Control in #Cybernetics always has to come from the outside or is exerted, not internally onto the elements that make the system but onto something else outside of the “control” system.
Even such brilliant thinkers as #FJ_Varela, one of the “fathers” of #autopoiesis could not escape this profoundly ingrained “cybernetic” assumption:
“#Autonomy means, literally, self-law. To see what this entails, it is easier to contrast it with its mirror image, #allonomy or external law. This is, of course, what we call #control. These two images, autonomy and control, do a continuous dance.”
Francisco J. Varela - Principles Of Biological Autonomy
#cybernetics #FJ_Varela #autopoiesis #autonomy #allonomy #control
#Autonomy - the assertion of the system’s #identity through its internal functioning and self-regulation.
#FJ_Varela - On Being Autonomous: The Lessons of Natural History for Systems Theory
Applied General Systems Research - 1978 - #GJ_Klir (ed.)
p. 77
#FJ_Varela #GJ_Klir #autonomy #identity