongoing debate about this. #JSONLD and its elusive benefits for the #ActivityPub protocol.
But moreover there's a whole range of issues with AS/AP that were never tackled well, while projects delivered solutions in ways that ever increased tech debt.
#SocialHub, #SocialCG and @fedidevs are where improvements are discussed. And the #FEP:
On matrix talk is now about a "minimum AP" and more clarity in the specs..
#jsonld #activitypub #socialhub #socialcg #FEP
Have a look at this #FEP proposal at #SocialHub:
And also have a look at:
If you want to be kept in the loop on new #Fediverse Enhancement Proposals, or FEP's, which document best-practices extensions to #ActivityPub and related protocols, then simply follow:
And once you do, give every #FEP-related toot your boost, to maximise awareness and help make a more interoperable social networking landscape.
Here's a first draft of this #FEP.
Now I'm wondering how and why the replied post is marked as unlisted...?
Considering writing an #FEP that allows using #IndieAuth logins as display handles. The basic idea is that next to the meta tags/headers for OAuth links, you'd have a public key that can be used to verify a signature placed in a field in an AP Actor object. There would be another field next to the signature that tells remote servers what the preferred handle is. If lookup succeeds and the signature is valid, show the handle (possibly simplified) next to an IndieAuth icon.
@wedistribute Do you think yall could do a section on recent FEPs. It prolly wouldn't be interesting to everybody, but raising awareness of a #FEP would be valuable. You could describe the problem the FEP is trying to solve and summarize any discussion going on in the implementers forum and maybe get some first hand feedback from implementors
> there's not even a registry or a good way of saying "I am using these extensions"
I may be late to the party in mentioning this, but as of fairly recently there is the FEP process for standardizing extensions, which is a step in this direction. Sounds like we need an FEP for signalling which FEPs a server supports, maybe someone has already drafted one?
@emc2 great observations in your thread.
One thing makes me wonder.. you mention governance, without mentioning what exists. This is some general thing that happens so often.
There's the #W3C SocialCG, the #SocialHub developer community, and the #Fediverse Enhancement Proposal proces, the #FEP's.
It's frustrating as I promote these places for years and always see even #ActivityPub devs tooting without mentioning these.
#w3c #socialhub #fediverse #FEP #activitypub
Hi there @tastapod 👋
Something that may interest you..
At the #SocialHub developer community that evolves the #Fediverse and the #ActivityStreams / #ActivityPub open standards we are thinking of using #Gherkin and #BDD test suites to formally define the expected behaviour of the protocol and AP vocabulary extensions that various apps use.
Among others this will be part of Fediverse Enhancement Proposals or #FEP's. See:
#socialhub #fediverse #activitystreams #activitypub #gherkin #bdd #FEP
Contrary to most people I consider ANY interaction of people online to be an example of social networking. If you consider that, this goes *way* beyond where corporate #SocialMedia are, and also way beyond the extent that current fedi apps are duplicating their functionality.
As for the #ActivityPub #FEP process.. anyone can and *should* contribute here if they can, so that we might move in the direction of this diversity and heterogenous nature of our #FediverseFutures.
#socialmedia #activitypub #FEP #FediverseFutures
The finalized Group Federation #FEP was written by Felix from Lemmy..
Other variations and extension related to #ActivityPub Groups can be defined in additional FEP's. For instance, there's one about Unbound Group and Organization by @diogo of #GNUSocial that is still in DRAFT..
whos gonna be the first to livestreem (on @owncast or @pixelfed) writing a #FEP and submitting it to @feps?!
[meta: #fediverse @fediverse]
Welcome to #Discourse on the #Fediverse 🎉
The #SocialHub development community has installed the brand new #ActivityPub plugin on their forum.
To test the functionality of the plugin, two forum categories federate their first topic post to a group you can follow. They are:
#Fediversity category with @fediverse
See also:
FEP forum topics are where Fediverse enhancement proposal are discussed. For list of FEP's see:
#discourse #fediverse #socialhub #activitypub #fediversity #FEP
Couldn't join either. Future meetups might delve deeper into particular #Sociocracy patterns to bring to the #Fediverse
I can offer #SocialCoding forum space at
For #FEP (Fediverse Enhancement Proposals) we think of specifying behavior as human-readable, tech-independent #Gherkin scripts. That can be a good approach. Same org has the #FediverseIdea repo.
@bernini @autonomic @mike_hales @bonfire @dajb @mayel @douginamug @edumerco
#sociocracy #fediverse #socialcoding #FEP #gherkin #fediverseidea
Was thinking about this recently, I think a pet name system is actually a lot more robust, and the idea of hard linking identity and data and server infra is the wrong path in the long run. I would also like to see someone play with a "SameAs" function (maybe a #FEP) for tying a bunch of #fediverse identities together into a bundle and then that bundle would then be the thing you would tell people to follow.
I might point to fediverse-ideas repository here, a recently started initiative in the same #Codeberg organization where the #ActivityPub #FEP's are too.
You can create your #FediverseIdea here, discuss, and (hopefully) inspire people to implement them in their apps.
#codeberg #activitypub #FEP #fediverseidea
@luceos @devnull @deadsuperhero @nodebb @atomicpoet @fediversenews
Fantastic! I informed #SocialHub.
There are now 3 #forum softwares that are implementing federation: #Flarum, #nodeBB and #Discourse (via The Pavilion).
I sincerely hope that we do not get 3 incompatible federated apps, and would like to point out once more to the #Fediverse Enhancement Proposals process process (the #FEP) as a means to align #ActivityPub implementations.
#socialhub #forum #flarum #nodebb #discourse #fediverse #FEP #activitypub
The #FEP is a good grassroots initiative, that is "névé" and troubling as it lacks "meaning" and is running as a "hobby" project with little if any social buy in.
NOTE: no amount of technical thinking/tinkering will add "meaning" as this is a social, not a technical problem.
This also partly explanes why we have the splintering of effect here in #activertypub and in the wider "protocol wars"
How do you grow social buy in to a #openweb project?
Feedback requested on Fediverse Enhancement Proposals going stale before finalization.