Dr. @MoniqueCalisti, NGI Outreach Office Director, is at the #FIWARESummit22. Take the opportunity to network with Dr. Monique & be informed on the NGI core values of supporting the #EU #tech #Innovation.
#opensource #OpenInnovation
@FIWARE @DigitalEU
#FIWAREsummit22 #EU #tech #innovation #OpenSource #openinnovation
#NGI4EU is at the #FIWARESummit22. Visit our booth & see how you can become a part of the NGI community & get your inclusive and trust-based #technology #innovation projects funded. http://www.ngi.eu
#opensource #IoT #SmartCity #Opendata #OpenInnovation @FIWARE @DigitalEU
#NGI4eu #FIWAREsummit22 #Technology #innovation #OpenSource #IoT #smartcity #opendata #openinnovation
NGI will be present at the two days world-class @FIWARE Global Summit, presenting the NGI funding opportunities and the NGI online community. For more information: https://www.ngi.eu/news/2022/08/30/ngi-at-the-fiware-global-summit-2022/
#NGI4EU #FIWARE #FIWAREsummit22 #OpenSource #SmartCities #innovation #SME
#NGI4eu #FIWARE #FIWAREsummit22 #OpenSource #smartcities #innovation #SME