RT Delphine Colard
A strong signal sent. Addressing and preventing information manipulation, interference operations #FIMI is key as underlined by @EP_Democracy in its work over the last years @rglucks1 @kalniete @NathalieLoiseau @vladobilcik. We will continue to team up with @eu_eeas @LutzGuellner
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Josep Borrell Fontelles: We are sending a strong signal to those carrying out information manipulation & interference as part of a broader hybrid campaign by Russia against the EU&its Member States
We are strong in our resolve to prevent, deter & respond effectively to these threats with new instruments
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DelphineColard/status/1685575336577101825
The first public report of the #CFI Dialogues 2023 event held in Florence is now available.
While malign actors exploit local and structural vulnerabilities through #FIMI, some common patterns of action have emerged.
Read report 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1686386305314504704
RT EUvsDisinfo
Behind the scenes of #EUvsDisinfo: 8 years of countering ongoing Kremlin #disinformation from the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 to Russia's brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Ours is part of a larger story of the EU response to #FIMI threats
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1676597724433506307
#EUvsDisinfo #disinformation #FIMI
We are in Florence today with @EUI_EU for the first edition of “CFI Dialogues".
We will discuss strategic and operational challenges of countering #FIMI, share #EU field experience and policymakers' perspectives on information manipulation, foreign interference & hybrid threats. https://t.co/Dz1ek5DVif
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1671132378008375297
#FIMI is a growing political and security challenge for the #EU, but how is #FIMI defined, understood, and addressed outside 🇪🇺?
Panel I discusses various perspectives and partnerships and suggested ways to improve coordination and joint responses. https://t.co/L1Ryd1I68F
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1671161056952193027
👏Today we thank @gioFALEG for years of impactful work as Senior Analyst on sub-Saharan #Africa and conflict prevention and most recently as co-director of our Countering Foreign Interference project (#FIMI).
Look back at his work for us⤵️
https://www.iss.europa.eu/author/giovanni-faleg https://t.co/0LmTxlFh3v
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1671431759471190016
RT EU Service for Foreign Policy Instruments 🌐
Countering foreign information manipulation & interference #FIMI is crucial, as it poses a growing political & security challenge around the world. During the @EU_ISS event, ways to improve responses & coordination, as well as partnerships in this field were discussed. https://t.co/CKqmqAK1TF
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_FPI/status/1671475967871598597
Understanding foreign information manipulation & interference is crucial for diplomats.
Our Countering Foreign Interference project organised a training for young diplomats from the Western Balkans this week to discuss the threats posed by #FIMI.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1664199399050821637
RT @DelphineColard: Precious exchanges of views with @RTPNoticias @cnnportugal @JornalPoligrafo on the risks linked to #disinformation #fimi, in particular in electoral periods. Pluralistic media contribute to a strong democratic environment. Looking forward to continued cooperation.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_PT/status/1643645905663410177
✅ Important step today for our Countering Foreign Interference project!
Kick-off meeting gathered partners & experts to move forward the project's goal to strengthen EU capacities against #FIMI.
👉 More info: https://www.iss.europa.eu/projects/countering-foreign-interference
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1640735443007283203
Georgian 🇬🇪 local media outlets & CSOs @CharterEthics, @JournalismReso1 & @mdfgeo participated in this event to create cross-border synergies, unite efforts against #disinformation, map the needs of media community & raise public awareness on #FIMI.
#DontBeDeceived @EUvsDisinfo
RT @eu_eeas: Marking one year since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU gathered media communities from worldwide to Sarajevo 🇧🇦.
