I no longer believe that match/no-match data validation services are the way to implement a public sector #IdentityValidation capability for use by the private sector, so wrote up some thoughts on what changed my mind.
Also tried to capture the variety of conversations that are going on regarding @signalapp particularly after that NYT op-ed, including pointers to multiple interviews with @Mer__edith
Finally, as someone who spent part of my holidays turning on and configuring #DNSSEC, #SPF, #DKIM and #DMARC on my personal domains, wanted to provide some pointers to the fine work and resources provided by @seanthegeek
#DigitalIdentity #Privacy #OMB #Government #FICAM #VerifiableCredentials #SurveillanceCapitalism
Enjoy ...
#identityvalidation #dnssec #spf #dkim #dmarc #digitalidentity #privacy #omb #government #verifiablecredentials #surveillancecapitalism #FICAM