#ArkhamHorror #cardgame / #lcg fans: Which campaign / box do you recommend after the Starter Set? I've heard good things about #TheScarletKeys? I would be very happy about suggestions from more experienced fans. Are there any cheat sheets or other game aids that you recommend? I would also be grateful for any boosts. Thanks in advance.
#cthulhu #coc #boardgames #brettspiele #kartenspiele #arkhamhorrortcg #ArkhamHorrorLCG #games #FFG
#ArkhamHorror #cardgame #lcg #thescarletkeys #cthulhu #CoC #boardgames #brettspiele #kartenspiele #arkhamhorrortcg #ArkhamHorrorLCG #games #FFG
Very late to the party. Today, we played our first #ArkhamHorror #cardgame scenario and won it by a whisker. Honestly, the game system is rather clunky, but I like it anyway. I think with a cheat sheet and more experience it will be far more approachable. In my opinion, it's far more exciting and thrilling than #MansionsofMadness. I still prefer #ttrpg, but we enjoyed this game quite a bit.
TL;DR: We want more!
#Mythos #Horror #Lovecraft #recommended #boardgame #LCG #FFG #Cthulhu #Coc #TOC
#ArkhamHorror #cardgame #mansionsofmadness #ttrpg #mythos #horror #lovecraft #recommended #boardgame #lcg #FFG #cthulhu #CoC #toc
Totgesagte leben länger. Das gilt auch für Rogukan und #LegendsOfTheFiveRings: Das von #FFG zu #EdgeStudios gewanderte Spiel erfährt diesen Herbst neuen Glanz. Eine Kampagne mit neuer Webseite, Romanen, Brettspiel (Clan of Wars), Quellenband und 3D-Minis thematisieren die "Tales of Iuchiban". Ein episches Abenteuer für die 5e Variante der #l5r Rollenspiels um einen ziemlich garstigen Bloodspeaker, der die totale Herschaft anstrebt. Frisch zurück aus seinem Grab. https://www.legendofthefiverings.com/the-tale-of-iuchiban
#FFG #edgestudios #legendsofthefiverings #l5r
BTW, any #StarWarsUnlimited fans on here? I just can't say no to #FFG for new games.
Today, we played #Bulfrogs and #eldritchhorror (#ffg).
I really like the easy, but hard to master #frog #cardgame. A friend of mine brought the #Mythos #boardgame to the gaming table. I died, we failed and the world has been destroyed. So, nothing new in #HPLovecraft land.
We had no time to play the stunning #TheGrizzled (#CMon)
Sleep well.
#bulfrogs #eldritchhorror #FFG #frog #cardgame #mythos #boardgame #hplovecraft #thegrizzled #CMON
Today, we played #Bulfrogs and #eldritchhorror (#ffg).
I really like the easy, but hard to master #frog #cardgame. A friend of mine brought the #Mythos #boardgame to the gaming table. I died, we failed and the world had been destroyed. So, nothing new in #HPLovecraft land.
We had no time to play the stunning #TheGrizzled (#CMon)
Sleep well.
#bulfrogs #eldritchhorror #FFG #frog #cardgame #mythos #boardgame #hplovecraft #thegrizzled #CMON
I mean this is #FantasyFlight business model right? A solid core and a bunch of stuff. But FFG are good at it, their success rate at brainwashing us to get more stuff is off the roof and I'm not sure that magic remains with Edge.
Specially because #FFG seem to always be communicating what's down the line, and Edge seems to be handled by a single person doing every possible role
@greenspindle Du bist nicht alleine. #FreeLeague bewegt sich gerade direkt auf meine Blacklist. Sie übertreiben das #WoD bzw. #FFG-Ding. Alle paar Monate wird ein neues System rausgehauen.Entweder kommt wenig nach bzw. es dauert ewig (#Symbaroum, Coriolis), zudem ist die Qualität mitunter fragwürdig….(#Alien #Coriolis)
Ich habe jedenfalls keine Lust mehr auf dieser Basis weiterhin #FreaLeague zu unterstützen.
Symbaroum mach ich die Kampagne noch fertig. Dann war’s das wohl…
#FreeLeague #WoD #FFG #symbaroum #alien #Coriolis #frealeague
Ich mag das #starwarsrpg von #ffg und ich bekomme immer mehr die Befürchtung dass das abgewickelt wird. Die aktuellen Bücher sind nicht bestellbar, es kommt nichts mehr Neues, keine Kommunikation von Asmodee oder Edge, … Was ist da los? 😩
Zum Jahreswechsel wurde es episch. Zum ersten Mal kam Star Wars Rebellion. Die Rebellen versuchen, das Imperium zu stürzen. Das wiederum will den geheimen Rebellenstützpunkt finden & zerstören.