They tackled info. manipulatio…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinGeorgia/status/1633032205151662082
#disinformation #FIMI #DontBeDeceived
Wir freuen uns schon länger über das EU-geförderte 🇪🇺#EDMO und gratulieren allen deutschsprachigen Faktencheckern bei der neuen Experten-Plattform #GADMO 🇩🇪! (Auch EU-gefördert! 🇪🇺 🙌🏼) Vereint 🤝 im Kampf gegen #Desinformation und #FIMI #Faktencheck https://germany.representation.ec.europa.eu/news/kampf-gegen-desinformation-deutsche-beteiligung-neuen-experten-plattformen-2022-12-01_de
RT @AFPfaktencheck: #GADMO: Der größte Zusammenschluss von #Faktencheck-Teams und…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Bonn/status/1628740635019681792
#EDMO #GADMO #desinformation #FIMI #Faktencheck
RT @EU_Bonn: Wir freuen uns schon länger über das EU-geförderte 🇪🇺#EDMO und gratulieren allen deutschsprachigen Faktencheckern bei der neuen Experten-Plattform #GADMO 🇩🇪! (Auch EU-gefördert! 🇪🇺 🙌🏼) Vereint 🤝 im Kampf gegen #Desinformation und #FIMI #Faktencheck https://germany.representation.ec.europa.eu/news/kampf-gegen-desinformation-deutsche-beteiligung-neuen-experten-plattformen-2022-12-01_de
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinDE/status/1628741171420733440
#EDMO #GADMO #desinformation #FIMI #Faktencheck
Wie versuchen ausländische Kräfte, Informationen zu manipulieren & Demokratien zu destabilisieren?
Welcher Strategien bedienen sie sich? Wer sind ihre Ziele?
Was kann die EU 🇪🇺 dagegen tun?
Antworten dazu im Bericht des @eu_eeas #FIMI @EUvsDisinfo.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUKommWien/status/1626883154991513602
#EU とそのパートナーの、外国からの干渉や #情報操作 (#FIMI)に対する闘いに関する見解を述べている(英語)👇
RT @JosepBorrellF: We need to protect the EU and the wider world from Putin’s industry of lies.
The future of democracy depends on it.
My new blog post on the EU’s and our partners’ fight against foreign information manipulation interference (FIMI):
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinJapan/status/1624965519664111619
RT @EUvsDisinfo: As soon as @JosepBorrellF called out Russian #FIMI campaigns to undermine democracies, the Kremlin #disinformation machine sprung to action to deceive & manipulate, proving HRVP's point beyond any doubt. Read more on our #DisinfoReview & #DontBeDeceived
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Bonn/status/1623693169199132672
#FIMI #disinformation #DisinfoReview #DontBeDeceived
RT @EUvsDisinfo: As soon as @JosepBorrellF called out Russian #FIMI campaigns to undermine democracies, the Kremlin #disinformation machine sprung to action to deceive & manipulate, proving HRVP's point beyond any doubt. Read more on our #DisinfoReview & #DontBeDeceived
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1623618002351493120
#FIMI #disinformation #DisinfoReview #DontBeDeceived
Very interesting report from @eu_eeas on foreign information manipulation & interference threats.
Must-read for the #FIMI defender community for a better understanding of the threat & appropriate countermeasures.
👉 Read here: https://www.eeas.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/EEAS-DataTeam-ThreatReport-February2023-02.pdf
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1623626135874445312
RT @EUvsDisinfo: It's a wrap! Thanks for tuning in to #BeyondDisinfornation conference! Read our #FIMI report. Follow our work & #DontBeDeceived https://t.co/RXmRx73WfS
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Bonn/status/1623256000445792258
#BeyondDisinfornation #FIMI #DontBeDeceived
ボレル #EU 上級代表は7日、外国からの #情報操作 ・干渉(#FIMI)について#欧州対外行動庁 が初めてまとめた報告書を発表。
#ロシア が誤解・嘘・不安を作り上げ助長するネットワークやインフラを着実に構築、#中国 とも連携し、既存制度・機関への信頼を傷つけようとしていると指摘した
RT @eu_eeas: The evidence is clear: Russia has built networks and infrastructure to mislead, to lie and destabilise in an industrial manner. It also cooperates with China to erode trust in the institutions. Read more in the first EEAS report on FIMI threats.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinJapan/status/1623132102706307072
#EU #情報操作 #FIMI #欧州対外行動庁 #ロシア #中国