@floatybirb As an individual, I belong to and support financially #FFRF #FreedomFromReligionFoundation, an organization of freethinkers that does run ads and sue violators of the Separation Clause of the #FirstAmendment. https://ffrf.org/
#firstamendment #freedomfromreligionfoundation #FFRF
"By putting prayer before each school board meeting as a board-sponsored event, the Charleston County School Board needlessly excludes nonreligious members of the district. This sends a message to the nearly 30 percent of Americans who are nonreligious that religious views are preferred and favored over those of nonreligious community members."
#FFRF #ChurchAndState #education #secularism #secular #SeparationOfChurchAndState #school #ReligiousPrivilege
#FFRF #churchandstate #education #secularism #secular #separationofchurchandstate #school #religiousprivilege
"Gaylor says that FFRF’s basic concern remains: This is still an event involving the most powerful U.S. public officials endorsing religion." Yep.
#secularism #ChurchAndState #SeparationOfChurchAndState #PrayerBreakfast #FFRF
#secularism #churchandstate #separationofchurchandstate #prayerbreakfast #FFRF
At this season of the Winter Solstice may reason prevail.
There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell.
There is only our natural world.
Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.
#WinterSolstice #FFRF
Bucksport, Maine can’t quite figure out what to do with a Nativity scene on public property now that an atheist has asked for similar treatment. For the past week, rather than allow a chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation to put up a secular display in the same location, they just took down the Nativity display, a decision that had ignorant people in town whining about persecution.
Please support lgbtqia and atheist young people. Evangelicals will choose their religion over their children. And grandchildren. I've seen it happen more than I care to think about ... and to a lesser degree experienced it. Don't underestimate them. #vote #advocate #support and #voteblue again and again #lgbtqia #secularcoalition #ffrf
#FFRF #secularcoalition #LGBTQIA #VoteBlue #support #advocate #Vote
Please support lgbtqia and atheist young people. Evangelicals will choose their religion over their children. And grandchildren. I've seen it happen more than I care to think about ... and to a lesser degree experienced it. Don't underestimate them. #vote #advocate #support and #voteblue again and again #lgbtqia #secularcoalition #ffrf
#FFRF #secularcoalition #LGBTQIA #VoteBlue #support #advocate #Vote
#FFRF #FreedomFROMReligionFoundation
19 May
#FreethoughtRadio: The Flag and the Cross
Guest: Samuel L. Perry. We announce two victories in federal lawsuits this week stopping city council prayer and religious instruction in West Virginia schools. We talk about Alito’s leaked abortion decision. The popular actor
#JonHuertas tells us why he is a nontheist. In light of the tragic massacre in #Buffalo, we speak with Professor
#SamuelLPerry about his new #book (with co-author #PhilipGorski),
#WhiteChristianNationalism and the #ThreatToAmericanDemocracy.
#FFRF #freedomfromreligionfoundation #FreethoughtRadio #JonHuertas #buffalo #SamuelLPerry #book #PhilipGorski #TheFlagAndTheCross #WhiteChristianNationalism #ThreatToAmericanDemocracy
U.S. Rep #JaredHuffman:
#WhiteChristianNationalism & January 6th
#FFRF #JaredHuffman #WhiteChristianNationalism
#FFRF #FreedomFromReligionFoundation
#FreethoughtRadio: Separate Church & State
Guests: Patrick Elliott; Ryan Jayne; Barbara Alvarez. After reporting on state/church news, we talk with a trio of FFRF staff members. FFRF Senior Counsel Patrick Elliott describes our friend-of-the-court brief to the Supreme Court about a praying high-school coach. Strategic Response Attorney Ryan Jayne tells us about the many bad state bills dealing with #LGBTQ rights. And Contributing Writer Barbara Alvarez updates us on the good and (mostly) bad religiously motivated state bills dealing with abortion.
#FFRF #freedomfromreligionfoundation #FreethoughtRadio #lgbtq