Am Ende konnte das Imperium in der finalen Schlacht den Sieg davontragen.
Denkwürdig war der Moment, als Chewbacca den Verlockungen der dunklen Seite erlag.
#_tante_tiffy_ #boardgameplayer #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grübellähmung #starwars #starwarsrebellion #ffg
#_tante_tiffy_ #boardgameplayer #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grubellahmung #starwars #StarWarsRebellion #FFG
RT @Joe_GISc@twitter.com
Two months in the #abm4energytransition project and we do have the first wireframes and the first agent based simulation flows ready! Super awesome project! #EnergyTranstion #giscience #AgentBasedModels #ffg @tugraz@twitter.com @AEE_INTEC@twitter.com @hahnjuergen@twitter.com @HERUS_EPFL@twitter.com #energieagentur_steiermark
#abm4energytransition #EnergyTranstion #giscience #AgentBasedModels #FFG #energieagentur_steiermark
ParityQC, University of Innsbruck Develop New Universal Quantum Computing Method https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=1420198 #Research #Anette_Messinger #Austrian_Science_Fund_FWF #FFG #Kilian_Ender #Michael_Fellner #ParityQC #Physical_Review_A #Physical_Review_Letters #University_of_Innsbruck #quantumdaily Insider Brief A team of ParityQC and the University of Innsbruck physicists report on a novel approach to universal quantum computing based on the ParityQC Architecture in two papers recently p
#Research #Anette_Messinger #Austrian_Science_Fund_FWF #FFG #Kilian_Ender #Michael_Fellner #ParityQC #Physical_Review_A #Physical_Review_Letters #University_of_Innsbruck #quantumdaily
Hello world! We are Force Majeure, an #actualplay #StarWars #podcast!
We use the Force and Destiny system from #FFG / Edge entertainment, and are coming up to our 5th year - and 7th season! - of stories!
You can find us anywhere you get your podcasts, and hope you enjoy the show 😊
#actualplay #starwars #podcast #FFG
RT @semicoop@twitter.com
#FlashbackFriday - Our regular reminder that you should not throw away the @FFGames@twitter.com' proof-of-purchase tokens for your own good! 😱🤣
For more comics on board games, follow us or check out http://www.semicoop.com #webcomic #ffg #boardgames
#flashbackfriday #webcomic #FFG #boardgames
Mir wurde #EndOfTheWorld von #FFG mal als Zombie Apocalypse #TTRPG Spiel empfohlen, habe es aber nie getestet. Vielleicht hat ja jemand Erfahrungen und mag sie teilen?
@Morgunin Generell komme ich von #FreeLeague ab.
Das Ganze Geschäftsgebaren erinnert mich zu sehr an alte #WhiteWolf oder noch eher an #FFG.
Alle fünf Minuten ein neues Rollenspiel in der gleichen Welt, weil sich Regelwerke besser verkaufen als #Splatbooks. Die bestehenden Systeme werden eher sporadisch und langsam mit Zusatzmaterial versorgt… #Symbaroum #Coriolis #TOR usw.
Das Ganze hat langsam ein schales Geschmäckle für mich.
#FreeLeague #Whitewolf #FFG #splatbooks #symbaroum #Coriolis #tor
For anyone interested, this is what every single miniature available to buy for this game looks like laid out on the table.
I've done a lot more painting since I took this picture and only a handful of rebels are unpainted now.
#StarWars #ImperialAssault #SWImperialAssault #TableTop #TableTopGames #BoardGame #BoardGames #Miniatures #Wargaming #FFG #FantasyFlightGames
#starwars #ImperialAssault #SWImperialAssault #tabletop #tabletopgames #boardgame #boardgames #miniatures #wargaming #FFG #FantasyFlightGames
Are there many people playing Imperial Assault still on here?
I know it's a bit of an older game now, but it's still one of my favourite miniatures board games and I try and play it whenever I can get the same 5 people in one room.
#StarWars #ImperialAssault #SWImperialAssault #TableTop #TableTopGames #BoardGame #BoardGames #Miniatures #Wargaming #FFG #FantasyFlightGames
#starwars #ImperialAssault #SWImperialAssault #tabletop #tabletopgames #boardgame #boardgames #miniatures #wargaming #FFG #FantasyFlightGames